-| IN DA CLUB |-
OK, I've been bitching a little too much lately about KJs (Keyboard Jockeys) so I feel that I owe it to the community to post a little FR:
The Stage:
Read the title...
The Get-Up:
Black pants, a great-looking green short-sleeve shirt w/ buttons, subtle gold chain necklace, Raybans, dress shoes, my watch, my good looks and charm, and three equally alpha wings.
The Game:
We get to the club @ 10pm, as usual, we have to wait 40 minutes in line so we sit there and just joke with eachother, usually we'd chat up some girls if they're near us in line but in front of us are a couple really fat guys and behind us some ****y prep-school types, you know, guys in their mid20's who think they're brilliant and condescend all the time, it was fun watching them C&B every time they mustered up the courage to approach in the club... anyway... I digress.
We get in the club so we start alpha'ing and busting on eachother, we pause for a moment, holding up the people behind us, all the while flashing huge confident smiles so that all the girls who are checking us out see us and know how to size us up. We make look around the club for a second and then quickly break off into two squads (2 wings = 1 squad). S1 (squad#1) sets up a base on one end of the club so that S2, me and ItalianWing, have a place to fall back on. Its a general rule with us that we always set up a base so that we can have a place to kick back, the guys who base have to make sure its a friendly environment. Anyway, its about 10:40 and ItalianWing and I move up the dancefloor, not looking to dance. We start "collecting hugs," we go around greeting the girls we know, we give them hugs, exchange a few quick words, half of them then intro us to their entourage. We each collected about 6 hugs, joked around a little, and then met up with S1 at our base. ItalianWing went and fetched us some drinks but took his time because he started talking to this one girl at the bar. He comes back, without a #... I then decide to try Field-Test some advice I got here on SoSuave
We finish our drinks and ItalianAlpha and I both get on the floor, split up, and open single HBs (HBs who are alone) who give us AI with the following script (courtesy of Player_Supreme):
DJ: What's your name?
HB: I'm HB
DJ: HB, when a good song comes up, I want you to come and dance with me, okay?
I then leave and open another girl who is out of first HBs sight with the same script, I opened 3 girls with this script and went back to my base. S1 introduce me to a couple guys and girls so I start talking to them and I wait there to base-guard while S1 and ItalianWing are gone. In 10 minutes ItalianWing takes over the base. I take off and go to the bar. After a couple minutes a 2set moves next to me (HB7, HB8) and after about a minute I open them with "Did you just grab my ass?" They then joke back and start shifting blame onto each other and I joke more, saying lines like "You know, I have feelings you know? I'm not just some piece of meat." HB8 (5'7, brown hair, sexy tan) says, "I'm sorry, it was just so tempting, I couldn't help myself..." I single her out and start kinoing her and get plenty of kino back. Her friend fades herself into the background and starts talking to someone else, I joke w/ HB8 for another minute, I figure she's a senior at Academy of Art SF. So I get her a napkin + my pen & say "do something creative." She gets a little flustered, laughs, and says "like what?" I say "hint: start with the first 3 digits" (thx Mystery). She then smiles and starts writing her #, then, inspiration hits (or courage) and I decide to try one of Fingers lines, always wanted to do this, but never thought an opportunity was good enough. When she finishes writing her # and she tries to give me the napkin, I look at it, not moving, and say, "not creative enough."
"Okay......" she says, a little confused.
"Try and decorate it" and I hint at her lips.
She then gives me a sexual look, kisses under the # and says "voila," handing me the napkin. She gives me a hug and leaves. After a minute I spot one girl that I opened earlier with the P_S Script and start dancing with her for a couple songs, I then try and dance with HBJLo (not the real J.Lo) but she blocks so I dance with a few girls. I then take off and decide to collect one another of my openers and find her (HB7) with a friend, HB8. I want to move onto the HB8 but when I dance with her I get anti-AIs, I think because her friend was flashing IOI's at me like it was her job. Anyway, I decide to eject after a song. I go back to my base.
