FR: 8 approaches at the mall today.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I went to the mall today and I did 8, yes, 8 approaches. This is the highest number of girls I've approached in one day so far. Remember I did 8 approaches so I won't be able to remember exactly how the approaches went, if anything these are summaries. I remember some very well, but others I don't remember well at all. Anyway, here's how they went...

Approach #1
So I'm walking around in Abercrombie looking for a girl to talk to and I see this Blonde girl who works there and I talk to her.

Me: Hey, you guys have some pretty cool music in here.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: Do you like it?
Girl: Uh... it's okay, it gets a little annoying.
Me: So you could dance for me?
Girl: No I can't dance.
Me: Come on! Don't be shy!
Girl: Nah, I can't.
Me: So you're telling me that if you me and went to the club one night, you wouldn't be able to dance?
Girl: Well I go out.
[Or something I don't really remember what she said]
That was the basic approach, I don't even remember much of the approach after that, but basically I asked her a question and I think we eventually talked about her job. But yeah, twas a pretty boring approach.

Approach #2
So I'm walking in the store and I see this girl from school. She doesn't say anything to me so I talk to her and say...

Me: Hey, I recognize you, you go to my school don't you?
Girl: Oh yeah, how are you?
Me: Good.
Girl: That's good
Not much of an approach there.

Approach #3
Went back up to Abercrombie and started looking around. After circling the store once, I went up to this girl who works there that I wanted to talk to.

Me(Really excited): Hey you guys have some pretty sweet music going up in here.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: So can you dance?
Girl: Nah, I'm really bad at dancing.
Me: Come on! Don't be shy you can't be worse than me!
Girl: Nah, I'm a really bad dancer.
Me: Bad dancer? [Kino her] What kind of attitude is that?
Girl: I don't know.
And after that I think she just went back to her job.

Approach #4
I'm in this women's clothing shop and after walking around a while I go up to this one chick.

Me: Hey they've got some pretty good music in here.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: So can you dance?
Girl: No, I'm really bad dancer.
Me: Come on! Just show me a little something!
Girl: Nah, I'm a bad dancer.
Me: Aw, you're no fun!
Girl: Sorry.
Approach #5
So I'm walking in Sephora and this one girl who works there comes up to me. I decide to have a conversation with her.

Girl: Do you need help finding anything?
Me: No.
Me: But you guys have some pretty good music.
Girl: Yeah.
Me: Yeah, have you ever been to Abercrombie and Fitch? Haha, everytime I go down there I think there's a rave going on or something.
Girl: Yeah, their music is really loud.
Me: So can you dance for me?
Girl: Dance? Well, I have to put this stuff away, but she might be able to.
Girl2: Nah, I can't really dance.
Me: Well don't be shy.
Not sure what to say about this one.

Approach #6
Well I walk into Express and immediately I notice this girl with the same color shirt as me. I go up and talk to her.

Me: Hey, you have the same color shirt as me!
Me: So is red your favorite color?
Girl: Nope.
Me: What is it?
Girl: Yellow.
Me: Wow, you're pretty easy. Most chicks wouldn't have given it away that fast.
Me: So can you guess my favorite color?
Girl: Uh-Red?
Me: Nope.
Girl: Blue?
Me: Nope.
Girl: Yellow?
Me: Nope.
Girl: Well I don't know so...
Me: Well since you're struggling I'll give you a hint. It's the color of your hair.
Girl: Black?
Me: Right, pretty coincidental since I'm a black guy.
Me: So what'd you do this summer?
Girl: Oh I worked.
Me: Worked? That's what most girls say. But yeah, I had an eventful summer, can't say it was quite as boring.
Girl: Really what'd you do?
Me: I went to Toronto, Canada.
Girl: Ah, that's cool.
Me: Yeah, me and my cousin saw this guy who looked exactly like Prince and I thought it was pretty rude that my cousin didn't talk to him.
Me: Have you ever seen the Chappelle show?
Girl: Yeah.
Me: Did you ever see the skit with Prince?
Girl: What?
Me: Oh I said did you ever see the skit with Prince?
Girl: Nah.
Me: Well do you go to YouTube?
Girl: I could.
Me: Well go to YouTube and type in Chappelle and Prince and the movie should come up.
Me: Anyways, I got to, bye.
Girl: Bye.
I think this one was pretty good. Unlike the other approaches I didn't go in and look around in the store, however, I immediately went up to a chick and talked to her.

