Friend gets drunk and wants to ****.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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Originally posted by foomee
most women i know are very honry when they're drunk.
but yeah, she knew what she was doing.. usually girls just use alcohol and use that as an excuse to do whatever they're doing. like.. "oh, it's ok.. i was drunk"
So so true. Women would just say "Oh but I was drunk and had no clue what was going on"...Bu11****,a sober girls thoughts are a drunk girls actions. Im not saying that you should bang every drunk chick,you should know where you stand with them before sleeping with them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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Originally posted by PRMoon lemmie get this straight...the girl is all over you, tells you she broke up w/her boyfriend a few days back, then asks you to bed her and you turned it down because you were "focused on keeping the friendship"??:confused:

You know now that you mention it I've heard this before, but they were the words of a woman. Now you're trying to gain ground on something you passed up before, and this is good how? Now you actually have to WORK towards a goal that was delivered to you on a silver platter, yeah you're definately in a better situation now:confused:

Don't get me wrong I like a challange but I can't tell you in words how many restless nights I've had becasue of sex that I passed on. In fact I remember oportunities I missed more then the majority of the acts that I moved on. I don't understand why you didn't ask her friend about her b/f status if you thought the girl was too drunk, at least then you could of cleared the air.

Assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups.
Yes, at that moment I wanted to keep our relationship, the way I see it is that if I had ****ed her, it would probably be the last time I spoke to her. Things would simply get too akward for us. I was also thinking if I tease her but tell her I cant sleep with her the sexual tension will increase. From talking to her yesterday it seems to have worked.
Now that I know she is single, I feel more sexual desire for her so I want to ask her out. We get along great, I connect better with her than most girls I've met. Now that there's a sexual desire in the equation, I see her as a great girlfriend.
I always make the move for LTRs, sometimes they accept sometimes they dont, however girls have never initiated LTRs with me, or in most relationships I know of. I guess its because I'm hispanic and I've dated mostly hispanic girls which are more conservative than the average american girl. The man always asks the girl for exclusivity, the ball may be on her side of the court, but he regains it quickly if he is confident in his game.
My plan is I will ask her to be my girl, if she says yes great, if she says no I'll tell her a friendship between us wont work out and I wish her the best.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Originally posted by n00bPimp
Yes, at that moment I wanted to keep our relationship, the way I see it is that if I had ****ed her, it would probably be the last time I spoke to her. Things would simply get too akward for us.

Explain why this is. If she's really your friend and you don't rape her then you just shared a plesant experience. For me it's only akward when I make it so (which is sometimes intentional with some of the crazy ho's i've been with :D) I digress, there's no reason why you should be akward with a friend after the two of you have had drunken sex.

I was also thinking if I tease her but tell her I cant sleep with her the sexual tension will increase. From talking to her yesterday it seems to have worked.
Now that I know she is single, I feel more sexual desire for her so I want to ask her out. know this still translates into not being able to read emotions well and take advantage of situation but call it what you want. And how can there be more sexual tension then there was? She was trying to f*ck you, if there were more tension to begot do you really need it?

We get along great, I connect better with her than most girls I've met. Now that there's a sexual desire in the equation, I see her as a great girlfriend.
I always make the move for LTRs, sometimes they accept sometimes they dont, however girls have never initiated LTRs with me, or in most relationships I know of. I guess its because I'm hispanic and I've dated mostly hispanic girls which are more conservative than the average american girl. The man always asks the girl for exclusivity, the ball may be on her side of the court, but he regains it quickly if he is confident in his game.
My plan is I will ask her to be my girl, if she says yes great, if she says no I'll tell her a friendship between us wont work out and I wish her the best.

....So you've really had a thing for this girl for a while and you finally decided to make your move, you've got precognotions of her being a g/f and you mostly experience LTR's. That's nice best of luck.

What's all this crap about hispanic girls being more conservative then the average american girl? The average age of hispanics in america is 19 making it the youngset demogahic in the country. It didn't get that way by conservatism. Trust me on this one, vegas is flooded Latin Americans/Hispanics, they're no more conservative then anyboy else.(Damn i wish we had some more cubans though)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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It's really a moral judgement call, the thing is if a girl was attached to someone and she's out with me all drunk and stuff - I wonder how she would be with other guys if I was her boyfriend. Besides that you don't even know her sexual history or her sexual health that well - that why I'm assuming in your scenario you decided against it.

I think it was a good call but I would've avoided the whole "making out" ordeal as well too.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
Re: Re: Re: Friend gets drunk and wants to ****.

Originally posted by DJDamage

If the situation was that she was single and the guy was dating her then I say its fine. But a chick with a boyriend who is looking to cheat and create drama is something I don't need. You did the right thing noobPimp.


How can someone be single and dating at the same time? To me, single means not dating or seeing anyone at all—totally unattached.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by foomee
most women i know are very honry when they're drunk.
but yeah, she knew what she was doing.. usually girls just use alcohol and use that as an excuse to do whatever they're doing. like.. "oh, it's ok.. i was drunk"
i agree, most women do know what theyre doing when theyre drunk. IMO, for women that get's more of a truth syrum, since theyre so good at hiding their intentions anyway.

if you have good relations w/the girl, the worst thing to do is bed her when she's drunk. if you dont give a crap about what she is to you, bedding her when she's drunk wouldnt matter. However it all depends on your morals.

passing on offered sex can be the worst feeling in the world, i've been there and so have some of my friends. However IMO, there's good karma in passing sex thats with a friend. if they wanted you when they were drunk, they'll still want you when theyre sober....which honestly i can is worth it depending on the situation. The woman will respect/appreciate you more for not taking advantage of her when she was drunk. And the fact that when a woman knows you have self-restraint over sex, it indeed raises your value.

no one on this board can tell you what to do and what not to, or what you did was wrong or good. At the end of the day its just you and your conscious, and if you can live with your actions.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ScrewIt
i agree, most women do know what theyre doing when theyre drunk. IMO, for women that get's more of a truth syrum, since theyre so good at hiding their intentions anyway.

if you have good relations w/the girl, the worst thing to do is bed her when she's drunk. if you dont give a crap about what she is to you, bedding her when she's drunk wouldnt matter. However it all depends on your morals.

passing on offered sex can be the worst feeling in the world, i've been there and so have some of my friends. However IMO, there's good karma in passing sex thats with a friend. if they wanted you when they were drunk, they'll still want you when theyre sober....which honestly i can is worth it depending on the situation. The woman will respect/appreciate you more for not taking advantage of her when she was drunk. And the fact that when a woman knows you have self-restraint over sex, it indeed raises your value.

no one on this board can tell you what to do and what not to, or what you did was wrong or good. At the end of the day its just you and your conscious, and if you can live with your actions.
Wow man thanx, this is exactly what I have been thinking except I wasn't so sure about.

Edit: A question has popped into my head, should I clarify to her what was the real reason for me not to want to sleep with her? Or should I leave her wondering?
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Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
how bout letting her wonder, it ll give her a reason to think about you. what i noticed is a bit of oneitis, she tried to cheat on her bf and 3 days later u want a relationship with her... what happened to having options and making the woman work for the relationship??? what has she done to earn having a relationship with you...