Fresh from Fresh & Fit got someone pregnant, leaked texts and audio. Fvcking moron

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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If she wasn’t an escort, would he be “the man”?

Would everyone be OK with it?
Certainly not “the man”. I do not think fondly of any red-pill gurus despite being made aware of red-pill and black-pill truths long before I got on the Internet in the early 90’s as a thirteen year old.

I’ll consider him A man if he raises his kid properly provided he has one. I’ll still see him as yet another red-pill gynocentrist either way.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Certainly not “the man”. I do not think fondly of any red-pill gurus despite being made aware of red-pill and black-pill truths long before I got on the Internet in the early 90’s as a thirteen year old.

I’ll consider him A man if he raises his kid properly provided he has one. I’ll still see him as yet another red-pill gynocentrist either way.
As someone who was 8-9 during The Early 90s, I'm curious: Who was imparting such knowledge to men back then?

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
As someone who was 8-9 during The Early 90s, I'm curious: Who was imparting such knowledge to men back then?
I do not recall any, but I quickly learned what young, feral females were about. I am a late Gen Xer or early millennial, depending on what year the cutoff between the two generations is considered. I think the term Xilennial is fitting considering I am technically a Gen Xer I could not have partaken in Gen X subcultures that I had interest in.

Anyway, I grew up in the latchkey-kid era in one of the boroughs of NYC, a place and era of unsupervised homes. And typical of fatherless homes and air-headed and permissive boomers, there was no shortage of young scumbags and early-sexualized girls around.

So I didn't need gurus around to realize what was so obvious, though I was not introduced to their jargon yet.
1. Monkey branching, rotating polyandry.
2. Alpha widowing.
3. Female masochism.
4. The feral female's lust for violent men, low lives, clowns, and boys from well-heeled families (status).
5. The invisibility of ordinary boys and young men, even if alright looking and put together.

Because I was an actually nice kid, what I noticed was at first confusing. But eventually it set in. Who helped me particularly was a therapist I started seeing at 17 years old to deal with my depression and broken home. This guy confirmed the brutal truth about life to me, including female sexuality. I remember seeing him in '96 and describing a night I stayed over a former friend's house, on which he beat his girlfriend in his room as I tried to get to sleep in another room. It was not BD SM play or sexual rough-housing as they were screaming and she was crying. I wondered out loud to him why I did could not seem to get female attention while this guy could while being an abuser. He responded, "Oh, it's thrilling," and then rattled off black-pilling instances similar to that one without mentioning other patients' information. He was seriously anti-feminist and politically incorrect.

I will be honest on this board. I recall my seething envy in my teenaged years developed from being unable to socially compete against scumbags, drug dealers, and rich boys. Where I grew up there was enormous socioeconomic diversity in just one school and borough. No one gave a crap about athletic Chads as there were none. And I was not going to out-alpha or "do the work" to out work the people who monopolized the more attractive women (scumbags and rich boys). I also grew up with many girls and young women who were downright nasty. And I don't mean nasty like, "Haha, bro, are you mad they didn't go on dates with you?" I mean, literally mean females, some who admitted to me their older ways in our adulthood.

I did get attraction from some women after high school, and actually fooled around with and dated a woman from my high school who I thought didn't know I existed.

I don't want to come across like some learned elder, but when I meet other people who were red-pilled recently, even some guys closer to my age, I think to myself, "You just learned that (likely from Rollo)?" I also did not mean to derail the thread, but your question sparked some memories. Mods: I'll discontinue this sort of off-topic talk and take it elsewhere if I should.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I am a late Gen Xer or early millennial, depending on what year the cutoff between the two generations is considered. I think the term Xilennial is fitting considering I am technically a Gen Xer I could not have partaken in Gen X subcultures that I had interest in.
A birth year of 1978 would be Generation X by definition. It's the tail end of Generation X so someone born in 1978 doesn't feel like they have a lot in common with the main stereotypes of Generation X, which were more associated with the late 1960s/early 1970s births.