Approach #7
I walked into this random store and talked to the chick at the counter.

Girl: Hi! Can we help you without anything?
Me: Nah. But it must get pretty boring just waiting here all day for the store to close(Since they had no customers).
Girl: Yeah.
Me: I noticed something that's different about this store compared to Abercrombie and Fitch. There's no loud bumping music going.
Girl: Yeah, but that's because Abercrombie and Fitch is more targeted to teenagers.
Me: I see.
Girl: Yeah, I have 5 kids.
Me: 5 kids that must be tough. I know when I'm that age I definitely won't want to have 5 kids.
Girl: Yeah, don't have kids, it's really tough.
Me: Yeah, you and your husband must not get any privacy with all those kids running around.
Girl: We don't have time for privacy.
Me: Yeah.
Me: Well anyway, I got to go, bye.
Girl: Bye! Come back again!
Not that great of an approach there.

Approach #8
So I went into this jeans place I stopped by earlier because I never approached the girl who worked there that I wanted to approach. I walk in and start walking around, a guy who works there says "Hey, how's it going?" and I'm like "Oh, it's going well". So I go back to the front of the store where the chick is and I approach.

Me: Hey, I was hear earlier and I saw you dancing. Is this your kind of music?
Girl: Yeah.
Me: What kind of music do you listen to?
Girl: Independent rock.
Me: I see. Could you dance for me?
Girl: No.
[She laughs]
Girl: I'm not your monkey.
Me: Come on don't be shy. Yeah, I'm not really that good either. When I'm at the club I usually just do my own thing.
[I start dancing]
Girl: Yeah, that's what I do to.
Me: So I noticed you were wearing a yellow shirt. Is that your favorite color?
Girl: No.
Me: Well can you guess my favorite color?
Girl: Uh- Red?
Me: No.
[And she basically says a bunch of colors and continue to say "No"]
Girl: Well, I don't really know what it is so...
Me: Well since I see that you're struggling I'll give you a tip. It's the color of that wall back there.
Girl: White?
Me: No, the other one.
Girl: Black?
Me: Yep.
[Then she tries to confuse me]
Girl: Wait but didn't I say black first?
Me: No.
Girl: Yes I did, before I said white.
Me: No you didn't.
[I was getting too much into her frame, so I changed the subject]
Me: So what'd you do this summer?
Girl: I worked...
[And then we get in this whole conversation about her working and this eventually happens]
Me: So except for this job you basically just sit at home all day?
Girl: Yes - No, I go out.
[After all that we eventually get on the subject of my summer]
Me: Me and my cousin went to Canada and my cousin sees this guy who looks just like Prince and I thought it was rude because come on! It was Prince, he's a superstar!
Girl: Yeah, Prince is cool.
[And she babbles about Prince until she says]
Girl: But Prince is from Minnesota.
Me: Yeah, but he could've been doing a tour or something.
Girl: In Canada, I don't know...
[Eventually, I don't remember how we got into this part of the conversation, but I said...]
Me: Yeah, I play guitar and maybe on day when I'm famous I'll give you my autograph and you can see one of my shows.
Girl: Yeah, that'd be cool.
[Skipping to the end of the conversation]
Me: Well I gotta go.
Girl: Keep playing!
[SHE initiates a handshake]
Me: Yeah, what was your name again?
Girl: Oh, Cassie(Or something like that).
Girl: Yours?
Me: Oh, I'm Mike.
Girl: Well, it was nice meeting you Mike. Make sure to stop bye again.
Me: Alright, bye.
That was a very good approach. I liked how at the end I was thinking about initiating the handshake and then she did it.

