FR: Ken88 & Rocko @ 3rd street Promenade


Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
ok guys, hows it goin? this is Rocko postin up mine and Ken88 progress on our own little bootcamp.

We are now on week 3 and its harder then it seems. We decided to go to third street promenade today and although the pickins were slim, we found a few cute girls. We were experiencing some approach anxiety at first, so we decided to push each other, he would find a target for me and vice versa. As we were walking Ken88 pointed out a HB8 in a two set walking our way, unfortunately, i saw her too late and when i approached her, it was from the side so it was already up to a bad start (realized it as i approached, but practice is practice). I talked to her, opened up by saying:

Me: "Hey, im not really from this area, do you ladies no of a good place to eat around here?"
Target: "Oh, were not from here either (turns to some random guy), do you know anywhere good to eat around?"

From there on it was down hill, I tried to keep it going but I didn't really see any IOIs, so we kindly exited ourselves from the conversations. We then saw a Urban Outfitters store that would not doubt have some HB, so we stepped inside. We went to check out the sunglasses there and immediately saw a HB7-8 salesgirl folding clothes. So I opened up:

Me: "Ken88, those glasses look sick on you! (turned to target) What do you think?"
Target: "Oh for sure, aviators never go outta style"
Me: "That's cuz i always wear em, haha. I bet you have a pair like that don't you?"
Target: "Haha, the exact pair"
Me: "So, do you go to school around here?"
Target: "Ya, i go to Santa Monica College, where are you guys from"
BLAH BLAH BLAH (for like 2 min)
Me: "Hey Ken88, I'm gonna go check downstairs for some clothes, I'll see ya soon..."

Here is where he worked his magic (this is now Ken88 talking)

Well somewhere in there Rocko accidently let out the fact that we were in high school. Anyways I just kept pretending to tryi diffrent sunglasses on even though their were jsut 4 diffrent types on the rack. The whole time just making smalltalk. I thought she wasnt interested so I steeped away from her table and looked more at the sunglasses, and all of the sudden she continued the conversation asking what we were doing out in Santa Monica. I kept talking to her asking if there was anything new in the store she thought whe was cool and she showed me a few shirts. Finally after about 5 min had passes I figured f*ck it. I would go for the number even though she was in college!

As soon as I said I had to got and asked for her number I realized I had forgot to ask for her name, but she immideatly said im "name" and gave me her number (with no hesetation).

Questions or Comments on the whole thing, feel free to PM Rocko or me, or you can simply leave a post. :cheer:

O ya, if anyone leaves in the 818 area code, we're gonna be doing this next week (unless one of us can't make it), PM us if you want in...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
See, this is what we need in here! Way to go guys. Sounds like you two made some progress.

Rocco - Yeah, approaching from the side was pretty bad and it DID go downhill quickly. But good thing you two were able to exit quickly. It's never good to have the girls ask other guys. Though a great thing is, if they DID know a good place to eat and they showed interest, could lead to an easy reason for them to take you there.

Ken - Great job on the number! Hope you plan on calling while adding to your list. Though it could be good if you posted some stuff like bodylanguage and tonality. That would help some people on here identify some good IOI's.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
How did that go "downhill quickly?"

It could have easily gone "uphill".
Me: "Hey, im not really from this area, do you ladies no of a good place to eat around here?"
Target: "Oh, were not from here either (turns to some random guy), do you know anywhere good to eat around?"
Going Uphill: O yeah, where are you guys from/what are you girls doing here all alone in a big city/have you guys seen...over there? It's awesome. C'mon let's go check it out/whatever...

On the number close. How did you get/ask for her number?

Other than that, good work fellas.



Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score
on the number close I just decided to go for it and said

me: hey I gotta get going but you want to hang out sometime?
target: possibly
me: ok, whats your #?
target: (the #), and o my name "name"
me: ok cool, I will give you a call soon

The "possibly could have been her jsut playing hard to get, but I think the fact that she told me her name and I never asked for it is a definite IOI


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
Ken88 said:
on the number close I just decided to go for it and said

me: hey I gotta get going but you want to hang out sometime?
target: possibly
me: ok, whats your #?
target: (the #), and o my name "name"
me: ok cool, I will give you a call soon
Next time, try saying "I will TRY to give you a call (tommorrow)." This way there is NO-GUARENTEE for her. It also makes it seem like you have plenty of other things to do and that she is not your main concern. As well as, she won't get mad when/if you don't give her the call *soon/the next day/when you said you'd try and call her. After all you did say TRY.



Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
B-Lemond said:
Going Uphill: O yeah, where are you guys from/what are you girls doing here all alone in a big city/have you guys seen...over there? It's awesome.
Ya, but like i said from the beginning, when Ken pointed em out, i didn't see em until they were right in front, and from the second i started talking, i could tell that they were like "no" hehe, i tried to keep it up but I can tell when a girl isn't into it, w/e, our mentality on the whole thing was practice, we weren't really going for the numbers although thats a plus, we were their for the experience, thanks for the positive feedback guys. Remember to message us if you want in next week


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
that is sweet guys