The Millennial generation starts either at 1981 (Pew Research definition) or 1982 (Neil Howe & William Strauss as leading generation theorists). Millennials were originally called Generation Y but the Generation Y has fallen out of favor as compared to the term Millennials. The Pew definition seems to be more popular than the Strauss and Howe definition.

I'm considered an early Millennial by either definition with a 1983 birth year. I have felt like I've had a very Gen Y/Millennial experience.

I recall my seething envy in my teenaged years developed from being unable to socially compete against scumbags, drug dealers, and rich boys. Where I grew up there was enormous socioeconomic diversity in just one school and borough. No one gave a crap about athletic Chads as there were none.
In both high school and college (late 1990s-early 2000s), I recall competing against scumbags, rich boys, and athlete 'Chads'. Athletic 'Chads' were a big deal at my "Hot Girl U" large public university. The 'Chad' stereotype was definitely a thing at my university at the time, even though the term 'Chad' was not that popular in the early 2000s.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
I do not recall any, but I quickly learned what young, feral females were about. I am a late Gen Xer or early millennial, depending on what year the cutoff between the two generations is considered. I think the term Xilennial is fitting considering I am technically a Gen Xer I could not have partaken in Gen X subcultures that I had interest in.

Anyway, I grew up in the latchkey-kid era in one of the boroughs of NYC, a place and era of unsupervised homes. And typical of fatherless homes and air-headed and permissive boomers, there was no shortage of young scumbags and early-sexualized girls around.

So I didn't need gurus around to realize what was so obvious, though I was not introduced to their jargon yet.
1. Monkey branching, rotating polyandry.
2. Alpha widowing.
3. Female masochism.
4. The feral female's lust for violent men, low lives, clowns, and boys from well-heeled families (status).
5. The invisibility of ordinary boys and young men, even if alright looking and put together.

Because I was an actually nice kid, what I noticed was at first confusing. But eventually it set in. Who helped me particularly was a therapist I started seeing at 17 years old to deal with my depression and broken home. This guy confirmed the brutal truth about life to me, including female sexuality. I remember seeing him in '96 and describing a night I stayed over a former friend's house, on which he beat his girlfriend in his room as I tried to get to sleep in another room. It was not BD SM play or sexual rough-housing as they were screaming and she was crying. I wondered out loud to him why I did could not seem to get female attention while this guy could while being an abuser. He responded, "Oh, it's thrilling," and then rattled off black-pilling instances similar to that one without mentioning other patients' information. He was seriously anti-feminist and politically incorrect.

I will be honest on this board. I recall my seething envy in my teenaged years developed from being unable to socially compete against scumbags, drug dealers, and rich boys. Where I grew up there was enormous socioeconomic diversity in just one school and borough. No one gave a crap about athletic Chads as there were none. And I was not going to out-alpha or "do the work" to out work the people who monopolized the more attractive women (scumbags and rich boys). I also grew up with many girls and young women who were downright nasty. And I don't mean nasty like, "Haha, bro, are you mad they didn't go on dates with you?" I mean, literally mean females, some who admitted to me their older ways in our adulthood.

I did get attraction from some women after high school, and actually fooled around with and dated a woman from my high school who I thought didn't know I existed.

I don't want to come across like some learned elder, but when I meet other people who were red-pilled recently, even some guys closer to my age, I think to myself, "You just learned that (likely from Rollo)?" I also did not mean to derail the thread, but your question sparked some memories. Mods: I'll discontinue this sort of off-topic talk and take it elsewhere if I should.
"I don't want to come across like some learned elder, but when I meet other people who were red-pilled recently, even some guys closer to my age, I think to myself, "You just learned that (likely from Rollo)?"

Not surprising; Most human beings rarely read books, magazines, or even full-length articles on websites, ergo very few men would have been exposed to John Alexander et al's writing in Maxim, FHM, and the like, in days where the internet had yet to become ubiquitous. Nor would they have encountered pre-16, non-Woke Askmen during it's heyday, when all of this that's been labelled "Red Pill Knowledge" was regularly and openly being discussed

Those who rely solely on TV and YT videos for their intell inevitably end up ignorant


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
A birth year of 1978 would be Generation X by definition. It's the tail end of Generation X so someone born in 1978 doesn't feel like they have a lot in common with the main stereotypes of Generation X, which were more associated with the late 1960s/early 1970s births.

