FR: 2 approaches at school.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well I was at school today and I made 2 approaches.

Approach # 1
So I’m walking around before first period and I talk to these 2 cheerleaders by their lockers.

Me: Hey, so I know you guys are excited for the game tonight.
Girl1: Yeah, I am!
Me: Really? You don’t look too excited.
Girl1: Well, I am excited for it.
Me: Well let me test you to really see if you’re excited. Show me your best game face.
[Girl2 laughs]
Girl1: Well… I don’t know, but I am excited.
Me: Well, I’ll see you guys at the game. If you see me don’t just pass me up though, say something.
Girls: We will.
[I leave]
Girls: Bye!
Approach # 2
So I was at lunch and I approached this one girl.
Me: Hey! So I know you’re excited for the football game tonight!
Girl: Yeah, I am.
Me: What I can’t hear you speak up.
Girl: Oh I said yeah I am.
Me: So let’s say theoretically you see me at the football game, I want you to say “Hey Mike!” to me.
Girl: I’ll definitely do that!
Me: So you will?
Girl: Yeah! Let’s pinky square on it!
[She puts her pinky out]
Me: What’s pinky squaring?
[I put my pinky and cross it with hers]
Girl: Cool.
Me: Yeah, I do band.
Girl: Really? What do you play?
Me: Saxophone. Yeah, I might say something to you if I see you but I might be too busy.
Girl: Cool.
Me: Well what classes do you have though?
[And she starts ignoring me despite being all interested before, while I talk]
Me: Well, I’ll see you at the game.
Girl: Definitely!
Pretty good here, although it was pretty weird when the second one turned her head after showing all that interest.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
NICE! very well done


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah I just wonder why the second set started to ignore, maybe a sh*t test?(SHE intiates kino and interest and then she ignores ME?)

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like the second one went on too long. She was interested and there and then she drifted off. You had that one topic about the game and she was hooked and then you went into classes and maybe thats where it should have stopped. Either way really nice. Did you flirt with any of those girls at the game?