Friend got drugged, needs advice.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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A friend of mine did everything right, he read the chick's palm, completely wooed her, made out with her, got her number, she even wanted his number, but he said 'no I'll call you'. Then a few days later he got drugged while in the club and ran into her. She's not into drugs and sees it as a dodgy situation. He explained himself but she still finds it all a bit dodgy.

He is going to call her again. Should he say anything to make sure everything is good in the hood?

I figure he should just avoid the subject, but if she brings it up, tell her the truth: that he was drugged.

I'm here asking on his behalf what he should say. He thought he might mention that he was planning on going to Nepal next year to relax with some monks. I suppose he's trying to make the impression that he's down to earth and not some party animal.

Every time he's seen her he's been a fvcked off alcohol now incidentally MDMA which he was drugged with.

So he's trying to make a good impression, she doesn't trust it because he was drugged. Is there anything he can do to mend the situation or should he just trust that if she likes hims he will hang out with him and avoid the subject?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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Chamber36 said:
So he's trying to make a good impression
isn't that the real issue here? now he is trying hard and she smells it. plus his scheming (palmreading etc., basically all the PUA Stuff that is supposed to get him laid) is less effective once his credibility is in doubt, so he feels weak and she feels his weakness too.

how about this one?:
VIII. Say you’re sorry only when absolutely necessary


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Let's just be real here. Your "friend" is you, and you did not get "drugged". You did drugs. On purpose.

Now that that is out of the way. I would call/text her in about a week, and not even bring it up.

And stop doing drugs.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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cordoncordon said:
Let's just be real here. Your "friend" is you, and you did not get "drugged". You did drugs. On purpose.

Now that that is out of the way. I would call/text her in about a week, and not even bring it up.

And stop doing drugs.
lol :crackup:


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2012
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Chamber36 said:
A friend of mine did everything right, he read the chick's palm, completely wooed her, made out with her, got her number, she even wanted his number, but he said 'no I'll call you'. Then a few days later he got drugged while in the club and ran into her. She's not into drugs and sees it as a dodgy situation. He explained himself but she still finds it all a bit dodgy.
My friend has a really small, crooked penis and he's worried about what women will think about it. The past two times he got a girl naked, my friend couldn't even whip it out. Is there anything my friend can do to increase his size? Is there anything knowledge I can share from you to him? I'm here on my friend's behalf. Not my own. Just my friend's. I just really like helping people.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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gpshields3 said:
My friend has a really small, crooked penis and he's worried about what women will think about it. The past two times he got a girl naked, my friend couldn't even whip it out. Is there anything my friend can do to increase his size? Is there anything knowledge I can share from you to him? I'm here on my friend's behalf. Not my own. Just my friend's. I just really like helping people.
small and crooked? now that seems unusal ...

tell your "friend" to jerk off on a regular basis by using his other hand for firm upward strokes. that should set things straight (Pun intended) and increase length. if it doesnt work at least he could masturbate without the need to feel guilty about it.

another way could be to address it as "sexometer" and tell chicks it is specifically designed to measure the sexiness of a girl. the bigger it grows the more sexy she is. cant lose with that one. :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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I don't know how to read palms, and I've never done it. I have done drugs though and I'm not ashamed to say it. I am being honest that it was my friend and not me.

I actually quit doing drugs because last time I did drugs I got some pretty heavy tinnitus and now I still got some mild tinnitus, which caused me to even stop smoking cigarettes and weed.

And I used to smoke weed every day for about 6 years which I just quit 2-3 months ago.

TBH I think MDMA helps me to relate to chicks, just like cocaine makes me come across real alpha. Anyway I can't do drugs anymore because they make the ringing in my ears fire off like a siren.

The guy learned palm reading while he was in jail though, which he told the chick. So I guess his whole plan to make a good impression is failing terribly.

This is not me though, I had to study for an exam I had today. I am gonna go out tonight and hang with the guy though.

I've mentioned drugs on here before and I think some can be used therapeutically (like mushrooms). I haven't used drugs since I got tinnitus except the occasional joint, and I can count those occasions on one hand.

Point is though, my friend wanted some advice.

I guess flashpoint, the only one that bothered giving me advice for the sake of it, is right. I already told him to avoid the subject. I suppose he is trying to prove something to the girl, which means that it's probably doomed for failure. I'll let you guys know how he does.


Nov 2, 2011
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It's ok to do drugs, crack, extasy, weed, cocaine, heroin. You read it right, I said it's ok to do drugs. Just not ok to do them often, unless it's weed.

Just how the f'ck do you get drugged?

I think there aren't idiots out there that would share a $100 dime with anyone. You have to go half to get something. So saying that someone drugged you is stupid. It doesn't work on cops, and it won't work on women. By lying to her he didn't show her that he's a junky, he showed her that he's a lying shill. So lesson learned.

Next time when you do drugs in public do just a little bit so you can enjoy yourself and interact. Chasing the dragon is for home stayers.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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The guy said that someone gave him a drink and suddenly he started trippin on E. He then concluded that it was a bunch of guys that just wanted to watch him trip balls. He might be lying to me, for the sake of his congruency in case I run into those chicks to which he said he got drugged. I think he actually did get drugged tho. I've seen it happen before, only to a female. I think it's credible though because E is cheap and strong in holland, and the guy told me just the other day he didn't want to do drugs because last time he did htem he had a bad trip. Plus he was on the job when it happened. I doubt he would want to to drugs while working. So that's why he's trying to salvage his reputation.

For theory's sake, let's assume the story I wrote is true.

He wants to know how to recover from the situation. Like I said, I told him not to be apologetic, that would only worsen the situation. Told him to avoid the subject. So I guess we already know the answer.

He was thinking maybe he should do something extra "square"-like, or something down-to-earth, so that she doesn't get any crazy ideas. I figure this would just be trying too hard. But the guy should do whatever works for him. He likes the girl so he is going out of his way.

I suppose it might be a good idea for him to do mini-golf or something homely like that with the chick so she can get to know that side of him. If she is willing to go out with him now then that is a sign she has pretty decent feelings of attraction imho. We all know women follow their feelings.


Nov 2, 2011
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A. You drunk, you party, you have a good time, and next day when you run into a person who you didn't want to see you like that you tell her, yea baby, I've had some really good time yesterday, I'm not like that usually, but once in a while I love to let it go. Then on a question if you use drugs often, you can tell her, to be honest with you, I don't use drugs, some *******s decided to play a joke on me; or avoid the champ situation tell her no, not often, maybe once a year.

B. You drunk, and you tell her I wasn't drinking, some dudes got me drunk, I'm not usually like this.

You see the difference? In B you're an apologetic champ. Can you go to A after you chose B? Lesson learned!