Friend gets drunk and wants to ****.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
So last night I had a party b/c my folks are out of town. I invited a HB 7 which I used to be good friends with for many yers. After a year of not talking we've started to see each other again for the last month. However, she still has a b/f, although I never saw her in a sexual way. Last night she got very drunk and so did I. She kept hugging me and kissing me. When the party was over, she and her friend had to stay over to sleep because of a big snow storm.
I had two rooms available, so I told her friend to go to one and my friend to go to the other, but she told me she wanted to sleep with me on my bed! This wasnt the first time she mentioned this last night. But I knew she was too drunk to make those kinds of decisons, and I felt that it would be like taking advantage of her state. So I told her no its better that you sleep here. I do not regret my decision, and will likely do it again if the ocassion comes. But I'm wondering if this has happened to you guys or what would you guys have done if it happened to you. Thanx

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
I dunno man, I probably woulda slept with her. that's just me.

If I felt bad about taking advantage of her I probably would have taken her out to breakfast, and drove her home.

But when i'm drunk, the evil inside me creeps out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by n00bPimp
So last night I had a party b/c my folks are out of town. I invited a HB 7 which I used to be good friends with for many yers. After a year of not talking we've started to see each other again for the last month. However, she still has a b/f, although I never saw her in a sexual way. Last night she got very drunk and so did I. She kept hugging me and kissing me. When the party was over, she and her friend had to stay over to sleep because of a big snow storm.
I had two rooms available, so I told her friend to go to one and my friend to go to the other, but she told me she wanted to sleep with me on my bed! This wasnt the first time she mentioned this last night. But I knew she was too drunk to make those kinds of decisons, and I felt that it would be like taking advantage of her state. So I told her no its better that you sleep here. I do not regret my decision, and will likely do it again if the ocassion comes. But I'm wondering if this has happened to you guys or what would you guys have done if it happened to you. Thanx

lol, women, hell people in general, know what they are doing when they get drunk... as a matter of fact, I would venture to say that drinking is more of a truth syerum than anything else...

women get drunk so they can be taken advantage of, stop thinking of her or women in gerneral as these sweet delicate flowers that don't know what they are doing and that you are "protecting" them from the world.. she knew what she was doing from the moment she saw you and is probably wondering why you didn't take advantage of her


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
most women i know are very honry when they're drunk.
but yeah, she knew what she was doing.. usually girls just use alcohol and use that as an excuse to do whatever they're doing. like.. "oh, it's ok.. i was drunk"


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
that thing about women getting horny is so TRUE!!!

This one chick at a party i was at a while back took all her clothes off and start giving dudes *******s in the middle of the room...

It depends on the situation for me

1.If she's an HB8 and up and lust is in my eyes= i'd probably fVck
2.if she's hb7 and a friend=no she's in the wrong mind frame

taking advantage of drunk girls are against my morals if I'm not drunk:cool: If i'm just as plastered as her then game on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Friend gets drunk and wants to ****.

Originally posted by backbreaker
lol, women, hell people in general, know what they are doing when they get drunk... as a matter of fact, I would venture to say that drinking is more of a truth syerum than anything else...

women get drunk so they can be taken advantage of, stop thinking of her or women in gerneral as these sweet delicate flowers that don't know what they are doing and that you are "protecting" them from the world.. she knew what she was doing from the moment she saw you and is probably wondering why you didn't take advantage of her
I agree. However there are women who get drunk and wake up the following morning ashamed of what they did and then call their boyfriend that a dude raped her. Before you know it he got her crazy boyfriend ready to jump him with a baseball bat, not to mention his reputation will be tarnished (since she will cry to all her friends in town and they will all believe her while he becomes the outcast)

If the situation was that she was single and the guy was dating her then I say its fine. But a chick with a boyriend who is looking to cheat and create drama is something I don't need. You did the right thing noobPimp.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I'd do her in a jiffy.....


