FR: Whenever I ****block Black Dudes, They Think I'm a Triad...


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
And you know what? They might not be too far off the mark, LOL.

Well, Alumnus and fellow jet-setter Sexual Chocolate (the tall black dude in the YouTube video) came down to Dallas and we headed out that night (me with literally ZERO sleep). I was feeling pretty gangsta and ended up ****blocking quite a few people including some local Dallas PUAs quite by accident.

Be as it may, and SC was there, I ended up ****blocking two different sets of big black guys. One was a four set with two black guys and two white girls. I occupied the the black dudes while SC gamed them and then they watched the two of us turn around and spit Game at some girls just two steps away.

Something must have clicked in their head when we said we had just arrived back from California because I swear they thought I was part of the Triad or some Asian gangster mafia. One of them handed me his card and wanted to see if I could move ten kilos of cocaine.

First of all, even if I was a gangster, no way would it be worth my time to transport a mere ten kilos. But I digress and shall steer away from reliving the misadventures of youth...

But this wasn't the FIRST time it happened either. I think it just clicked in my head with SC around that it had happened before- not ONCE, but TWICE- in California.

At one point, we were back at Mel's Dinner- who's infamy is enshrined in the Project Hollywood days- and I sent my students to run mixed sets. Again, one set was with two black guys and two white girls.

The students got blown out and the dudes were pretty irate. I went in and was met with immediate hostility but I quickly defused it. They essentially loved me, but were quite a bit in awe of what was happening as I directed my battalion of Asian minions before me to- quite simply- ****block and steal anything and anyone that had breasts above an A and was below the age of 60.

Later outside, I didn't have a lighter for my cigarette and the white girl REFUSED to light me up. At that point, her boyfriend said, "Stupid *****! Don't you know WHO/WHAT he is?" and quickly lit my cigarette for me.

And even earlier that night at the Standard on Sunset Blvd, I ****block-befriended another two set of black guys and their girls in order for the student to try and iso-conversate with one of the girls. This time, the guys decided to befriend me and call me up later to see if I could provide them with a few grand worth of "party favors" at some Hollywood Hills after party.

Ah good times are had in sunny Los Angeles, how I miss your pretentious, smog infested, tanorexic ways!


P.S. Oh, and that second set of black dudes from Dallas? There were four big black dudes on the dance floor freaking and gangbanging this tall white girl that I had attempted to extract within 30 minutes of meeting her in front of the restroom.

I grabbed her and proceeded to bodyblock all four black guys out. And then I actually bodyblocked Sexual Chocolate out just for good measure at which point her girlfriend came in, pulled her away and threw her back onto the dancefloor and into their grinding pelvises as if her girlfriend's ass was on fire...

Hmmm, maybe I really AM a Triad gangster?

P.S.S. Finally, that card of the dude who wanted me to move a few kilos of coke? Apparently he's bank manager out here! Well I guess we know what he'll be using those $100 Benjamins for!

i am me

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
u make ****blocking out to be some kinda sport or somethin lol. dunno why u enjoy it so much...but hey, cant hate on ur game, seems like ur doin well...

wut do u look like? probably has somethin to do wit people thinkin ur a triad

EDIT: nevermind, i looked at ur website there...maybe its cus asian guys usually arent seen as super confident dudes. u must be walkin into those clubs lookin like a straight g hahah


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
There's always the a payment plan. And, after teaching for 1.5 years, I've finally started working on an actual workbook with assignments, exercises, homework, etc. as well as some other really kewl **** in the near future.

Of course, because of that, the tuition WILL go up correspondingly.

Otherwise, stay tuned to my blog as there's always 500+ posts worth of FREE INFO!

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
hmm interesting. i don't think you look like a gangster? Maybe its these guys own ignorance, then again coming up as a black man, I don't remember too many asian men who had your confidence. Do ya thing playboy.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
A "mere" ten kilos huh?

I would advise you to stay away from the dope game, that's the kind of attitude that leaves people face down in their own blood.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
AsianPlayboy said:
There's always the a payment plan. And, after teaching for 1.5 years, I've finally started working on an actual workbook with assignments, exercises, homework, etc. as well as some other really kewl **** in the near future.

Of course, because of that, the tuition WILL go up correspondingly.

Otherwise, stay tuned to my blog as there's always 500+ posts worth of FREE INFO!
Oh boy 1.5 years!!!!! you must get laid like once a month or something right???????

You even outwitted black guys? Wow thats crazy. You must be some super pimp. I mean black guys have huge penises.

Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to afford your homework and get to be able to block out black guys from sets with white girls too...

For ****s sake you racist moron let me know when you can hold your own with a set and not have to title a thread about what ethnicity the guys you were competing against were. Fvcken ridiculous. I'd personally punch you in the face if you acted like that around me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Honestly this would be funny if it wasn't for the sublminal racism :rolleyes:
CB/Amoging are just "Ego" boosters to me, unless you really going after a chick then yeah, but utlizing tecqniues like that is simple for kicks, I remember when I use to write Fr's like these,*sigh* did i sound like that? uggh

Don Israel

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal, CA
The reason why they think he's a triad member is because :

asians in 'the hood' are known for their non-reactive frame, meaning if an african-american dude happens to game and get some chick that the asian dude was just gaming a while ago, he usually lets it slide since most asians view it as a confidence and abundance statement.

He lets it pass because he's thinking '**** this girl, i'll get another one - you can have her'. So when an asian actually amogs, african -americans come to the conclusion that THEY ( the amogging asians) must have clout - meaning ,they are triad.

Of course, this does not apply to all asians, there are exceptions of course.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
WTF is a Triad?
A Triad is a member of an underground organisation rooted in China. They are normally associated with crime. Bascially they are the Asian version of the mafia.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Cool story bro.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Cherokee said:
A Triad is a member of an underground organisation rooted in China. They are normally associated with crime. Bascially they are the Asian version of the mafia.
So trading one stereotype for another. Great.