FR: Some more lunch approaches.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
So I did a few approaches at lunch today. Sets were interested, but most of them eventually became uninterested.

Approach #1
So me and my friend Sam go up to this group of girls blah blah blah. To put it in summary, no matter how much I tried to have fun with these girls they would give boring responses. Meanwhile, since the girls already know the Sam dude they're all talking to him and sh1t, but most of them are ignoring my attempts to be fun and when I try to ask them questions, they give boring answers. Eventually I just sit there and when Sam gets up I go back to the Senior Lounge.
Approach #2
Following approach #1, I went up to these girls at the senior lounge and started talking to them. Eventually I was trying to have fun by pretending I was going to him them and stuff and that was fun. So eventually these girls try to get me to do the dancing monkey thing again by trying to make me do this funny laugh. But instead of doing it I say "Well what are you guys going to do for me? I just don't do my funny vampire laugh for anyone. I can't just give out my value like that" and then they sort of got uninterested I guess, but I'm not going to be the dancing monkey anymore. So eventually Sam dude comes in sits next to the chicks and the chicks let him sit down next to him on the couch and start leaning on him. Course' I'm unaffected by his AMOGing and just say "Sam, you're a cool dude". So predictably he qualifies himself and says "Yeah, I'm a cool dude", not a good move on his part. I could even interpret the girls leaning on him right infront of me as a sh1t test.
Approach #3
So now it's the next lunch period and I approach a group of girls, one who was Lindsey and the others who I didn't really know. So immediately she's like "Mike, let's play the quiet game" and some BS and she just starts talking. I'm uninterested, so I just leave the set without saying anything, a demonstration of higher value.
Approach #4
So I approach this group of girls and immediately they're trying to get me out of the set since I was apparently sitting in one of the girls seats. But I just keep ignoring their attempts to get me away from the table and move on. That goes on for a while and I even remember this one chick saying "Mike, why are you reigning on our game?". So yeah, blah blah, that happens and eventually the same chick asks me "Tell us about homecoming". Blah blah, I tell my homecoming story and just start doing random sh1t. So while I'm doing this random sh1t the girls are just laughing and laughing. I stay in the set pretty long until this one b1tch at that table, pulls the table away. But I don't go back to their table, but simply keep talking to them from where I am, a DHV showing I'm NOT needy of them. Eventually I get bored just sitting there, so I scoot into the table and asks this one guy at the table, "Hey man, do you think those girls over there are worth approaching?" and he eventually says "I don't know man" and I go "Guess I'll have to find out", which leads to the NEXT set.
Approach #5
So I move from that other table, in the SAME chair, to this table of chicks who I'd already talked to before. I come in strong, but immediately they're like "Go away!" and sh1t, but I'm not affected by that. So eventually, the set starts to talk and there's this one chick constantly sh1t testing me saying "You like talking to yourself don't you?" even though the other girls are laughing and interested. At one point I talked about how she goes on her comp and masturbates to gay porn and she gets angry and I eventually say "You're cute when you're angry". So eventually this black chick comes into the set and I start fvcking around with her and stuff. Like when she tells me I have chapped lips I start going "Only because I know that's what you like baby" and I even started making kissy faces at her and this chick is just cracking up. Eventually I got bored with the set and they didn't seem too interested, so I just got up without saying anything, a DHV and moved on to another set.
Approach #6
So I go to the senior lounge sit down and eventually start talking to the dude there about the football game since he was on the team. Eventually though, I started talking to the girls, at one point asking Jacquie, the hot blonde cheerleader girl, to guess what my favorite color was. After she misses it though, she just kind of becomes uninterested in that. At one point football player Nick is petting the Taylor girl and Jacquie's tells him to stop. And then I grab the groups attention by saying "That's cute, Nick's petting her just like a cat. And then she goes meow!" and they laugh. So eventually this Michael(Pronounced Mik-eye-elle) dude comes into the set and starts talking to Jacquie. To AMOG him I go "Michael! Nice shirt man!" and the Zoey chick sitting next to me is like "Oh my god, can you be quiet? You're being so annoying! Just kidding." and I'm like "You're cute when you're angry. Seriously though, you should be angry more often, you might get a boyfriend" and Jacquie chick says to me "Or if you keep doing this" and does this little dance towards me and I'm just like "Yeah, I know you like that baby!".

Skipping to the end of the set, I tell the Zoey girl she's cute when she's angry again, but this time I kino her and she's like "Stop touching me", but is smiling and doesn't resist the kino. Apparently everyone else found this funny and they were all cracking up when I did this or where they laughing about something else I said? I can't remember, but everyone was cracking up. Then the bell rings and that pretty much ends the set. What I just realized is I basically dominated the Nick guys whole set.
Approach #7
Afterschool I see Jacquie again and I see this Will guy hit her and so I see Will chasing her, but I stop it, telling Will guy "Look man, why are you hitting girls and stuff man? That's not cool" and basically left shortly after that.


Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
why are all his approaches in quotes? is he stealing them from somewhere else? Also, why is he giving us people's names? who cares who rebecca is, i think this guy is stealing approaches from somewhere else


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
When someone wants to give some real advice and not troll the topic, be my guest.


