FR: The London Underground


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
This is a report on a pickup I did last night on the London Underground....

I was just heading out to meet some friends for a few (plenty) drinks, when the tube arrived and i entered my carriage, and purposefully sat myself down across from two HBs.

I picked up my paper and started to read, having by this point noticed the nicer of the two. I hadn't picked up the paper for more than literally two seconds when the HBs started giggling.

I ignored this and carried on reading, when one of them cried out "We were just commenting on your shoes!". Ok the shoes were nice, thats right but they were just using this to open me - I was cool with that :)

Me with a smile: What about them?

HBBrunette & HBBlond: They're really nice!

Me: Thanks, I like them too.

HBBrunette: They're ever so shiny!!

Me with a smirk: Mmmm.... yeah.

HBBlond: And they go with what you're wearing so well!

HBBrunette: Yeah, they go well with your gloves, and your scarf, and the shirt.....

Me smiling again: Thanks.....

This carried on for another minute or so, then the conversation switched to what they did for a living, their marital(or not) situations, etc. Turns out the brunette was married, but the blond wasnt. They were also substantially older than I was - by about 10 years!

As the train pulled into my station, I called to the girls: This is my stop, was nice meeting you.

Girls: Ooh, its ours too!

Me: Ok, come and wait with me on my platform until my train gets here.

Girls: But what about our train?

Me: There're two of you. You can wait together when I'm gone.

I put my arms around the two of them, without giving them a chance to reply, and we walk off the train like this in my platform's direction. The passengers on the train have been watching the whole thing in amazement. I guide us to my platform, where the brunette then says:

HB Brunette: We dont normally do this you know:

Me: Yeah right, I bet once I'm gone you're gonna be straight back on that train to pick up another guy, except this time (I point at the blond) YOU're gonna be the married one, and (point at the other) YOU're gonna be the Jennifer.

They burst out laughing, then when they've calmed down the brunette says I should meet her friend sometime for a drink. I dont immediately take the offer, but smile and say that it could be fun to meet them again, sure.

She then says that she has it on her phone if I want it. I still dont take the phone out, but reply with an OK, yeah I do. I'm doing this to make them try harder for me. I havent rejected the blond, but am trying to communicate that I can take the number at my leisure.

I look at blondie, and she says "I know my number off by heart if you have a phone!". I decide to take the phone out. I take her number, and as I move in for a goodbye kiss on the cheek, she turns her head for a kiss on the lips. Not a real kiss close, but a definite IOI. Brunette also gets a kiss on the cheeks, and I leave them giggling to go get my train.

Does anyone know why more mature girls (not yet women) are more willing to flirt openly and open a guy? Seems to be a recurring pattern.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Not answering your question...

I was reading the FR. And when the friend said you should join her friend for a drink, I automatically made a mental page of what I would have done.

I would've told her that her friend looked old enough to make her own decisions, and to treat the friend as if she was a 11 year old who is "old enough to make her own decisions" and tease her about it, and telling her that if she wanted to go out with me she'd tell me . . . but, she's a shy girl! so I give her a hug (without allowing her to make a comeback) and tell her, ok, I'll be the big boy and ask for your #. ... And always attack her as if she was a 11 year old.

Haha, just looked like a situation I would've love to be in haha. Now, answering your question, I suppose it is because well, they are mature, they are learning the rules on how adults play and not how college students play. And god, isn't it much more fun to play with adults?

-edit: Great job! I wouldn't have done it your way, unless I felt she was going to break as she did. I'd have done my thing up there.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SamePendo

-edit: Great job! I wouldn't have done it your way, unless I felt she was going to break as she did. I'd have done my thing up there.
Thanks, I was getting IOIs left, right and centre, so I made them work for the number.

I ended up taking the number but I know I wont be meeting her for a long time. She's older than I would usually go for.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Excellent FR. Admittedly they opened you, but from there you handled it as well as you could have done.