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
lol, women, hell people in general, know what they are doing when they get drunk... as a matter of fact, I would venture to say that drinking is more of a truth syerum than anything else...
women get drunk so they can be taken advantage of, stop thinking of her or women in gerneral as these sweet delicate flowers that don't know what they are doing and that you are "protecting" them from the world.. she knew what she was doing from the moment she saw you and is probably wondering why you didn't take advantage of her
I guess I was more focused on keeping her friendship than have drunk sex and probably regret it the next day. And you're right, the next day her friend told me the girl was wondering why I didnt want to sleep with her the night before. I think if anything this is a good thing. I found out now she broke up with her b/f 3 days ago (she told me this but i didnt believe her cuz she was too drunk) so I will ask her out tuesday when she comes to cook dinner for us.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by n00bPimp
I guess I was more focused on keeping her friendship than have drunk sex and probably regret it the next day. And you're right, the next day her friend told me the girl was wondering why I didnt want to sleep with her the night before. I think if anything this is a good thing. I found out now she broke up with her b/f 3 days ago (she told me this but i didnt believe her cuz she was too drunk) so I will ask her out tuesday when she comes to cook dinner for us.
Okay.. I have to play the DJ police and stop you and give you a warning...


I will repeat this incase you didn't just see the typing in bold letters


as a matter of fact..



A woman will make it known she wants to be in a relationship, you don't have to bring it up.. don't bring it up.. ever..

Spin more plates dude, game other women, if she wants a realationship, she will bring it up... but you got to take baby steps.

You treat her ex BF like they were freakin married dude.. you aren't aren't even old enough to drink, and you are worried about what her BF is doing and how he would think if she gave herself to you.. while he is probably out sarging other chicks as we speak

OMG, I just noticed something.. dude, you need to stop lying to yourself about what you want

I am going to quote you, verbatium what you said

In the first post you said, and I quote

"I guess I was more focused on keeping her friendship than have drunk sex and probably regret it the next day."

Then in the exact same freakin post, you say

"so I will ask her out tuesday when she comes to cook dinner for us."

WTF? Can I get a Rick James a la Dave Chapelle "Man I would never put my feet on on his couch who do you think I am.... yeah I remember putting my boots on his couch"

step away from her.. I don't want to say she is desperate, but to be totally honest.. it's not like you ar gaming the hell of this chick.. in fact you are stumbling to the finish line.. she doesn't lke you, she likes what you do for her at this state of her life.. she is the type of girl that will cheat on you in a month or so or get back with her ex.

Not because you suck, you just gotta make sure she is into you and not your sholder (to cry on)


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
backbreaker, your a prodigy to the new DJ lifestyle. You even have the writing skills. What brought you back?

Whatever, *tags thread*, Do DJ people play on strengths?

I do it as often as I can. I bring up what a girl used to do in highschool to describe situations. Examples are MASH, dollhouses, notebooks, I basically tease the hell out of em with what they MIGHT have done in the past. I tug on the string until her heart gushes all over me(SS:p)

So yeah, my really good question...

Women are women, men are men.

How do you reflect(mirror theory) a a females actions if she is 'one of the guys'?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Friend gets drunk and wants to ****.

Originally posted by backbreaker
lol, women, hell people in general, know what they are doing when they get drunk... as a matter of fact, I would venture to say that drinking is more of a truth syerum than anything else...

women get drunk so they can be taken advantage of, stop thinking of her or women in gerneral as these sweet delicate flowers that don't know what they are doing and that you are "protecting" them from the world.. she knew what she was doing from the moment she saw you and is probably wondering why you didn't take advantage of her
You beat me to the punch. I dont know about you, but whenever someone is drunk, they dont tell stuff that isnt true they infact are more truthful.

You want a straight answer on whether a girl likes you or not, you ask her when drunk. She wanted to have sex with you and her drinking accomplished 2 things.

1. It allowed her to get what she wants without being labeled a slut.

2. It also lets her **** you without having to worry what her friends think and such. Plenty of girls would have sex at the drop of the hat with a lot of guys, however sometimes they dont, becuase of the labels their friends put on them and what everyone else will think of them, and that it might be looked down upon.

So I am sorry to burst your bubble, but you are mature enough to make decisions when your drunk then so is she.

Let me give you an analogy. If you were drunk, would any amount of alcohol in the world make you want to have sex with a guy?......No, becuase its something you wouldnt have done sober. However sober you might think that a HB6 looked good enough to have a 1 night stand, but you might only tell your friends you would do a HB7, so you wouldnt risked being judged. However if you were drunk, you would **** the HB6, becuase you didnt care. No does that mean the HB6 took advantage of you? No it doesnt.

