Formeron---Have read nothing but good things about this...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Formeron is a transdermal form of Formestane made by Black Lion Research Labs.

Here is a breakdown of what it is and does:

Formeron is the most versatile AI (aromatase inhibitor) in existance.
Its potential far surpasses that of any other prescription or non prescription AI. Gain muscle and strength, lower estrogen as well as increase testosterone.


* Is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor. This means that it forever renders the enzyme inactive. This is in contrast to non-suicidal inhibitors like arimidex which have the potential for a heavy estrogen rebound after discontinuing its use. This also means that estrogen stays low for a while after you stop using Formeron.

* Formeron has been shown to elevate IGF-1 levels.

* In research studies Formeron was proven to be a 5- alpha reductase inhibitor in BHP and cancer cells. This means it combats sides such as hairloss caused by elevated DHT levels.

* Formeron is proven to reduce SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). This means that there is more of your testosterone free and active to bind to the androgen receptors. In essence, Formeron makes your testosterone better and stronger. A 200mg weekly dose of testosterone can be almost twice as effective as it would be without Formeron.

* Formeron is anabolic and causes muscle growth and strength increases. Formeron is a pro-hormone. After you apply Formeron a portion of it converts to 4-hydroxytestosterone. This means that a percentage of the active ingredient also becomes a steroid in your system. Hydroxytestosterone is testosterone that cannot convert to estrogen. This is a very dry steroid. Gains in muscle and strength can be expected along with a dry hard appearance.

* Formeron can be run solo as a prohormone cycle which requires no PCT.

* Formeron can be used as your main On Cycle AI.

* Formeron can be used for your PCT and works very well to decrease estrogen and increase natural testosterone even above normal human levels! This means that after a cycle of Formeron your test levels are actually BETTER than when you started. This is in bright contrast to almost every other hormone a bodybuilder might use, as most heavily reduce natural testosterone production.

* Formeron is non toxic and causes no liver strain.

* Formeron requires no injection as Black Lion Research uses a transdermal carrier to get the active ingredient into your system. This is efficient and effective. Transdermal Formeron is absorbed approximately 1000% more than oral preparations of the same ingredients.

* Formeron is the best choice for anyone looking for An AI (aromatase inhibitor)

Formeron is a transdermal aromatase inhibitor (AI). Black Lions Formeron is made from the highest quality raw materials and has the best transdermal carrier possible. Here are some other interesting facts about Formeron.

- decreases number of progesterone receptors
- increases HPTA actiivity similar to HCG and Clomid together
- inhibits 91% of aromatase enzyme production
- anabolic and androgenic
- 'suicide inhibitor' of aromatase
- decreases SHBG by 34%
- inhibits DHT formation and activity
- decrease prostate concerns such as BPH
- continues to increase HPTA function above natural levels.

According to research studies "The 4-OHA was found to inhibit 5 alpha-reductase in both BPH and cancer tissue" Formeron is also a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. This means that on top of reducing estrogen related sides and raising testosterone levels it also reduces DHT related side effects like Hair loss and prostate enlargement.

In addition, formeron is a prohormone. This means that is converts into another compound after ingestion. In this case Formeron converts to a steroid called 4- hydroxytestosterone. This steroid is literally testosterone that cannot be converted to estrogen. This means you get all of the anabolism of testosterone and none of the estrogenic sides associated with its use. This steroid gives the user a dry hard appearance making Formeron a great addition to a pre contest stack or for those looking to get in the best shape of their lives. Our transdermal carrier is designed for maximum skin penetration and maximum absorption while leaving the skin hydrated. Formeron is hand compounded by a select group of compounding pharmacists and as such each bottle is made with care and attention to detail. Our products are of the highest quality.

Anyone had any experience with this? From what I have read and talked to others about, it gives pretty good results with very low risks. Key points being no liver issues and no PCT needed. Have seen lab work on a few people that have run this and had their Testosterone skyrocket, with their free testosterone(the kind that really matters) higher to much higher than normal levels...Just ordered some, pretty excited to try it and see how my body does on it...I just finished an 8 week cycle of A-HD, a non-suicidal aromatase inhibitor, and felt really good on it. This is supopsed to blow that away, so I can't wait to get it...

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Seems too good to be true, but if its really like that Ill buy 10 boxes myself the same day it arrives in Europe.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
seems more like a complicated 3rd generation ultra modern cancer drug rather than a supplement...
i honestly don't have the balls to take this ****...
multivitamin is the only capsule that goes into my body :))


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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i think ill just do a bunch of jiu jitsu instead


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Well, from what I have read about it and from many many users of it, it basically binds with the aromatase enzyme irreversibly, preventing testosterone from being converted into estrogen. A small amount also gets converted into a form of testosterone that cannot be converted into estrogen as well. If you use it in higher amounts, it actually turns into a pro-hormone since the body converts small amounts to testosterone.

