As far as looks are concerned, I think men fall into four different categories with most men falling into the two middle categories.
1.) Physically ugly men- These men are noticeably unattractive and generally never get any positive attention from attractive women. The only thing that can help them land an attractive woman is by being famous or being an unknown with a high net worth.
2.) Physically Average men-These men are neither attractive, but you don't consider them ugly. (Hollywood examples-Adam Sandler, Corey Feldman, John C.Reilly). Men in the real world (in this category) generally get ignored by attractive women most of the time, but will have a hot woman like them or notice them once in awhile. Men in this category, can pull hot women if they have the confidence or social status to attract her. However, when it comes to first impressions; these men are mostly ignored.
3.) Attractive but not strikingly handsome men. (Hollywood examples-Steve Carrell, Jimmy Fallon, Matt Damon). In the real world, men in this attractiveness range will get a decent amount of attention from hot women, but will have an equally amount of hot women ignore them. They get noticed alot, but don't make a woman's head turn.
4.) Strikingly Handsome men-These men won the genetic lottery and generally draw instant disdain and envy from men in the other categories (Hollywood examples-Matt Bomer, Rob Lowe, Paul Walker, Tyler Kitsch, Alex Rodriquez). These are the men who will have most attractive women like them (on looks alone). They will make a woman's head turn wherever they go and will actually have women initiate conversations with them. Of course, if the man is shy, lacks confidence or socially awkward, his exceptional looks won't help.
Most of us fall into categories two and three and the same can be said for women.
To those that say "I see ugly men with beautiful women all the time". No, you don't. These men are most likely average men with attractive women or an attractive (but not strikingly handsome) man with an exceptionally attractive woman.
My point of this thread. Looks matter and the more handsome you are, the more opportunities you will have.
So, if you are out of shape fix it! If you are balding, shave your head or get a hair transplant. If you have bad teeth, get braces.
1.) Physically ugly men- These men are noticeably unattractive and generally never get any positive attention from attractive women. The only thing that can help them land an attractive woman is by being famous or being an unknown with a high net worth.
2.) Physically Average men-These men are neither attractive, but you don't consider them ugly. (Hollywood examples-Adam Sandler, Corey Feldman, John C.Reilly). Men in the real world (in this category) generally get ignored by attractive women most of the time, but will have a hot woman like them or notice them once in awhile. Men in this category, can pull hot women if they have the confidence or social status to attract her. However, when it comes to first impressions; these men are mostly ignored.
3.) Attractive but not strikingly handsome men. (Hollywood examples-Steve Carrell, Jimmy Fallon, Matt Damon). In the real world, men in this attractiveness range will get a decent amount of attention from hot women, but will have an equally amount of hot women ignore them. They get noticed alot, but don't make a woman's head turn.
4.) Strikingly Handsome men-These men won the genetic lottery and generally draw instant disdain and envy from men in the other categories (Hollywood examples-Matt Bomer, Rob Lowe, Paul Walker, Tyler Kitsch, Alex Rodriquez). These are the men who will have most attractive women like them (on looks alone). They will make a woman's head turn wherever they go and will actually have women initiate conversations with them. Of course, if the man is shy, lacks confidence or socially awkward, his exceptional looks won't help.
Most of us fall into categories two and three and the same can be said for women.
To those that say "I see ugly men with beautiful women all the time". No, you don't. These men are most likely average men with attractive women or an attractive (but not strikingly handsome) man with an exceptionally attractive woman.
My point of this thread. Looks matter and the more handsome you are, the more opportunities you will have.
So, if you are out of shape fix it! If you are balding, shave your head or get a hair transplant. If you have bad teeth, get braces.