And yeah, those are all of tonights approaches. It was a pretty good night. If I could start getting 8 approaches everytime I go out or even get 5 approaches every time, I can really improve.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
you suck, except for that last one that was good, try opening with their oppinon on things make them do the talking I noticed they give a lot of yes/no answers so yeah, a girl thats interested initially would just be like "yes because I blah blah" and do the talking in most cases, in your case they dont seem initially interested to me from the bits I can see, so you should try for more open questions, youve always said its not about the content its about the approach, youre right the approach will communicate all the inner stuff, but if youre not fully there you should try to buy some time using more open ended questions so you can communicate your status to her or whatever thtas what techniques are for, anyways good job, youre gettign better Im noticing keep working.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Man, seriously, everytime I read your posts I laugh. Keep up the good work man! ROFL asking them to dance? Pure comedic genius hahaha! It must suck to be a girl and have to be approached by ElStud, rofl! Anyway, make more!


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
ok where do we start
1) dont ask dumb questions like whats your favorite color
2) like i said earlier , attract before trying to qualify
3) dont use the prince story, its neither funny nor does it convey value
but your approaches are getting better
Alright, but I disagree with the color thing and I disagree with the Prince thing. The color thing because it can actually turn into something fun and the Prince thing because it's just a story and the girls aren't even getting turned off by it. I've learned that I'm a situational guy, so I'm most likely going to open a girl with something I observe. I observe that the music in stores is cool, so I try to make things fun by asking girls to dance. I see a girl with a certain color shirt and I try to make things off of that. I'm trying to cut the routine crap, so I don't really care if the things I say are dumb. I'm being me and that's all that matters. I'd rather just go up to girls and be myself, rather than worrying about what to say.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
I liked it. One can go up to a woman walking and acting like a monkey and still pull it off. I guess you have to keep trying and on each approach you'll get it better.

Asking them to dance, great idea, Ill do that. And if they say no, I'll walk away (when they're visibly into me). If not I'll just say that they suck.

Maybe say something about the music, when it's ravish, say that you don't like it, "maybe it is because I'm not into drugs and stuff".


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
SamePendo said:
I liked it. One can go up to a woman walking and acting like a monkey and still pull it off. I guess you have to keep trying and on each approach you'll get it better.

Asking them to dance, great idea, Ill do that. And if they say no, I'll walk away (when they're visibly into me). If not I'll just say that they suck.

This is meant to be a joke thread, Pendo, going up to random girls and asking them to dance is not DJ; its just creepy. Look at all of his approaches where he asked the girls if they wanted to dance; they said they're a bad dancer, not because they really are, but because they are effectively creeped out by it.

If you are serious, I'll give you some advice; You seem like you're too fixed on a routine (still using the same Prince thing) and it sort of makes the conversation one-sided and one-dimensional, with preset responses that you've thought up to everything she's going to say. Try to be more spontaneous and let the conversation take you where ever it goes and try to be more happy and even make her laugh a little bit by saying something witty.

Oh my god, I just replied seriously a forum troll... Doh! Oh well, Good luck all the same if you aren't kidding


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
i agree with most of superchill89's observations......

dude... attract her before qualifying..

tell me , if you were in a mall and a random girl asked you the same opener , would you have started dancing with her???? and that to in front of a million others??

plus number close..


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Come on guys lay off Elstud his approaches are getting better and Im seeing lots of improvement. Lets not flame him or revert back to previous post of his. ElStud Keep at it and when your ready go for the number close!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
nicenomore said:
i agree with most of superchill89's observations......

dude... attract her before qualifying..

tell me , if you were in a mall and a random girl asked you the same opener , would you have started dancing with her???? and that to in front of a million others??

plus number close..
Good advice there. But how do I attract her?

