Don Juan
After hitting an amazing outdoor festival, similar to Jazz Festival in Montreal, but with hotter and younger targets, I walked around a couple students to a new venue, known for high society hotties and only 9s and 10s. It was absolutely amazing. After sending the guys in sets throughout the night, and talking to the guys about jumping into the most difficult sets no matter what, the boys chat to me about how they want to see me pickup a HB10 supermodel that is hanging out with two 6 foot 4 inch model dudes. They tell me they tried to open the set, but got blown out by the girl, and, on top of that, they said that the guy she was with was her boyfriend. So...of course, I must open the set and play it hard.
Papa: Hey, my mates and I are settling a debate...who is a better liar men or women?
HB10: What?
Papa: Who do think lies more men or women?
HB10: I think...[she is suddenly interrupted]
ModelAMOG (friend of her boyfriend): [he puts his arm around my neck and shoulder] Hey, man ask to me...
Papa: [looking at AMOG and girl both...then I look between them] Who lies more men or women?
ModelAMOG: It's women, my man. [pushing my shoulder and pulling me slightly] should know better, it's women.
Papa: [slaps the AMOG's chest hard] You are right, man....[while turning away from AMOG and looking at HB10] Who lies more men or women?
ModelAMOG: [starts pulling me again] Hey, I to me...come with me.
Papa: [slaps AMOG's chest and pulls his velvet blazer] Dude, you are've got a great sense of style, champ. [turn away from AMOG, get his arm off of me and look towards HB10]...Ok, who lies more men or women?
ModelAMOG: What??!?? What, man?
HB10: He said...who lies more men or women? I think men.
Papa: [I continue talking to HB10 and turn back to AMOG while AMOG walks away as he failed to protect his good friend's investment] I think that men only appear like they lie see, men are just worst liars...we get caught more lies about the little things, and women lie about the big, we'll say, 'hey, I'm going to chill with my mates' and then go see the girl on the side...while women say...'it's your baby!'
HB10: Hahaha.
Papa: Uh, oh! I know why you are laughing. We got trouble here. My mom warned me about girls who laugh at this. See, you know what I mean. [high five to girl] high five.
I strategically walk around her while saying this so that my body is faced towards her and leaning against a that her back is towards the AMOG and her Boyfriend, and so he can't push her away because she is isolated against the table. Now, I am isolated and I spend at least an hour with her in convo while in this ideal physical position.
HB10: So why are you asking about who lies more?
Papa: Ok. Here's the deal. This is a two part question. Imagine that you are dating a guy who is still friends with his ex...and you are thinking about moving in together...but he has pictures of his ex in box by his bedside...
HB10sBoyfriend: [interrupting me, the guy talks to the girl and then looks at me] What's up, man?
Papa: Hey, dude, who lies more men or women?
HB10sBoyfriend: Women, of course.
Papa: High five, man...that's the right answer. [I hi-five her boyfriend] You see, here is a guy with common sense. [looking back at HB10 and turning back towards boyfriend while boyfriend walks away, and I smile at HB10]
Papa: Hey, my mates and I are settling a debate...who is a better liar men or women?
HB10: What?
Papa: Who do think lies more men or women?
HB10: I think...[she is suddenly interrupted]
ModelAMOG (friend of her boyfriend): [he puts his arm around my neck and shoulder] Hey, man ask to me...
Papa: [looking at AMOG and girl both...then I look between them] Who lies more men or women?
ModelAMOG: It's women, my man. [pushing my shoulder and pulling me slightly] should know better, it's women.
Papa: [slaps the AMOG's chest hard] You are right, man....[while turning away from AMOG and looking at HB10] Who lies more men or women?
ModelAMOG: [starts pulling me again] Hey, I to me...come with me.
Papa: [slaps AMOG's chest and pulls his velvet blazer] Dude, you are've got a great sense of style, champ. [turn away from AMOG, get his arm off of me and look towards HB10]...Ok, who lies more men or women?
ModelAMOG: What??!?? What, man?
HB10: He said...who lies more men or women? I think men.
Papa: [I continue talking to HB10 and turn back to AMOG while AMOG walks away as he failed to protect his good friend's investment] I think that men only appear like they lie see, men are just worst liars...we get caught more lies about the little things, and women lie about the big, we'll say, 'hey, I'm going to chill with my mates' and then go see the girl on the side...while women say...'it's your baby!'
HB10: Hahaha.
Papa: Uh, oh! I know why you are laughing. We got trouble here. My mom warned me about girls who laugh at this. See, you know what I mean. [high five to girl] high five.
I strategically walk around her while saying this so that my body is faced towards her and leaning against a that her back is towards the AMOG and her Boyfriend, and so he can't push her away because she is isolated against the table. Now, I am isolated and I spend at least an hour with her in convo while in this ideal physical position.
HB10: So why are you asking about who lies more?
Papa: Ok. Here's the deal. This is a two part question. Imagine that you are dating a guy who is still friends with his ex...and you are thinking about moving in together...but he has pictures of his ex in box by his bedside...
HB10sBoyfriend: [interrupting me, the guy talks to the girl and then looks at me] What's up, man?
Papa: Hey, dude, who lies more men or women?
HB10sBoyfriend: Women, of course.
Papa: High five, man...that's the right answer. [I hi-five her boyfriend] You see, here is a guy with common sense. [looking back at HB10 and turning back towards boyfriend while boyfriend walks away, and I smile at HB10]