FR: Give them what they need and good things happen...Thanks Guru!!


Sep 10, 2014
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guru1000 said:
Let's identify the problem:

1. What has transpired since you arranged the date?

2. What site did you meet the girl on?

3. Has she been checking your profile?
I responded with "I think you should reconsider, but OK..."

We texted back and forth a few more times, she says that she felt a really strong connection with me and that she is afraid I'm going to end up hurting her. I gave her some reassurances that I'm not going to do that, things seem OK at this point...she just seems really needy and needing of reassurances, ie like frequent texting/contact...this is one is going to be high maintenance I think...
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
BackInTheGame78 said:
I responded with "I think you should reconsider, but OK..."

We texted back and forth a few more times, she says that she felt a really strong connection with me and that she is afraid I'm going to end up hurting her. I gave her some reassurances that I'm not going to do that, things seem OK at this point...she just seems really needy and needing of reassurances, ie like frequent texting/contact...this is one is going to be high maintenance I think...

Logic will never trump emotion with women. I agree with what Duro said, your response was lackluster.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Awww, you fell for the "I'm afraid YOU will hurt ME so I'm dumping YOU first" routine? Oldest one in the book - it's the excuse she's giving you to stroke your ego because she has LOW INTEREST and doesn't know how to tell you. Can't believe girls still use that one, but I guess it works, lol!


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
Awww, you fell for the "I'm afraid YOU will hurt ME so I'm dumping YOU first" routine? Oldest one in the book - it's the excuse she's giving you to stroke your ego because she has LOW INTEREST and doesn't know how to tell you. Can't believe girls still use that one, but I guess it works, lol!
I suppose that's possible, but in this case based on what I already know about her I believe it, only because I've experienced something similar before. As far as her having low interest, I don't think that's the case here.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Well Harry, you were completely off base on this one.


This woman is all about me in a way I haven't had happen in a long time...been on 2 more dates with her and escalated more each date. 2nd date included me placing her hand on my c0ck as we were in a bar playing trivia night and her rubbing it for a good 10 minutes...last date we went out to eat, bowled, ended up outside on a bar patio(I paid for dinner, she paid for bowling and drinks without me saying anything...she has paid for something on every date) where she was sitting on my lap dry fvcking me, making out and just basically all over me. We ended up in the backseat of my car massaging each other and she was all over me, I pulled my pants down and told her "I think you want this C0ck" and she grabbed it and gave me one of the best bl0wjobs I've ever was freaking amazing...unfortunately this was in the middle of a parking lot so nothing else happened. It's going down next date tho, just need to figure out logistics.

It's really funny because at this point I'm not even "trying" anything with her. I'm just being me, and that seems to be more than enough for her. Our chemistry is really pretty crazy together. It's been quite a while since I met someone where we just clicked like this, especially not a woman this hot...she is a legit HB9. Just gorgeous. Had no idea forming this type of connection prior to and on the first date could be this powerful...


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Hey BackinTheGame78,

Know right now you're prolly having the most intoxicating experience you'll ever have with a woman, but everything you've written about her is straight from the BPD playbook--down to the speech patterns in her texts (I could show you the exact same texts from my BPDex and another BPD I'm spinning now). Plus, you have a streak of Captain Save-a-Hoe and are enjoying unaccustomed success with a woman who's typically above your pay grade--by 'just being yourself.'

Not pointing fingers. Been there, done that, doing it again. I'm a sucker for the beautiful, broken women that project poise, strength, and fragility all at oncef. I'm not telling you to run or diminishing your game or anything like that. I'm just telling you to keep your feet on the ground; always be ready for the other shoe to drop; and I'll be here to PM if you need it later. Good luck, brother.