FR: 2 approaches at school, made a new "girl" friend.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I made 2 approaches at school today. First approach was nothing, but second approach although NOT a cold approach, was one of the best interactions I've had with a group of girls yet. So yeah, first one was sh*t, but second one was great.

Approach #1
I'm sitting on a couch in the Senior Lounge next to this girl named Taylor and I talk.
Me: You've been reading that book for a while. You must either be really bored or it must be an interesting book.
Girl: Well, no, it's an interesting book.
Me: Can I see it?
[I look at the page]
Me: Now it's time for story hour for you kids.
Girl: No, that's okay, I want to keep reading it.
[She takes the book back]
Yep like I said earlier, crappy approach.

Approach #2
I sit down on the senior lounge coach next to this girl named Rebecca whom I already knew. The interaction was LONG so I'll post segments of what happened.

- It started when Rebecca said "Hey Mike!" and I'm like "Hi". So while I'm eating Pizza I talk to her and ask her if she's going to the football game. She says yes and I start asking her if while she's there she can yell "Hey Mike!" really loud if she sees me. She says she can and yells it. I'm like "Come on, it has to be louder than that" and she's all "Well I can't do it now". Then while I'm eating my pizza she asks me "What instrument do you play?" and my mouth is full so I can't really answer and she says "I'll let you finish that". Once I'm finished I'm like "Hey Rebecca, can you save this seat for me?" and she's like "Sure". So I leave and while I'm leaving I see her friends come in and one tries to sit where I was sitting but I see Rebecca telling them that they can't sit there.

- Eventually I ask her to introduce me to her friend and she introduces me. Her friend says "I'm Lindsey" and Rebecca says "This is Mike". Then I ask her friend if she's going to the game and she says yes. So then I say "Well if you guys are together in the stands, make sure to shout 'Hey Mike!'" and they say that they'll do it. Girl 3 comes along and says "I'll cheer for you, I have a really high voice!". I have a conversation with both Girl's 1 and 2 and I'm kinoing both of them a lot during the conversation.

- Eventually this thing happens where I start to give the girls nickname. I call Rebecca "R" and Lindsey "L" and they're all laughing and stuff while I give them nicknames. Girl4 roles in and Girl2, Lindsey says "What's her nickname? M-Dog?" then I'm all "Nah, that might be a little corny". Skipping ahead, she says "Michelle(Girl4)'s last and first name starts with an M" and I'm like "Cool, then her nickname will be Double M". I eventually say "So we have R, L-See and Double M" and they laugh.

- Then Girl2 is like "We have to come up with a nickname for you" and she suggests 'D-Dog' but I'm like "That could work, but I think 'Big Pimpin' would be a good nickname for me". And the girls all laugh and Girl2 is like "He wants us to call him Big Pimpin!" then dude in the background is like "Cool, we should make a poster that says 'Big Pimpin' on it" and Girl2 is "Oh my god! Can we make a poster?" all excited and sh*t.

Eventually this other dude sitting next to Rebecca, takes over the interaction with her, so I start to move things on with Girl2.

- I ask girl2 to put out her hands and she does it and I say "Let's do a handshake" and she shakes my hands. Then I go "Wow, you have really small hands. You would suck at Shotput" and then she's like "I use to play shotput" and I'm like "No way!" and she's like "Yeah, I have really big muscles". Then I go "Hey! You know what would be fun, me and you, arm wrestling right now" and then she's like "No, you would beat me". Cutting to the point, there was some more interaction after that, but we never arm wrestled.

- At one point, the girls ask my middle names and Rebecca tells me her middle name. At one point Girl2 is like "Do you know me well enough for me to know your middle name?" and to keep Mystery I'm like "Well I don't just give out my middle name to anyone". Eventually I tell girl2 "I will tell you my middle name, but you have to dance for me" and she attempts to dance, but it sucks. I tell Rebecca the same thing and she does a crappy dance too. Then I go "Well since I like you, I'll give you my middle name" and I tell her my middle name and she's like "[Middlename] that's it? I thought it was going to be something funny or something".