Also I never asked the girl to dance "with me" I just asked them to dance. Honestly if a random girl came up to me like that I would just do it because I honestly don't care if I'm a bad dancer. I would see it as a fun oppurtunity and maybe even ask her to join in. The thing with most of these random girls is that they DO care if they mess up therefore they're uncomfortable with just randomly dancing.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
agree with mpimpin....

dude.. you gotta show some value in yourself.. Ypu'd probably do the dance cuz you've already placed some value to a beautiful chick.

show some easy magic , interesting sories etc:
go to : and scroll down to attraction section..

you'l get tonnes of materials there too...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, but the thing is, can I still have materials/routines and be myself? If I can then I'll definitely check those out and try them next time I go sarging.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
ElStud said:
Yeah, but the thing is, can I still have materials/routines and be myself? If I can then I'll definitely check those out and try them next time I go sarging.

yeah. whynot.. start with some routines.. later on you'll develop routines from your life experiences. use them as a trainng wheels , so that you can focus on other aspects f ur game , such as body language , volume etc...

get them bang down right , later on , well u can move on...


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
nicenomore said:
yeah. whynot.. start with some routines.. later on you'll develop routines from your life experiences. use them as a trainng wheels , so that you can focus on other aspects f ur game , such as body language , volume etc...

get them bang down right , later on , well u can move on...
I see. The only thing I hate about routines is they make me care too much though, like, "What's going to happen if I screw up this line?". Whereas I just go up there and improvise a line, I don't feel that pressure. Still if indeed I do go sarging tommorow I'll try that stuff, but also stick a little to what I'm already doing. I'll definitely go for some number closes.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
ElStud said:
"What's going to happen if I screw up this line?"
you do a hell of aproaches.. many more than me.....

tell me .. whats the worse that can happen????

you'll learn to improvise the lines .. dont worry.. it takes a bit of practice...

for example , my favorite opener is "who lies more" ... i must've done it on 50 girls by now.. including friends , for practice sake... whats hapened?? i'll tell you .. i 'm aware of anything the girl may answer...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
Chandigarh , India
SamePendo said:
I liked it. One can go up to a woman walking and acting like a monkey and still pull it off. I guess you have to keep trying and on each approach you'll get it better.

Asking them to dance, great idea, Ill do that. And if they say no, I'll walk away (when they're visibly into me). If not I'll just say that they suck.

Maybe say something about the music, when it's ravish, say that you don't like it, "maybe it is because I'm not into drugs and stuff".
Same Pendo... who the hell told you that???

what the hell makes you think above is true??


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, you got A LOT better since the beginning of this year, don't listen to the haters and keep up the good work.

And you see? when you actually listen to advise (most) people will offer you constructive criticism.

It seems like your getting some confidence which is always nice, now you have to work on getting that attraction though.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Alright, but I disagree with the color thing and I disagree with the Prince thing. The color thing because it can actually turn into something fun and the Prince thing because it's just a story and the girls aren't even getting turned off by it. I've learned that I'm a situational guy, so I'm most likely going to open a girl with something I observe. I observe that the music in stores is cool, so I try to make things fun by asking girls to dance. I see a girl with a certain color shirt and I try to make things off of that. I'm trying to cut the routine crap, so I don't really care if the things I say are dumb. I'm being me and that's all that matters. I'd rather just go up to girls and be myself, rather than worrying about what to say.
A baboon can observe what color shirt a girl is wearing and react upon it.

What you have said was stupid. You don't take the valuable information in, and therefore most of the senior members who actually know their sh!t have stopped replying to your so-called FRs, and stopped giving you advice.

You are NOT a situational guy. You are being hypocritical, you're saying you are, yet in every approach you mention the same bull about the music. Yet you say you try to stray away from canned routines, but in every approach you have thrown out the same lines.

The reason why you aren't improving is because you've attached your ego into this picking up business. You don't take advice in if it doesn't suit what you like to hear.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Lust said:
A baboon can observe what color shirt a girl is wearing and react upon it.

What you have said was stupid. You don't take the valuable information in, and therefore most of the senior members who actually know their sh!t have stopped replying to your so-called FRs, and stopped giving you advice.