Now I am not saying she only wanted to sleep with you cause she was drunk and you were only a 6. But its a very close analogy.

Every guy in my opinion should draw the line at the point of where she can not form sentences or she begins to pass in and out. Because at that point she has no way to say no, and has no idea what is even happening. So I am not lacking in ethics, I just think people should stop acting like drunk girls are completely oblivious.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by ethnomethodologist
backbreaker, your a prodigy to the new DJ lifestyle. You even have the writing skills. What brought you back?

Whatever, *tags thread*, Do DJ people play on strengths?

I do it as often as I can. I bring up what a girl used to do in highschool to describe situations. Examples are MASH, dollhouses, notebooks, I basically tease the hell out of em with what they MIGHT have done in the past. I tug on the string until her heart gushes all over me(SS:p)

So yeah, my really good question...

Women are women, men are men.

How do you reflect(mirror theory) a a females actions if she is 'one of the guys'?
to be honest, I really don't understand the question.

However, I don't think I need to understand it to answer it.

This is what I do... Meeting women is more like a cat and mouse game, whereas alot of people treat it like russian rollulete... shooting their one shot in hopes the girl is interested enough to at leat give them their phone number.

The basis rule for meeting women, all women, women you know or don't know, is that they will make it known in one way or another that they are interested.

You dont' ahve to "look for a woman".. trust me, they know where you are, and women have a true sixth sense... the ablity to sniff out bull**** from men..

Hang around enough women, it never gets old... women look at everythnig.. **** you don't even notice.

One day I had on a jacket that was brown and this cream colored button down shirt under it and some blue jeans with some snake skinned boots that were light brown.. and this girl grabs my attention and over time she mentions how well cornated my outfit is, and she mentions my brown belt... I didnt' even know I had on a brown belt.. i asked how in the hell did she know the color of my belt if my shirt was covering it up, she said something along the lines of "women's intutation"

You think you are realllly pulling something with that ****y and Funny Routine? A woman worth her salt can sniff though that like a K9 looking for crack...some, that are very desperate, just don't give a ****.

C&F, only works when it's geniune... I'm naturally funny, I always have been able to make people laugh when I want to, however, I don't always want to.. I'm pretty laid back.. I'm not going to go into some damn routine to impress some cvnt that I don't even know.. I'm myself.

But I'm not ****y..I'm arrogant, or at least I've been described as that, but when you work to be the best person you should and can be, why not be a little on the arrogant side, because ONCE YOU GROW UP THERE ARE REAL LIFE WINNERS AND LOSERS, AND I AM A WINNER.. THIS ISN'T 4 YEAR OLD TEE BALL WHERE EVERYONE GETS AN AWARD FOR EFFORT

Anyway back to my point... Cat and mouse. A woman, rather you know it or not, will make it known if she is interested in me or not... it might be sutble, it might be overlty, the key is understanding these signs.

Once a woman shows me she is interested, then the real fun begins... I let her catch me looking into her eyes and make her break contact.. if she blushes you got her right then.. even if she doesn't, it's not a big deal, but if she blushes, she is sooo into you

Then I let her catch me check her out.. the rest of her

Once you get to this point.. you can speak baby talk for all she cares, your actions and her actions have already said what needed to be said. just don't make her feel like a slut, respect her and don't make a fool out of yourself, and the rest is pretty much a cakewalk

once you get to this point, you aren't asking a girl out, you are getting her info so you can catch up withher and take her out.. because, there is virtually no posiblity that she is going to say no, and if she does, she's a nutcase

Now granted, this is all in retrospect to how much time I have... if I reallly have time, I take my dear old time if I know she is interested, let the sexual tension build.. it took me 3 months, well not took, i waited 3 months to make a move on one girl, until she got so bad that she literarly dragged me into a bathroom (she was a waitress at a bar, I knew she wasn't going anywhere, so I took my time) and we made out while grinding.. all this came from no where

So with all that said... I don't go out looking for women.. I really don't. I dont' ahve to because they are always on the lookout for you.. THAT'S WHAT WOMEN DO.. THEY LOOK FOR MEN..

Men conquer worlds, women conquer men.

I can go to a club or to a bar and not meet a woman all night and It woudln't phase me one bit, happens all the time... But I know I get my fair share of opprotunities.. and i'm not afarid to approach anyone, I do it for fun everyonce in a while, even get shot down.. there is nothing a woman can possibly say to me that could discourage me.