- Towards the end of the interaction Girl2 asks me what instrument I play. Skipping along I ask the girls if they played any instruments, Girl1 said she plays the piano, but all she can play is "Mary had a little lamb" or some sh*t. I then talk to her about that, then I ask Girl2 if she played any instruments. She said she played guitar. Eventually I tell her I play bass and I'm looking to start a band and while kinoing her heavily I ask her "How good would you say you are at guitar" and she's like "Oh, I'm very good". I doubt her so she asks Girl3 "Ashley I'm good at guitar right?" and she's like "Yeah, she's good at guitar!". So then we have this whole conversation about having a band and she likes the idea. Towards the end of the set I ask Girl2 "Well, you know I'll need your number if we're going to be in a band though" and she's like "Oh, I'll give it to you later".
So yeah, there it is goes, one of the best sets so far. Great thing was when one of the guys left I was surrounded by women. I also lead the interaction here and got a lot of interests from the girls. Girl2 was really interested but I think if she REALLY wanted to give me the number she would've stopped whatever she was doing and gave it to me. So I think she was interested, but not enough for the number.

First one sucked, but the 2nd one may be one of the best approaches I've ever made so far. On the second set I just loosened up and had fun, rather than relying on any routines.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
Thats awesome man, you were being yourself and you had fun with it!
Dude I see so much improvement here comapred to your past approaches, and the really cool part is that you got the interest of multiple girls at once... big pimpin :p

The only 2 things I'd change was the armwrestle thing, because she probably was like "he just wants to arm wrestle so he can beat me..." you should have like told her to flex her muscles for you, then flexed your bigger muscles next to hers showing some DHV :p but... thats just my opinion.
The second thing is at the end, the way you asked for her number didn't sound that great, but it's np man cause the actual conversation you had and the friends you made are way more important than a single phone number.
I actually have experience with this... when a girl is like "I'll give it to you later" she usually won't give it to you, plus she'll forget about it eventually. So you shouldn't ask for it again cause then she'll be like, "oh I forgot about that" and possibly make up another excuse.

ur doing awesome though, that was a good read.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Grand Wizzard Alamar said:
Thats awesome man, you were being yourself and you had fun with it!
Dude I see so much improvement here comapred to your past approaches, and the really cool part is that you got the interest of multiple girls at once... big pimpin :p

The only 2 things I'd change was the armwrestle thing, because she probably was like "he just wants to arm wrestle so he can beat me..." you should have like told her to flex her muscles for you, then flexed your bigger muscles next to hers showing some DHV :p but... thats just my opinion.
The second thing is at the end, the way you asked for her number didn't sound that great, but it's np man cause the actual conversation you had and the friends you made are way more important than a single phone number.
I actually have experience with this... when a girl is like "I'll give it to you later" she usually won't give it to you, plus she'll forget about it eventually. So you shouldn't ask for it again cause then she'll be like, "oh I forgot about that" and possibly make up another excuse.

ur doing awesome though, that was a good read.
Thanks. And 2 of the girls did say "Hi Mike!" to me later, so that's a good indication they haven't forgotten about me and see me as a cool guy. Haha, I wonder what Lust and Wescott are going to say to this, considering I got TONS OF INTEREST without using any of their advice.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Hmm. You don't know that for sure. You know interest exists, but what if it's really strong FRIEND interest? This is where the Certainity of Interest (CoI) comes into play. Search it if you've never read it. It'll save your ass from assumption.

Good approach.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
i think you shouldn't be putting people down on your cold approaches. You should come off as friendly. If you use negs on a girl in your school that u don't know, u'll come off as a jerk. The only way u can pull negs off in high school is if your a really funny guy in CLASS and they see that, then u can neg the girls because they see who you are and will not act so defensive.

i've actually proved this many times from personal experience. if u want me to explain, i can.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Nah man, I'm big enough to give you props (with a caveat), the second was a good approach.

My caveat is, although good, wasn't technically an "approach", you've just found out the value of having girlfriends introduce you to their friends. You felt comfortable because it was YOUR comfort zone. If you want some advice, I'd throw some SOI in there, just so she knows that you're interested in her romantically, rather than as a friend.

