FR: An absolutely absurd excuse


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
A local dance club has college night on Thursdays, and I've been there three weeks out of the last four. I'm a little mad at myself tonight, I came away with one lousy approach - nerves got to me, and the times I was ready to get out on the dance floor, they'd play a song that has specific steps that I'm not terribly familiar with (Soulja Boy or something like that). Excuses, excuses, though - I need to practice dancing on my own at home.

Anyway, the one approach that I did have was sort of hilarious. I rocked up to these two chicks and asked one of them to dance, and what came out of the other chick's mouth was probably one of the lamest excuses I've ever heard. The one that I asked to dance looked concerned, like she didn't want to, and her friend pulls her away and says to me - "our stomachs hurt." WTF? I was like "...ok." Once I beat a retreat though, it was all I could do to keep from laughing. If their stomachs really hurt that bad, maybe I should have escorted them to the bathroom :woo:

It taught me a lot, though - girls will look out for each other, and if their friend looks uncomfortable, they'll pull them away. My wing had a situation himself where a girl pulled the girl he was dancing with away and told him "she has a boyfriend!" It's interesting to me to see how social dynamics play out on the dancefloor.

I also know what I need to work on:

1. Practice dancing at home so that I won't feel so uncomfortable at the club.

2. Approach more confidently.


At least I got out to the club, and my wing and I are making it a weekly habit, which is awesome. Even though I didn't do all that well, I feel like it was a positive experience, and it motivates me to keep it up.

Seriously, folks, just get out there and go for it. Even if you don't talk to a single woman, going out to a club or someplace where single women congregate is better than sitting on your ass and playing video games - and this is coming from a guy who loves video games.


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
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Dont be hard on yourself,these two girls were probably having their periods.You mentioned it was college night right?Well, chances are these two HBs live with each other on campus and its a known fact that when girls live together they menst***** together.I'd say their excuse is plausbile.Dont be so hard on your self and good luck soldier :cheer:


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Thing was though, I saw the same two girls grinding on some dudes not ten minutes later. It was just a weak approach, is all. It doesn't bother me at all - I'm new to this, so I'm not going to be Superman. It's better to approach and get totally blown out rather than sit on the sidelines, and this is something that I'm beginning to understand on a deeper level as I apply my experiences to pre-existing understanding. It makes sense on paper that it's better to just approach, and now I am seeing why.

I just thought it was funny that "our stomachs hurt" is all the girl could come up with.


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
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Humm well,I dont think you should count yourself out so early.Maybe the guys they were dancing with had Tylenol? good luck fellow DJ :p


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
Good job man. I can feel the positive perspective and courage in your post, Im sure you're going to prevail in this game.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well lol school dances are actually really similar to clubs with the grinding and the atmosphere so I'll give my input. I've just basically learned to not care if I ask a chick to dance and she says no. Personally, I just move on to other girls if she says no and I don't let it bother me. I mean, let's be honest there could be a billion different reasons that one set rejected you and when it comes down to it... Who cares? Just move on and find other girls to dance with. Although it is true that if you come up there more confidently she's more likely to say yes, but hey lol I've known girls at dances who'll just dance with their friends and no one else.


New Member
Feb 21, 2008
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If it were me I would have called them out on it. Something to the effect of "Come on is that the best excuse you could think of?" The way I see it one of two things are going to happen, They are going to tell you to f**k off like they basically did, so your not out anything, or a maybe it will serve as an ice breaker and conversation and dancing unfolds, all with a semi-****y attitude and smile of course...Just my thoughts.