I had a date today. I want to detail it to you all, and see what I could’ve done better.
This girl was pretty cute. A redhead with very long hair. She was also an artsy chick, which is something that I’m pretty into because I tend to vibe with those chicks pretty well. She was also a teacher, one of my game goals is to close a teacher lol.
I used my standard flake prevention tactics before the date that I learned from Roosh V, and confirmed the date day of. As for the
text game, I basically only texted for logistics, so it was impossible for me to come across as needy or put my foot in my mouth. It worked like a charm, and she showed up for the date.
I pull up in the parking lot, and call her on the phone right before our date. Over the phone, she already sounds very flirty and feminine, which is a very good sign. I tell her I’m about to pull up, see her car, and tease her about having a front headlight out.
We had decided to meet at 9 PM. So she enters the first bar that I chose for the date. I greet her, and sit beside her so that it’s easier for me to kino her. I make sure that I’m making extremely strong eye contact the whole time.
The conversation is pretty damn effortless. Because she’s one of those artsy chicks, it’s really easy to hold a conversation, and maintain the baseline. While we talk, I’m making sure to throw in some attraction spikes, or plotline, so that the date doesn’t become platonic. Nothing worse than a platonic date. A strategy I like to use is to keep a handful of attraction spiking lines in my head that I’ll use on the date. That way, it’s impossible to have a bland, platonic date. I would say I did a good job of making this date not platonic though: through touching, teasing, strong eye contact, and flirty lines/statements of intent.
I start gradually kinoing her throughout the interaction. I also seed the pull by saying, “I just moved into a new spot and they have an awesome game room. We should play some pool or ping pong at some point. Are you good at either?”
She responds by saying: “I’m terrible at both, but that does sound like a lot of fun. I’d be down!”
I ask if she has a curfew. She laughs and responds “Nah, I’m good. I can stay out pretty late.” So I say something along the lines of “We should go on a little adventure” and we hop to another bar to drink some more beer.
Now, a mistake that I notice I made here was, not leading. We were kind of just walking around outside the bar, and we ended up taking her car because it was closer. I should’ve been in the drivers seat(both literally and figuratively.)
This was a karaoke bar with a nice vibe to it. We go in, and order a couple drinks. We actually end up sitting inside because the music is so damn loud. We drink beer, and play a round of cards. We’re having a good time, and the conversation is still good. I’m still inserting plotline by kinoing and inserting Statements of Intent.
Once we finish our card game, I suggest that we check out the game room and kick it a bit longer(so that I can venue change to my home and attempt to close her.) She says “Oh man, I might be too tired to make it to the game room. I’m gonna have to go home and conk.” She’s literally starting to yawn at that point, and it is decently late, so I think there’s some truth to that.
We get back in her car, and she drives me back to mine. I want to kiss her at the end of the date, but it’s damn hard in the car with the console in the middle. Plus, I felt like it would’ve just felt forced. It felt like a Hail Mary at the end of the date, even with my eye contact and flirting. If I had her on the couch, it would’ve been absolutely effortless to go for the kiss and move things forward from there. So I end up just hugging her and telling her I hope she gets home safe.
While this girl seemed decently interested(the fact that she showed up on the date proves that she was somewhat interested too) I feel that I made a fair amount of mistakes.
First, I feel like I ran out of time on this date basically. Maybe I should’ve cut out the middle venue change to the second bar. I did that because I remember reading in Roosh V’s book that I should be venue changing while on my dates. I also didn’t want to push for the home venue change too too soon before I had built enough comfort. It also makes me think, how long should I be spending in each venue? I’ve had this issue before with running out of time on dates, and then the girl eventually goes home. What would help me is, literally having a time limit in my head (i.e. 30 minutes) and then think that I need to start heading that way towards the next venue or whatever.
My friend told me that I really need to at least kiss her at the end of the date. Otherwise it’s GG, or it’s wraps. He says that if you don’t see an opportune time to do it, you can use this kissing routine: Tell her “Hey, come here.” She says, “What?” Then you say “Oh, I just wanted to look at your eyes for a second.” You hold strong eye contact, and then go in for the kiss.
Although, I think it’s better to do more than just a Hail Mary kiss at the end. But that goes back to the previous issue, running out of time.
The other thing is, I’d like to establish in my mind exactly what the parameters for a successful date are. What is considered a success, and what is considered a failure? For example, if I knew in my head that a date without a kiss at the end is a fail, I might’ve went for the kiss even if it felt like a Hail Mary. Is a date that doesn’t end in sex a failure? Should I consider a date that ends with a kiss but no sex a success? (I’m not sure about that one, because I don’t consider kisses worth very much.) Should I live by the Roosh V rule of “If you don’t sleep with her on the first date, you’ll probably never see her again?” What exactly IS the definition of a successful date?
As for re-initiation, I’ll follow the
@EyeBRollin rule, wait 7-9 days and then contact her for another date. Though, it could be kilt because it seems like I made a fair amount of mistakes.
This is a long post: but I wanted to make a really deep dive into how it went down so I can avoid making these mistakes again. All feedback/comments are appreciated, my boys!