FR: A Tokin' Good Time

May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
So last night was interesting.

I called my friend to see if he wanted to get high. He said yeah and so I went out. But before going out I was hungry and went to a small pizza parlor in town. I went in and was greeted by an HB8.5 and to my surprise she said my name! I was like "whoa cool" and then saw that it was this girl from school who I first tried some of the stuff from the Mystery Method and failed miserably. Well, I immediately got into the right mindset and started teasing her a little bit and then ordered my food. I waited and waited and saw that I caught her glances at me from the kitchen while she made my salad so I thought, IOI.
A few minutes later she came out with this small ass box of salad, I cracked up at the sight of it and so did she and she sat down with me as I ate and we chatted for a second and I did a little bit of negs and story telling. We were vibing pretty well but then she got a call for an order and thats when I had to split and so I went up to her and said nervously "Hey, so I enjoyed our conversation and maybe we should- right then i noticed that I was saying something different from what was in my mind and I immediately cut short with "Whats your number?" It was kind of goofy but she laughed and wrote her digits down and told me to call her soon and so I will. Number close.

Afterwards I drove over to my friends place and we smoked some marijuana and played guitar and he seemed kind of bored and so I suggested the idea of going to the bar or dance club and he agreed and we made our way out there at about 10 o clock. We went to a pool hall with a dance club next door and right after we got ID'd, I immediately approach a 2 set playing air hockey and claim "You know, I was the 2002 U.S. Air Hockey Champion!" and they opened up immediately and offered me a challenge and I said "Ha! you guys would go DOWN, keep practicing" and I walked to the bar and opened up the bartender. Her name was Libby, was from South Africa and likes to make wine. She vibed with us more than the other dudes at the bar trying to talk to her. Hell she read our horoscopes. I'm apparently resourceful. We then left for the dance club next door.

GOD DAMNIT! There was a sign on the door saying that they were remodeling it and calling it The Electric sh*tty. Good thing there's ****son Street where the nightlife scene is the best in the state. A note to all the sargers out here, if you ever are in Fayetteville, Arkansas on a friday or saturday night go to ****son street, theres almost no excuse to picking up some hot ass horny girls. Anyways, we got there and all the bars there are 21+ and I'm 18 so there an uncertainty that my night would end right there, my friend is 27 so he had no worries. Well, we walked straight into a bar and I didnt get IDed. I got a beer, and started playing some pool and then I noticed a 3 set by a corner playing pool and so I decided to approach, and I got there and asked them if they've seen a hot latino girl about 5'2 and they said no, and I went balls deep and challenged them to a game of nine ball. I lost, they liked me. Afterwards I told them I was heading back over to my good friend Iggy Pop(yeah my friend looks just like him) and although they didnt know who he was, they came over and talked to us and then one of the girls got in the way of our pool game was insisting on getting a shot and so I told her "ok, that will cost you a kiss" and she said ok and went to kiss me on the lips and as she was about 3 or 4 inches from my face I turned my head and she kissed my cheek, she was very surprised by this. she put her cigarettes down and I also charged her a cigarette for the shot. She made the shot! And then she tried to con me out of my game and wanted to play me for money "**** THAT, I gotta buy beer tomorrow" and I refused. But I let her play the rest of the game for me on one condition. That if she loses she owes me a big kiss..she liked this game and wanted to kiss me again but on the lips and again right as she was about to get the kiss on the lips I turned my cheek. "nah ah, not until after the game" she beat my friend and forgot the conditions of the outcome of the game and then went up and I kissed her....the other girls got jealous or mad and my friend was just watching me game this broad out of nowhere, he forgot about the other 2 girls because of me!

Anyways, the girls were all wanting to leave except the chick that i was DJing. The 2 girls left the bar, and then the girl said she had to go, I said ok...and she wanted my number.. I gave her a fake number. I felt that she wasn't enough of a challenge for me. My objective last night wasnt to get laid but to analyze how far I am in my game and what I can do now. See, even though I didnt hump the girl I knew that I easily could have so basically there's no difference, I closed the ho, and instead of her choosing me, I gamed her so well that I was the one to decide how I wanted to take it, which was at the kiss. In fact I think it worked so well because I was sort of against advancing with her rather than trying to pick her up.

Anyways, afterwards we left the bar and we were gonna go to another one but I got carded and so I called a friend to see if he was still drinking but some chick answered and it was one of the girls that had sex with on psychedelic mushrooms about a month ago and she was at some dude's house with his phone and so I said "Ok, well I'll see you around" but she urged me to head to the house and that she would be there soon and to hurry up. Cool, I'm getting laid. Well, I get to the apartment and inside are two dudes fixing to fight over this chick and the girl. I smoked their weed and went home.

So yesterday was a good night but it wasn't complete....I didn't get drunk.


Don Juan
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
I think I speak for a LOT of people when i say "Drugs?! Shame". And secondly - why do people keep posting LONG treads like this? Who actually reads these things?


Don Juan
May 28, 2006
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P.S. And what was the point of it?


New Member
Jun 2, 2006
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I speak for myself when I say drugs? Why not? But I can understand how a major theme on these boards is self-improvement and many people associate drug use, no matter what the level, with negative self-development and as a bad habit, also disregarding what drugs are used. Anyway I could go into an insanely long post about responsible recreational drug use and it's place, specifically in my life, but I won't. Sounds like you had a pretty fun night.
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
why the f*ck are ppl more focused on the part that I got stoned and not on the real reason?


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
That part with the kiss on the cheek is really cool :)

Mate why is there in your profile written Age: 20 if you are 18 :p

PS I did get drunk yesterday :p
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Taviii said:
That part with the kiss on the cheek is really cool :)

Mate why is there in your profile written Age: 20 if you are 18 :p

PS I did get drunk yesterday :p

1986 dude he is 20.



Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Everyone has their own way to have fun. I smoke weed almost everyday. It does not make me any less of a man that I am. Its tons of fun when you do it in a safe enviroment. We tend to drive around while we smoke a blunt then we go do something thats fun. Like county fairs, concerts, clubs, parties and other social events. No one can tell Im high because my eyes do not turn red.

Good job on the girl!! I would have tried to pursue her a lil bit more fo a one night stand, and then given her a fake number. But hey if you were satisfied by the outcome of your night then its all good right?? Too bad you didnt get drunk but there is always another night for that.
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
yeah i guess.

I'm gonna go pick this chick up at 5:30. She bought a new bong and some dank ass weed and she wants to be shown how to smoke right. What gonna happen is I'm gonna demonstrate how to smoke her by smoking it all myself! MWA HA HA HA! nah, getting chicks high is the good especially if its their first time, its like teaching a baby how to walk, its kinda bittersweet especially after they're coughing their lungs out after I showed em how to take a REAL hit. And usually because of this alerted moment in their lives, they feel vulnerable and this is when you gotta comfort them and then you know what happens next..