To answer your original question, you shouldn't worry about a girl to the point where you have to come up with a "strategy" to get her... anytime you have to go so far as to "make her remember the things she did in the past".. she isn't interested.. attraction is something youc an't control.. you can build it, but you can't control it or cut it on, she's either attracted to you or she isn't, and no trick or routine isn't going to change that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Re: Re: Re: Friend gets drunk and wants to ****.

Originally posted by coolguy676767
You beat me to the punch. I dont know about you, but whenever someone is drunk, they dont tell stuff that isnt true they infact are more truthful.

You want a straight answer on whether a girl likes you or not, you ask her when drunk. She wanted to have sex with you and her drinking accomplished 2 things.

1. It allowed her to get what she wants without being labeled a slut.

2. It also lets her **** you without having to worry what her friends think and such. Plenty of girls would have sex at the drop of the hat with a lot of guys, however sometimes they dont, becuase of the labels their friends put on them and what everyone else will think of them, and that it might be looked down upon.

So I am sorry to burst your bubble, but you are mature enough to make decisions when your drunk then so is she.

Let me give you an analogy. If you were drunk, would any amount of alcohol in the world make you want to have sex with a guy?......No, becuase its something you wouldnt have done sober. However sober you might think that a HB6 looked good enough to have a 1 night stand, but you might only tell your friends you would do a HB7, so you wouldnt risked being judged. However if you were drunk, you would **** the HB6, becuase you didnt care. No does that mean the HB6 took advantage of you? No it doesnt.

Now I am not saying she only wanted to sleep with you cause she was drunk and you were only a 6. But its a very close analogy.

Every guy in my opinion should draw the line at the point of where she can not form sentences or she begins to pass in and out. Because at that point she has no way to say no, and has no idea what is even happening. So I am not lacking in ethics, I just think people should stop acting like drunk girls are completely oblivious.

so basically she has to get drunk to **** him :crackup:

just playing, you are dead on however, I am feelin the analogy about gay guys, because you could stick an IV with 100% proof vodka in my arm and I wouldn't be that drunk


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
HEHE, I can compare myself to a god now:D

in pooks 15 lessons(I'm amazed 8 months later I can still remember his words) he mentioned a solution to this problem. O)kay it wasn't pook, it was somebody elses take on putting the 15 lessons into practice.........

Well the person goes off to talk about sexuality, and patience. Being able to hold back, and have true female friends that are truly sexual. He talks about being able to 'sleep' with a woman.

Next time if you are not busy, tell her you'll be there later. Than go up and sleep with her.

Do you know this is a good technique? She'll egg up on herself to hit you up at a later time. If you can respect her drunk she'll be that much more willing when she is sober.

You go up to that room and you literally SLEEP with her. Do all the DJ tech's you want. The mood, the music, the lights, the words, and the motions. Keep the foreplay high, d!ckteze yourself, make her wet and wanting to jump your bone.

When the time comes to actually put it in though... you got one choice;) "I'm too tired, not tonight dear"

I've pulled it, field tested and approved. You never seen a drunk girl get so riled up about sex before man. She almost becomes a monster. She gets overblown with ecstasy.

Got's a question for anybody who understands though...
Once I pull this girl how could I call for a threesome if I was in n00bpimp's socks?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I have a theory on women.. I haven't met too many that haven't found other women attractive.

I've had 2 threesomes in my life.. one with my ex and another girl and another with this one girl and my best friend..

my ex it was easy as cake.. she is Bi.. I didn't have to convince her to do anything, there was this chick trying to hit on her and instead of getting mad I was like "****, let's do that ****".. my ex was down for it, the other girl was down for it.. did it a couple of times actually

I told someone that you get a woman to lick your toes and let you put a baseball bat in her ass as long as she didn't think she would be preceived as a slut. Same difference... Encorage when you see a hot woman.. like I would be looking at a woman passing bye and my ex would say "What are you looking at" and I would say "the same thing you are".. enough of these types of comments, and you will eventually notice SHE is the one looking at other women.. until she comes out and says "don't you think that woman over there is soo cute" or "what do you think about my friend so and so, would you do her?"

