Well yeah you guys know the drill. In this topic I'm basically going to talk about the interactions today which I felt had some importance.
Overall, seduction wise, today didn't go so great. Mainly because today I went to this thing for Jazz Band, so I missed both my 2 lunch periods and couldn't talk to girls there, so I only had pretty much, afterschool to approach. However, since tommorow I do have 1 lunch period AND I have play practice, which a lot of girls are in, it should be a good day seduction. Heck, I might even get some numbers tommorow, who knows.
So that was that interaction, nothing special. I would further progress things with this girl, but when I talked to her later I learned she had a boyfriend, which sucks. Which sucks even more is I had the chance to game this girl WAAAAY back in the beggining of the year at marching band, but I didn't, but her current boyfriend did.My last period had ended and I saw this Kaara girl in the hallway. So I basically put my arm around her, said what's up and started talking to her. I remember at one point asking her how her guitar was going(Because previously when I talked to her she told me she played guitar) and that kind of stuff. Then I started talking about how we should jam and stuff and throughout this whole convo she's being cool with it.
I guess started okay, admit the girl was probably a little creeped, but who cares.I'm in the hallway and I see this group of girls, few of them I guess you could say I kind of know and open saying "Hey, little sis, how's it going? How's the baby?" and another girl goes "She does kind of look like she's having a baby". Blah blah blah, I said "Sophia, I'm going to give you a test though, what's my name?" and she gets it right. Overall it wasn't that great of an interaction and to be honest, I wasn't even into towards the end when she started walking away and I closed the set.
Decent set, girl I barely even knew hugged me.I'm talking to my dude Jake and he's talking to this girl named Laura or Lauren or something like that. And so he asks if I know her and I say "Yeah! That's my little sister" then I say "Come on little sis, give your big brother a hug" or something and I hugged her and she hugged back. Eventually Jake guy is like "Aw... they're hugging" all sarcasticly and stuff. Nothing interesting really happened after that.
Overall, seduction wise, today didn't go so great. Mainly because today I went to this thing for Jazz Band, so I missed both my 2 lunch periods and couldn't talk to girls there, so I only had pretty much, afterschool to approach. However, since tommorow I do have 1 lunch period AND I have play practice, which a lot of girls are in, it should be a good day seduction. Heck, I might even get some numbers tommorow, who knows.