Be very careful on the advice you follow... 99% of the advice people have posted are from DJs not husbands...
Your relationship sounds very similar to what happened to me right before i got divorced...! I was married for 2 years. I also neglected my wife due to hobbies, work and friends etc... The fact that your woman is doing this 5 months in the marriage is not good at all.. There is a way to turn things around... It requires a bit of work and attitude change in your part...!
1... You have to establish yourself as the "HEAD OF THE FAMILY"
you have to become the man!.. be stern but not abusive... avoid fights at all costs... She will seek her friend if she feels abused. Be the cool dude you once were... If you smell a fight, leave, go work out etc... Relive the stress elsewhere..
2... Be careful about nagging for attention.. She will consider this as a sign of weakness. DO NOT BECOME A CONTROL FREAK...! Winning your wife back from a girlfriend is going to take time! Don't rush it..... But it can be done...
3. Do not make your wife feel insecure... This will be another excuse to run to her friend and talk about how your having an affair etc... When you go out with the guys be really careful what you say and do... Remember you are married! Don't do anything stupid... Do go out with your friends though... You have to show her that you also have friends and a life... Go out with your buds only if she is out with hers etc.... Be careful of these games though... Do exactly what she does... she goes out, you go out... She stays home, you stay home etc... Reward her behavior by taking her out to dinner etc. Cleaning the house or give her a good long Fvck!
4. become spontaneous.... Take her on an exotic vacation, somewhere romantic... Remember you and her are supposed to be best friends! Become fun again..!
5. learn to communicate.... talk and most important "listen"....
6. learn to control your emotions...
7. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART...... "Protect Yourself".... This means both emotionally and financially... Save money, un-used credit card on a separate bank account she doesn’t know.... This is for a rainy day, or emergency if you know what i mean..? If things get going from bad to worse then you have to move fast... The person that acts first comes out ahead... Remember in a divorce you both lose… There isn’t winner.. Don't think of a divorce though... I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy.... If it does move that way though, you have to act first... Do not consider this unless there was infidelity involved from either party... They way i feel, if there wasn't any infidelity involved then you can fix any problem...
Don't give up.... If you love her you will fight to stay and so will she. If things doesn't work, you at least had followed my advice to cover your @ss and you will have a good conscious knowing you did all you could.. You will soon start a new relationship and had learned from your mistakes...
Good luck… and be prepared for a ride…
P.S winning your wife back from a girlfriend is easy... Just become the "MAN"... If her girlfriend is a single mom, she will get tired of your wife bragging about how awesome, considerate you are. Her friend will soon get tired of all that mushy crap because of jealousy of being a looser that she will look for a new friend that she can hate guys with...