Women want to be freaks, we just have to let them be.. alot of these guys around here are so ready to settle down and get in relationships and ****, alot of women want to ****.. women are alot freakier than men could ever imagine


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Freaky? Man is that how you see all of em? You look at the girls like they're FREAKS???? How dare you?!?!


I'm stealing the game you noticed. Well it's old, but in a new context that WORKS:D
my ex would say "What are you looking at"
That is a deep concept. Of course woman are sexual, they embody sexuality in this day and age. Pulling off sexy is SOOOO easy for some girls. "I like to show off, did you see me on the dance floor?"

One of my biggest goals is to be able to pull threesomes out of my ass. I want to be able to make girls make out on video like I used to. My last vacation, everyday I slept with three different girls. I played the 'new guy' and asked questions that were so left field I seduced everybody. I'd pull stories and create legends out of nothing. When I came back home my life turned back into one great big ball of sh!t, I can't put any of the pain into the words I spit. I have mad social proof here though, and there are misconceptions made with nearly every glance, girls I sarge that I think are new going "hey I know you", and preconceptions being BLASTED away since I came to this site. Out of towners are almost HATED where I am from, I want to pull off the friendly, excited, funny out of towner routine on people again.

So basically what your saying is...

GWM again? You got some skills in it.

How do I apply it to two people? How can I grow my Awareness Radius to encompass two females(or more) and throw in sexuality and 'lone wolf' styles into my game?

Experimental mindsets? That is what I am looking for...:D


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by n00bPimp
I guess I was more focused on keeping her friendship than have drunk sex and probably regret it the next day. And you're right, the next day her friend told me the girl was wondering why I didnt want to sleep with her the night before. I think if anything this is a good thing. I found out now she broke up with her b/f 3 days ago (she told me this but i didnt believe her cuz she was too drunk) so I will ask her out tuesday when she comes to cook dinner for us. lemmie get this straight...the girl is all over you, tells you she broke up w/her boyfriend a few days back, then asks you to bed her and you turned it down because you were "focused on keeping the friendship"??:confused:

You know now that you mention it I've heard this before, but they were the words of a woman. Now you're trying to gain ground on something you passed up before, and this is good how? Now you actually have to WORK towards a goal that was delivered to you on a silver platter, yeah you're definately in a better situation now:confused:

Don't get me wrong I like a challange but I can't tell you in words how many restless nights I've had becasue of sex that I passed on. In fact I remember oportunities I missed more then the majority of the acts that I moved on. I don't understand why you didn't ask her friend about her b/f status if you thought the girl was too drunk, at least then you could of cleared the air.

Assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit Rock City
I hate to be Danny Downer, but I'll do it anyway:

I've seen WAAYYYY too many good men brought to the point of near nervous breakdowns and many good reputations ruined because "she was drunk and horny, and wanted me bad....LAST night."

If you even have a question in your mind whether or not she's being true when she says she wants to have sex with you, while drunk, then leave it be.

Yeah, she's making a decision and should be mature and take responsibility for it, but (at least in the US) the law gives her a way out the next morning if she claims she doesn't remember what happened and claims she was too drunk to consent.

Even if the charges never hold up, do you want to be the guy people remember as being investigated for date rape? Or do you want to be the guy that has to spend hours answering questions at a police station, jerking off into a cup to do a semen analysis, and having your life put on hold for an investigation?

You might regret missing an F-Close, but there will be more in the future if you're a true DJ.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Cheat_LBJ
I hate to be Danny Downer, but I'll do it anyway:

I've seen WAAYYYY too many good men brought to the point of near nervous breakdowns and many good reputations ruined because "she was drunk and horny, and wanted me bad....LAST night."

If you even have a question in your mind whether or not she's being true when she says she wants to have sex with you, while drunk, then leave it be.

Yeah, she's making a decision and should be mature and take responsibility for it, but (at least in the US) the law gives her a way out the next morning if she claims she doesn't remember what happened and claims she was too drunk to consent.

Even if the charges never hold up, do you want to be the guy people remember as being investigated for date rape? Or do you want to be the guy that has to spend hours answering questions at a police station, jerking off into a cup to do a semen analysis, and having your life put on hold for an investigation?

You might regret missing an F-Close, but there will be more in the future if you're a true DJ.