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
Well instead of posting the same boring approaches everyday, how about this - where do you think you did well on those approaches?

At least critique them yourself first or you've got no hope. You might even listen to your own advice.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
dav22 said:
Well instead of posting the same boring approaches everyday, how about this - where do you think you did well on those approaches?

At least critique them yourself first or you've got no hope. You might even listen to your own advice.
Spot on, they all seem to be the same to me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
See on approach 7, that guy was who was hitting her was actually gaming. He was doing 6000 times better than you. That is how you game. That is what they like.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Which is why the girls wanted nothing with him after I came in and dominated the set? Yeah, good luck with that logic. One interaction I didn't mention was when this girl named Grace in my grade, who's kind of hot, was interviewing me for the schools TV channel. I didn't mention that one, because it wasn't really an approach, plus I had to hold all the sexual stuff back because it was going to be on TV, plus her boyfriend was right there.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
I just love how you assume things go that way.


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Which is why the girls wanted nothing with him after I came in and dominated the set?
Exactly. I bet he kept harassing you after, trying to find how you get so many numbers.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Every set he encounters always seem to be interested. If they are interested why are you still a lonely troll? Every approach you do seems to just be clones of the last approach. BAN THE TROLL.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
You shouldn't be so hypocritical to call someone a troll. You post in peoples in FR's and post sh1t that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, zero, zilch with the topic. Second of all you come here acting superior to EVERYONE ELSE however you don't have the attitude of the DJ and predictably have no FR's present. The true trolls here are obvious. If you want to prove to me that you're NOT a troll, post an FR today, if not it's obvious who the trolls are. Your behavior is also typical of trolls, flame the guys who are trying to improve, argue with that guy over your horrible advice and then try to get the guy who actually has the balls to go out and do something, banned by calling him a troll.

We shouldn't let guys who sit home and masturbate, give advice let alone even post on this board. I've seen the real DJ's on this forum who know what they're talking about and NONE of those guys have posted in this topic, only wannabe KBJ's. You guys can talk the talk, but I bet if I took any of you guys giving advice into the field, you would freeze up because you're nothing but KBJ's spamming the forum and bragging about how much more p*ssy they get than everyone else.


Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
elstud, you STILL didnt reply to my advice on your other thread, wha tthe hell are waiting for???

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
Elstud, I think you should show a little more interest towards girls.
Do you ever compliment them or make them feel special around you?

Try it, say something like "you have pretty eyes, I bet all the girls are jealous." If you say this perfectly with good eye contact and a good smile, she'll feel amazingly good and associate this good feeling with you.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
Kneel Before Zod!

This guy seems like he's just looking for advice on how to get better. I checked out some of his other threads and he really doesn't seem like the troll you make him out to be. He's putting a real effort into this, so give him a break.

ANYHOW, ElStud, your posts kind of confuse me. On one hand, you say all these girls are so interested in you, but on the other hand it doesn't seem like you've gotten anywhere with them. From the sound of it, most of these girls just aren't into you. It sounds like a lot of them are laughing at you, not with you. I'm headed out to a party right now, so I'm just gonna stop at that, but maybe I'll continue tommorow.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Chimera said:
This guy seems like he's just looking for advice on how to get better. I checked out some of his other threads and he really doesn't seem like the troll you make him out to be. He's putting a real effort into this, so give him a break.

ANYHOW, ElStud, your posts kind of confuse me. On one hand, you say all these girls are so interested in you, but on the other hand it doesn't seem like you've gotten anywhere with them. From the sound of it, most of these girls just aren't into you. It sounds like a lot of them are laughing at you, not with you. I'm headed out to a party right now, so I'm just gonna stop at that, but maybe I'll continue tommorow.
The reason why we call him a troll because while he is in obvious need of help, he ignores them and even bashes us for it. Expect you to be bashed as well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
I am not trying to bash the guy but it seems to me that he is one of those annoying kids that no1 wants to be around. It seems to me like they are making fun of you and doing a monkey dance is not gonna get the girls interested.

He always approaches girls but never closes on any of them. He never takes anyone advice and bashes anyone that tells him he is doing anything wrong. Dude if you think you are so good how many numbers did you get???? You need to start taking advice because what you are doing is not working. You have no numbers yet you approach at least 2-3 girls every day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Chimera said:
This guy seems like he's just looking for advice on how to get better. I checked out some of his other threads and he really doesn't seem like the troll you make him out to be. He's putting a real effort into this, so give him a break.

ANYHOW, ElStud, your posts kind of confuse me. On one hand, you say all these girls are so interested in you, but on the other hand it doesn't seem like you've gotten anywhere with them. From the sound of it, most of these girls just aren't into you. It sounds like a lot of them are laughing at you, not with you. I'm headed out to a party right now, so I'm just gonna stop at that, but maybe I'll continue tommorow.
Well yeah, it depends, sometimes they are and sometimes they're not. But the thing is, if the girls are clearly laughing at my jokes and not rejecting kino, these guys will somehow say the girls aren't atleast a little bit interested. In this post, nah they really weren't interested, but it was a fun approach nonetheless.