My 3 amigos are all there. We sit there and joke. After 15 minutes this 6-set comes in (HB9Exotic, HB9White, HB7, AMOG#1, AMOG#2, SycophantGuy) and they base themselves at a couple couches. I quickly had my eye on HB9Exotic and wanted to approach but I knew I'd get shot down. So I'm thinking of Mystery's Group Theory but somehow I'm hesitating with the MM. I decide to start dancing with a few HBs in view of the HB9s just to add to my social proof. Then the HB7 that I ejected from earlier comes up and starts dancing with me and IOIs me, great for Social Proof. After a while I see two twins (HB7, try and guess what the second one was...), I think of something clever to say and open:
MVP: "Am I drunk or is there two of you?"
TWIN: "Maybe both..."
MVP:"How about the both of you?"
TWIN: "No... but if you want us to be, there's a bar over there..." [At this point I almost... I repeat... I almost... almost got them the drink, the thought of twins, never mind... its a cardinal sin to buy Attention Whores drinks.]
MVP: "Will water do?"
TWIN: "Depends on what you want out of it" [Despite the sexual innuendo's this HB strikes me as the type who plays games with men so I needed to tone her down with a neghit]:
MVP: "You're a great girl and all... but I just think your sister is so much prettier." [Okay - can you think of any good TWINs neghits? I sure can't, don't exactly have much need for them...]
The girls laugh a little, the sister gives of a shy vibe. I sit there and talk a little more, and then leave... I didn't see it going anywhere plust flirting with two siblings can really trigger an Aware State. The shy twin hug-closes me so I get another Social Proof point. I figure one more and I'm good to go. I see ItalianWing with a 3set so I join in and we start busting on eachother in front of the HBs (young college students, HB7's): they love it, the C&F was rolling, we (me and my wing) actually talked quite a bit, unlike normally when we let the chicks talk, but the girls ate it up completely. About 6 or 7 minutes later we say that we have to get back to our friends and they ask us for our numbers, "how about a trade" my wing says... so we exchanged numbers, we got real high IL from them. We see S1 with a 2 set but we stay out of it, we kind of have this rule that the squads stay separated for the most part, but we mix up squads every night. Anyway, ItalianWing spots two AMOGs heading for S1's 2set so ItalianWing bumps into them and starts talking to them, telling them how cool they are, just trying to keep them occupied so that S1 can close the set. After a minute the AMOGs try and head for the set but they see that S1 is getting mad IL from the girls and the AMOGs decide to find new targets.
OK, I've been bitching a little too much lately about KJs (Keyboard Jockeys) so I feel that I owe it to the community to post a little FR:
The Stage:
Read the title...
The Get-Up:
Black pants, a great-looking green short-sleeve shirt w/ buttons, subtle gold chain necklace, Raybans, dress shoes, my watch, my good looks and charm, and three equally alpha wings.
The Game:
We get to the club @ 10pm, as usual, we have to wait 40 minutes in line so we sit there and just joke with eachother, usually we'd chat up some girls if they're near us in line but in front of us are a couple really fat guys and behind us some ****y prep-school types, you know, guys in their mid20's who think they're brilliant and condescend all the time, it was fun watching them C&B every time they mustered up the courage to approach in the club... anyway... I digress.
We get in the club so we start alpha'ing and busting on eachother, we pause for a moment, holding up the people behind us, all the while flashing huge confident smiles so that all the girls who are checking us out see us and know how to size us up. We make look around the club for a second and then quickly break off into two squads (2 wings = 1 squad). S1 (squad#1) sets up a base on one end of the club so that S2, me and ItalianWing, have a place to fall back on. Its a general rule with us that we always set up a base so that we can have a place to kick back, the guys who base have to make sure its a friendly environment. Anyway, its about 10:40 and ItalianWing and I move up the dancefloor, not looking to dance. We start "collecting hugs," we go around greeting the girls we know, we give them hugs, exchange a few quick words, half of them then intro us to their entourage. We each collected about 6 hugs, joked around a little, and then met up with S1 at our base. ItalianWing went and fetched us some drinks but took his time because he started talking to this one girl at the bar. He comes back, without a #... I then decide to try Field-Test some advice I got here on SoSuave
We finish our drinks and ItalianAlpha and I both get on the floor, split up, and open single HBs (HBs who are alone) who give us AI with the following script (courtesy of Player_Supreme):
DJ: What's your name?
HB: I'm HB
DJ: HB, when a good song comes up, I want you to come and dance with me, okay?
