Originally posted by xblitz44x
I respect the way you perceive each situation as an opportunity, and how you charge through your fear to approach, that is awesome. You are about 300 steps above a lot of people here.
Your problem is that you're TOO comfortable and seem to ignore her comfort level. When you reach the level you're at, and you're able to approach, start and sustain a conversation, and close...your next step is EMPATHY.
Empathy is understanding and considering another's situation or state. Put yourself in her shoes and imagine if a "strange" guy asked you in the first 10 minutes who you'd like to have sex with. It is extremely intrusive to some and you have to be aware of that.
Before you approach, put yourself in her shoes and think of how you can put HER more at ease so that she can more comfortable thus responsive to your advances.
Those two girls may very well have found you attractive, but your abrasive manner was a threat to them.
Great progress though, congrats.