You are NOT a situational guy. You are being hypocritical, you're saying you are, yet in every approach you mention the same bull about the music. Yet you say you try to stray away from canned routines, but in every approach you have thrown out the same lines.

The reason why you aren't improving is because you've attached your ego into this picking up business. You don't take advice in if it doesn't suit what you like to hear.
Which so called senior members? I take the advice I take. Haha, I'm not even gonna bother because I can tell from your post that you're not even a DJ. Senior members like who? Michele, Brighty, you? Yeah, right. So-called 'FRS'? Haha, you know what just stop talking like a f*cking moron.

The same lines? Just shush, because if you looked at any of my FRs you would know that's not true. Bottom line, stop hating on those who are improving man.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
LMAO for all the people trying to flame him, its pretty obvious who the real KBJ are here.

He had the balls not only to walk up to some random broads, but say absolutely ridiculous things and STILL get a response.

Dude, you don't need more "material", material is bull****, its for pussies up here who feel they need to have a loaded gun for a weapon. Slap the ***** with the end of your gun if your out of bullets I say :p.

If I could offer advice (I'm not the god of women here either :p):

That last approach, that was easily a number close, hell, you could've probably moved her.

Me: Yeah, I play guitar and maybe on day when I'm famous I'll give you my autograph and you can see one of my shows.
Girl: Yeah, that'd be cool.
[Skipping to the end of the conversation]
Me: Well I gotta go.
Girl: Keep playing!
[SHE initiates a handshake]
Me: Yeah, what was your name again?
Girl: Oh, Cassie(Or something like that).
Girl: Yours?
Me: Oh, I'm Mike.
Girl: Well, it was nice meeting you Mike. Make sure to stop bye again.
Me: Alright, bye.
After she said she couldn't dance and you knew she was into independent rock I would've said something like, "Well I'll trade you one of my guitar solos for one of your dances. It'll be like trading Pokemon cards" (Jesus christ this pokemon business is RIDICULOUS. It seems like every girl I KNOW used to love pokemon and almost ALWAYS you can get into a conversation about her and compare her to a stupid pokemon. I've told at least three girls they were too much like snorlax for eating and sleeping to much and they LOVE it). That way, at the end of you're close you could've signed a piece of paper and said:

"Well look, I don't know if I can trust you enough for my number (say this with a dubious smile, nearly always works. Girls like to think of themselves as being trustworthy: Irony.), but when I get famous at least you'll have a part of me to sell, you know in case your ten year plan for being a store clerk doesn't make you a millionaire. (ONLY USE THIS IF YOU ARE SURE THIS REALLY ISN'T HER DESIRED PROFESSION. I cannot stress this enough. Most teenage/young women are using part time jobs to pay for bills, school, etc, so obviously they don't plan to stay there forever. If its this girls life dream to be a store clerk, then don't insult it).

The second she initiated the handshake and asked your name, you should've zeroed in for it. Give her a backturn next time, then turn around real quick as you are leaving and say, "What time are you getting out?"

IF she says any time under the time you expect to be leaving you could set up an insta date right there, AND socially proof yourself in the mall.
"Well look, I've got some stuff to do, but I'll pass back by if I can and you can take me on our first date. Nothing special, just a four star meal you know? What? (when she puts on a shocked expression). I deserve to be wined and dined if you want a shot at me"

Edit: Oh and if she doesn't say a time that you can stay for say, "Well write your number down and I'll give you a shout next time I'm in the area" while you whip out your celli.

Again though bro, I like that is that your favorite color line, but I would tweak it a bit, and when she went to guess yours, add a connotation to every color she guesses. Such as:

Green: Are you calling me a stoner or something? Jeez, I've known you for like two seconds and you are already making assumptions (if she's a party girl you can add: Don't think you are going to get on my stash for free just because you look good, it doesn't work that way :p)

Again though, that's a bit difficult to work with, but I can definetly see it working.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Good advice there man. I like the stuff about adding something every time she says a color. Blue? Are you saying I got the blues? Red? Are you saying I look angry? That kind of stuff. I might go to the mall tonight, but I don't know.