The Millennial generation starts either at 1981 (Pew Research definition) or 1982 (Neil Howe & William Strauss as leading generation theorists). Millennials were originally called Generation Y but the Generation Y has fallen out of favor as compared to the term Millennials. The Pew definition seems to be more popular than the Strauss and Howe definition.

I'm considered an early Millennial by either definition with a 1983 birth year. I have felt like I've had a very Gen Y/Millennial experience.

In both high school and college (late 1990s-early 2000s), I recall competing against scumbags, rich boys, and athlete 'Chads'. Athletic 'Chads' were a big deal at my "Hot Girl U" large public university. The 'Chad' stereotype was definitely a thing at my university at the time, even though the term 'Chad' was not that popular in the early 2000s.
Given that terms such as Gen X, Z, Millennial are arbitrary and constructed out of whole cloth, by academics who are desperate to appear as if they're enriching our species in some way, this raises a question that's not asked nearly enough... Why the hell do we take these categorizations any more seriously than we take patent nonsense like horoscopes?

"In both high school and college (late 1990s-early 2000s), I recall competing against scumbags, rich boys, and athlete 'Chads'. Athletic 'Chads' were a big deal at my "Hot Girl U" large public university. The 'Chad' stereotype was definitely a thing at my university at the time, even though the term 'Chad' was not that popular in the early 2000s"

Yeah. None of these "problems" men face today are new, but life WAS much simpler when we articulated our thoughts in Plain Language, such as: "If a broad has to choose between a yutz like Demetri here

And a bone-head who's beaten the piss out of a few dozen scrawny 17 year olds in The Youngstown Karate Finals, she's going to drop trow and ride that clod of a kareteka's joy stick, like Doomsday is impending. Fortunately, our choices aren't polarized between being The Bully and The Twit. A third option is available to each man"


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
In both high school and college (late 1990s-early 2000s), I recall competing against scumbags, rich boys, and athlete 'Chads'. Athletic 'Chads' were a big deal at my "Hot Girl U" large public university. The 'Chad' stereotype was definitely a thing at my university at the time, even though the term 'Chad' was not that popular in the early 2000s.
Same here but add pretty boys to the picture

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Given that terms such as Gen X, Z, Millennial are arbitrary and constructed out of whole cloth, by academics who are desperate to appear as if they're enriching our species in some way, this raises a question that's not asked nearly enough... Why the hell do we take these categorizations any more seriously than we take patent nonsense like horoscopes?
Because the culture and events of these times have serious consequences.
None of these "problems" men face today are new,
Actually it is new considering having women, a wife a f family, was an option for most men up until the 1980s.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Actually it is new considering having women, a wife a f family, was an option for most men up until the 1980s.
Your wife could still cheat on you though or be a 304 to whatever the hot slice of bread is in town before marriage? The biggest difference is that we aren't forced to marry these women anymore due to society pressures or survivorship. In our grandparents/great grandparents, Fresh would have had to marry this street rat he got pregnant without zero choice. There's no way he could have proved it wasn't his either.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Your wife could still cheat on you though or be a 304 to whatever the hot slice of bread is in town before marriage?
I do not understand your question.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
I do not understand your question.
What I am trying to convey is that hypergamy was around and arguably worse back then because you were forced to be married to a 304 or cheating wife. Now, Hypergamy is more upfront, and you have the choice of dating/impregnating a 304 or just walking away. At worst you pay alimony/child support vs being stuck with this witch for life.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
What I am trying to convey is that hypergamy was around and arguably worse back then because you were forced to be married to a 304 or cheating wife
Do you have stats on adultery going back 70 years ago or farther?
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Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
Because the culture and events of these times have serious consequences.
Actually it is new considering having women, a wife a f family, was an option for most men up until the 1980s.
Yeah; today's sensitive Millenial/Gen Z snowflakes are nauseatingly weak, in comparison to the robust 40somethings and older of The 2000s, who were triggered/traumatized each time they heard the term "French Fries" used instead of "Freedom Fries"

