Krassu, you are the f*cking man, man. If you're talking about James Allen i assume you mean As a Man Thinketh?
This is exactly what frigging confidence is! Simple faith in yourself. this is the thing all you "afc's" are looking for. I respect the PUA's for teaching the stuff that obviously works for them but it works better for them coz they KNOW they are the real deal. Most people studying their teachings will inevitably end up emulating their teachers.
A true leader is not a man with the most followers but the man who creates the most leaders. If you are emulating you are merely a follower and not your own leader. Hope that makes sense.
A confident person is not afraid to fail and does not depend on the coulds, woulds and shoulds. He does, he has and he will. When I do something I think "Why shouldn't I be confident!?!? If I fail i am gunna fail aren't I?" If you're afraid of failure you are afraid of 50% of your life coz thats it. 50% failure 50% success. If you don't fail, if you don't make mistakes you simply DO NOT LEARN. Krassus, I wish i lived near Toronto coz I would be honoured to be your wing and vice versa dude. You have your philosophy down to a T. Much respect bro!
Pardon my rant lol