I then leave and open another girl who is out of first HBs sight with the same script, I opened 3 girls with this script and went back to my base. S1 introduce me to a couple guys and girls so I start talking to them and I wait there to base-guard while S1 and ItalianWing are gone. In 10 minutes ItalianWing takes over the base. I take off and go to the bar. After a couple minutes a 2set moves next to me (HB7, HB8) and after about a minute I open them with "Did you just grab my ass?" They then joke back and start shifting blame onto each other and I joke more, saying lines like "You know, I have feelings you know? I'm not just some piece of meat." HB8 (5'7, brown hair, sexy tan) says, "I'm sorry, it was just so tempting, I couldn't help myself..." I single her out and start kinoing her and get plenty of kino back. Her friend fades herself into the background and starts talking to someone else, I joke w/ HB8 for another minute, I figure she's a senior at Academy of Art SF. So I get her a napkin + my pen & say "do something creative." She gets a little flustered, laughs, and says "like what?" I say "hint: start with the first 3 digits" (thx Mystery). She then smiles and starts writing her #, then, inspiration hits (or courage) and I decide to try one of Fingers lines, always wanted to do this, but never thought an opportunity was good enough. When she finishes writing her # and she tries to give me the napkin, I look at it, not moving, and say, "not creative enough."
"Okay......" she says, a little confused.
"Try and decorate it" and I hint at her lips.
She then gives me a sexual look, kisses under the # and says "voila," handing me the napkin. She gives me a hug and leaves. After a minute I spot one girl that I opened earlier with the P_S Script and start dancing with her for a couple songs, I then try and dance with HBJLo (not the real J.Lo) but she blocks so I dance with a few girls. I then take off and decide to collect one another of my openers and find her (HB7) with a friend, HB8. I want to move onto the HB8 but when I dance with her I get anti-AIs, I think because her friend was flashing IOI's at me like it was her job. Anyway, I decide to eject after a song. I go back to my base.
My 3 amigos are all there. We sit there and joke. After 15 minutes this 6-set comes in (HB9Exotic, HB9White, HB7, AMOG#1, AMOG#2, SycophantGuy) and they base themselves at a couple couches. I quickly had my eye on HB9Exotic and wanted to approach but I knew I'd get shot down. So I'm thinking of Mystery's Group Theory but somehow I'm hesitating with the MM. I decide to start dancing with a few HBs in view of the HB9s just to add to my social proof. Then the HB7 that I ejected from earlier comes up and starts dancing with me and IOIs me, great for Social Proof. After a while I see two twins (HB7, try and guess what the second one was...), I think of something clever to say and open:
MVP: "Am I drunk or is there two of you?"
TWIN: "Maybe both..."
MVP:"How about the both of you?"
TWIN: "No... but if you want us to be, there's a bar over there..." [At this point I almost... I repeat... I almost... almost got them the drink, the thought of twins, never mind... its a cardinal sin to buy Attention Whores drinks.]
MVP: "Will water do?"
TWIN: "Depends on what you want out of it" [Despite the sexual innuendo's this HB strikes me as the type who plays games with men so I needed to tone her down with a neghit]:
MVP: "You're a great girl and all... but I just think your sister is so much prettier." [Okay - can you think of any good TWINs neghits? I sure can't, don't exactly have much need for them...]
The girls laugh a little, the sister gives of a shy vibe. I sit there and talk a little more, and then leave... I didn't see it going anywhere plust flirting with two siblings can really trigger an Aware State. The shy twin hug-closes me so I get another Social Proof point. I figure one more and I'm good to go. I see ItalianWing with a 3set so I join in and we start busting on eachother in front of the HBs (young college students, HB7's): they love it, the C&F was rolling, we (me and my wing) actually talked quite a bit, unlike normally when we let the chicks talk, but the girls ate it up completely. About 6 or 7 minutes later we say that we have to get back to our friends and they ask us for our numbers, "how about a trade" my wing says... so we exchanged numbers, we got real high IL from them. We see S1 with a 2 set but we stay out of it, we kind of have this rule that the squads stay separated for the most part, but we mix up squads every night. Anyway, ItalianWing spots two AMOGs heading for S1's 2set so ItalianWing bumps into them and starts talking to them, telling them how cool they are, just trying to keep them occupied so that S1 can close the set. After a minute the AMOGs try and head for the set but they see that S1 is getting mad IL from the girls and the AMOGs decide to find new targets.