And those super-patriots of The 2000s were themselves complete and utter p-ssies in comparison the tough-as-nails grown ups of The 80s, who were fervently committed to slapping Parental Advisory labels on records and Viewer Discretion Is Advised warnings on network TV shows

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Yeah; today's sensitive Millenial/Gen Z snowflakes are nauseatingly weak, in comparison to the robust 40somethings and older of The 2000s, who were triggered/traumatized each time they heard the term "French Fries" used instead of "Freedom Fries"

And those super-patriots of The 2000s were themselves complete and utter p-ssies in comparison the tough-as-nails grown ups of The 80s, who were fervently committed to slapping Parental Advisory labels on records and Viewer Discretion Is Advised warnings on network TV shows
I do it understand this post.

What I do know is the sexual market is dramatically different than that of the 80’s and 90’s. And I do believe many boomers and Gen Xers who had women would be incels today.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Yeah; today's sensitive Millenial/Gen Z snowflakes are nauseatingly weak
This one statement I understand. I don’t understand the rest. However I will not excessively bash Gen Z or Millenials.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
I do it understand this post.

What I do know is the sexual market is dramatically different than that of the 80’s and 90’s. And I do believe many boomers and Gen Xers who had women would be incels today.
Yeah... Those boomers and Gen Xers you speak of would today be spending most of their waking hours gorging themselves on Alt Media and Manosphere content, regurgitating everything they hear like automatons, then grousing over how awful their lives are

That's what's changed. Today's content creators are the heirs to the talk radio hosts and 24 hour cable news channels which destroyed the minds and ruined the lives of our forefathers

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Those boomers and Gen Xers you speak of would today be spending most of their waking hours gorging themselves on Alt Media and Manosphere content, regurgitating everything they hear like automatons, then grousing over how awful their lives are
And why would they be doing that instead of having women? I know why. I think you do too.

I cannot tell if you are being sarcastic considering you seem to be compelled to sarcasm and contrarianism, which is partly why I cannot understand your posts. And I’m seriously not saying this for e-beef. It seems there is a kicker or punchline to nearly all posts.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
"And why would they be doing that instead of having women?"

Same reason most of us concoct excuses for remaining sedentary and living off of Little Debbie's when, intellectually, we're deeply aware that it'd be much healthier to be out in the sun getting physical exercise and cooking a nutritious meal. The former is easy, the latter requires concentrated effort

Insofar as contrarianism goes: The dating market today IS competitive, I believe all of us here would agree. Lots of luck to those who believe it's going to get any easier in the near future


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
What a dummy. Who is dumb enough to raw dawg an escort continuously, move her in, then get her pregnant? These clowns are remedial.
The fact of the matter is the little black gremlin and the turtle who host the fresh n fit podcast don't practice what they preach. The reason being, this is new to them. Before the Youtube fame, they were average guys. So, they are attracting a lot of beautiful females and cannot handle themselves. Gremlin uses his peepee to make decisions, not his brain.

It could be an act too. His "attorney", James Sexton, is only able to practice in New York. He's not admitted in Flordia. This whole thing can be BS.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
Reaction score
The fact of the matter is the little black gremlin and the turtle who host the fresh n fit podcast don't practice what they preach. The reason being, this is new to them. Before the Youtube fame, they were average guys. So, they are attracting a lot of beautiful females and cannot handle themselves. Gremlin uses his peepee to make decisions, not his brain.

It could be an act too. His "attorney", James Sexton, is only able to practice in New York. He's not admitted in Flordia. This whole thing can be BS.
"His "attorney", James Sexton, is only able to practice in New York. He's not admitted in Flordia. This whole thing can be BS"

You believe they'd be desperate enough to manufacture such a melodrama, just for the sake of attracting viewers?