A friend she see's, a friend you'll be

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Crazy Asian said:
i think you shouldn't be putting people down on your cold approaches. You should come off as friendly. If you use negs on a girl in your school that u don't know, u'll come off as a jerk. The only way u can pull negs off in high school is if your a really funny guy in CLASS and they see that, then u can neg the girls because they see who you are and will not act so defensive.

i've actually proved this many times from personal experience. if u want me to explain, i can.
Somewhat agreed. Its all in the way you say your negs though not what you're known for.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
WesCottII said:
Nah man, I'm big enough to give you props (with a caveat), the second was a good approach.

My caveat is, although good, wasn't technically an "approach", you've just found out the value of having girlfriends introduce you to their friends. You felt comfortable because it was YOUR comfort zone. If you want some advice, I'd throw some SOI in there, just so she knows that you're interested in her romantically, rather than as a friend.

A friend she see's, a friend you'll be
About the ceveat, nah it wasn't an approach, but it was an interaction with women and therefore counts as a Field Report. And I wasn't in my comfort zone here, so I don't know why you would say that. What's an SOI? Examples?


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Statement of interest, makes sure she knows you want to sleep with her, rather than "listen to her problems".

Tell her she's, would make a great g/f (jokingly).

I said you were in your comfort zone because you knew everyone there, it's not a bad thing, just different to a cold approach.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Your first approach were like your other approaches; they sucked and were lame. You did good on the second approach, but like WestCottII, you seemed to be more in a comfortable situation than a cold approach. Well, the point is you made a new "girl" friend, it'll lead to somewhere. She'll eventually introduce you to her [hopefully] hot girl friends, and you'll be more comfortable than your other approaches, which means a higher success ratio. And the more people you know, then the higher social status you have.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
WesCottII said:
Statement of interest, makes sure she knows you want to sleep with her, rather than "listen to her problems".

Tell her she's, would make a great g/f (jokingly).

I said you were in your comfort zone because you knew everyone there, it's not a bad thing, just different to a cold approach.
Actually I only knew like one person there well, which was Rebecca. All the other girls except Lindsey were girls I had classes and sh*t with, but never talked to. This was the first time I ever talked to Lindsey. So in the end, it wasn't a comfort zone because I didn't even really know any of them well.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Actually I only knew like one person there well, which was Rebecca. All the other girls except Lindsey were girls I had classes and sh*t with, but never talked to. This was the first time I ever talked to Lindsey. So in the end, it wasn't a comfort zone because I didn't even really know any of them well.
Even if it was only one girl you'd still feel at least a bit of comfort knowing that you know at least someone within the group. It's a whole lot different compared to just approaching a bunch of girls you don't know because you have no connections with them at all. That's why I prefer approaching my friend's friends more than just plain cold approaches. Even though I've done it plenty of times I still can't 100% get rid of that fear of approaching women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying it's a different set-up when you're with someone you know, you can be "yourself". It's a whole different kettle of fish if you approach cold. Perhaps you should consider having your friend introduce you to women, and approach them that way.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
WesCottII said:
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying it's a different set-up when you're with someone you know, you can be "yourself". It's a whole different kettle of fish if you approach cold. Perhaps you should consider having your friend introduce you to women, and approach them that way.
yeah, but that would be the easy way out. Although he is a social retard and a moron he fights that fear of approaching by doing cold approaches which is good and should help him in other areas of his life, too. He should just turn it up a notch by being more direct.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
ChrizZ said:
yeah, but that would be the easy way out. Although he is a social retard and a moron he fights that fear of approaching by doing cold approaches which is good and should help him in other areas of his life, too. He should just turn it up a notch by being more direct.
Social retard and moron who has a whole bunch of chicks interested him enough to call him "Big Pimpin" and these chicks are popular too, so you know what I don't even care. And knowing these girls will only get me more friends, so if having a lot of friends is being a social retard than so be it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well yeah... I even saw Girl3 at the football game with her friend and she was all "Hey Big Pimpin'!". It's just a nickname though, nothing more.

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Is it wrong I want to call El Stud Pimp C from now on?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Big pimpin? That's the best you can do? My nickname is Cupid!