You only live once.. if I was worried about every girl I ****ed crying date rape, I might as well walk around with gloves and a mask on for fear of dying of ebola

Plus, girls that cry "date rape" you can pretty much spot out.. there is a difference between a girl letting herself get drunk so she can be "taken advantage of" and a difference with a girl having emotional baggage.. I have seen both, I can honeslty say I only regret one girl I have ever ****ed.. she was a freakin headcase.

Also, you have to be able to prove Date Rape... one thing I always do, ALWAYS, is when a girl comes back to my place, which honestly isnt' all that often, I usualy don't **** when I first meet someone, but it happens from time to time, is I make them drive their own car by themselves with me not in it


If you can get them to call for directions, that's even better

anyway, I think the first poster realizes the error in his ways, so I will let that be, just learn from our old mistakes and pains, and whatever you do, my gosh don't ask her out.. you own it to yourself to **** this girl.. YOU OWE IT TO SOSUAVE TO **** HER


Speaking of teams...

Yeah, pretty much, i look at all women as freaks, because they are... now, some are freakier than others, but all are freaks.. all are women I can relate to on a sexual level .. why would I want to relate to them differently?

I mean, I'm a nice guy in the sense that I give a damn about people, but I don't give a **** in reality how "great of a person you are" or how "super cool you are" or how "great of a friend" she is... does she look good? Does she have too mcuh baggage to the point to were she isn't ****able? Can she give a good hummer? if I can get a Yes no yes, than we can talk.

I used to give a damn.. my old oneitis, used to literarly call me, like clock work, at 11:05pm every night, right after law and order when off (she got me hooked on that show), and time for her to brush her teeth and change into her bedtime clothes, would get in bed, call me, talk for 45mins-1 hour, and fall to sleep on the phone, Mon-Sunday night with the exclusion of maybe a friday or a saturday, where she would call me after she got done ****ing her BF

and i was stupid enough to let her, that's why I don't even blame her.. a woman is going to do whatever she can get away with, she isn't going to make you be a man, you have to do that on your own.

Now? As many women phone numbers as I have.. I might talk on the phone 30 mins-45 mins a week.. I have the cheapest phone plan ever and I don't come close to using all my mintues.. I don't like talking on the phone, I would rather be making money or if I want some company, talking to women in person.

The point isn't that women don't make good friends.. they don't, but that's not the subject.. the point is, you should be busy to the point in your life, that if you actually have time to have your regular male friends, and the time to entertain your female friends, which wil always take mre time because females are high matinance, than you aren't living life the way it should be lived

When I had a GF, I barely had enough time for her and my friends.. hell now, I barely have enough time to do the things I have and want to do now.. I catch myself having to make myself eat before I forget, and you want me to spend hours a week talking to a woman I supposely have no sexual interest in?

Even if I was single and had no women, that's time I could be reading, spending in the gym, learnign how to make money, etc

I have a saying.. you can't offend a freak by anything you possibly do.. all it will do is turn her own more... you have freaks, than you have, FREAKS.. the married woman that i used to mess around with and pulled me into a bathroom stall and grineded on me while we made out, out of the blue, was a FREAK..

The more I pushed the evenlope, the more she loved it, the more she couldn't stop seeing me.. I was like a drug to her. for a month straight, she was at my house every night until i had a talk with her and was like "look babe, I mean, I like kicking it with you too, but I mean.. you are married and I have other this going on in my life, this has to slow down, I can't be ****ing you every night... don't get me wrong, I have had worse problems, but this is a problem nevertheless"

One day she got soo bold as she had me invite a girl I was talking to besides her on a double date with her husband, and she sat next to me, hand on my **** the entire time with her husband sitting 2 feet away.

My EX liked to do things, but I knew there were certain things I couldn't do with her or she would get offended, even though she was my GF

My old oneitis talks a good game, but can't back it up to save her life.

See, alot of guys want to be able to **** all the women in the world.. that's not possible, and even if it was, you would die from every diesease known to man kind, plus some women you don't want to ****... when you are on top of your game you have options..

but you can **** WITH all the women and that's always my goal..

In other words, I can get you do **** I want you to do, rather it be talk to me, talk to my best friend, hook me up wtih your fine ass friend, whatever the case may be. And that's not hard, no gaming involoved, jsut be a freakin man.. women love men, they really do