This does a few things. First, the body attempts to fix the low estrogen problem by producing more testosterone, since it then attempts to convert it into estrogen. However, since it cannot do this because the enzyme has been blocked, the testosterone continues to build in the body...the good type of testosterone, free testosterone, since SHBG is also lowered as well(it is tied to estrogen...which explains why the more estrogen you have the lower your test levels)

Basically test goes way up, estrogen goes way down. Key is to to keep estrogen levels low enough but not completely crash them.

From what I have heard it works really really well, some have gone so far as to say it is like running a mild cycle.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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Whats that the holy grail? if it cuts away fat from my upper body without making me grow boobs right after use, Ill buy it.
But are we sure we can mess up with out hormones without conseguences?


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
To answer the I wouldn't buy it. It's an estrogen blocker. If you want a good natural test booster get Erase + Dpol. Erase is an estrogen blocker...Dpol is a test booster and a NO product as well. Dpol also tells the body to use oxygen and fat for energy first...thus a decrease in fat. I've heard nothing but good things about both and would highly recommend adding those to your stack. Having natty test boosters are pretty much irrelevant if you aren't 25+ because your body more than likely already produces enough free testosterone.

I've heard that the products you are looking at don't work well or at all. They apparently had an older formula that used to work but this current one sucks. Anything that says that it ACTS like a prohormone is more than likely a scam. The best free testosterone boosters don't say such blasphemy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Powerofmindset said:
To answer the I wouldn't buy it. It's an estrogen blocker. If you want a good natural test booster get Erase + Dpol. Erase is an estrogen blocker...Dpol is a test booster and a NO product as well. Dpol also tells the body to use oxygen and fat for energy first...thus a decrease in fat. I've heard nothing but good things about both and would highly recommend adding those to your stack. Having natty test boosters are pretty much irrelevant if you aren't 25+ because your body more than likely already produces enough free testosterone.

I've heard that the products you are looking at don't work well or at all. They apparently had an older formula that used to work but this current one sucks. Anything that says that it ACTS like a prohormone is more than likely a scam. The best free testosterone boosters don't say such blasphemy.
Its not a scam at all. Nor is it blasphemy. Formestane(Lentaron) is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor, inhibiting 91% of aromatase enzymes. It was initially used to suppress estrogen receptor positive breast cancer but was discontinued when suitable replacements were found beacuse of its anabolic effects. It also converts to 4-hydroxytestosterone in small amounts which is a form of testosterone that cannot be converted to estrogen. The more you use, the more that gets converted, which is why its activity as a pro-hormone is dose dependent.

The effects of formestane are very well known. It has poor oral availability, but it works very well in transdermal form. Anyone saying formestane doesn't work is not only going against clinical data that shows it works exceptionally well, since it was, in fact, a drug used in medical treatments of breast cancer, they also obviously never used a transdermal form of it.

If you look up transdermal formestane you will be very, very hard pressed to find someone who says anything other than its awesome. Trust me, I tried. I don't jump on things blindly. I also know 2 people who have such a wide range and depth of knowledge that they appear on super human radio and have developed their own well researched and well received supplements who say formestane works very well.

If we are going to be honest, Erase would be like AA league baseball compared to Formestane being in the Major Leagues. Yeah it works, but noone in their right mind would tell you Erase will do what Formestane will. Natural test boosters cannot raise test levels above human normal values like Formestane can.

However, I am not using Formestane alone, I am stacking it with DAA and Divanil. DAA raises test levels significantly, which will be even more significant while using Formestane and Divanil(Stinging Nettle Extract) outcompetes testosterone for SHBG receptors, freeing up more testosterone that can be utilized by the body.

Several people have compared taking this stack to running a mild cycle(which they themselves have already tried) and said they achieved excellent results. I'll keep you posted, getting ready to start it tomorrow.

In the meantime, look up transdermal formestane yourself and you will be able to see what I am talking about.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
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So you run this "prohormone" and don't have to use pct or any other safety precautions? It isn't a prohormone. If it is a prohormone (which it isn't) and you didn't take precautions and cycle it correctly you can permanently damage your body. Taking that alone won't make you gain 20lbs in 2 weeks...what about diet? If you run any stack of supplements yet eat little and not in excess you won't gain much.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Powerofmindset said:
So you run this "prohormone" and don't have to use pct or any other safety precautions? It isn't a prohormone. If it is a prohormone (which it isn't) and you didn't take precautions and cycle it correctly you can permanently damage your body. Taking that alone won't make you gain 20lbs in 2 weeks...what about diet? If you run any stack of supplements yet eat little and not in excess you won't gain much.

Obviously training and eating are centerpoint to any program.

There is no PCT needed with this. Its actually USED in PCT. Has zero effect on the liver(its transdermal).


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
marmel75 said:

Obviously training and eating are centerpoint to any program.

There is no PCT needed with this. Its actually USED in PCT. Has zero effect on the liver(its transdermal).
I doubt an AI on its own will give crazy gains, but from what I looked up it seems relatively safe and if you have the money then why not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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ArcBound said:
I doubt an AI on its own will give crazy gains, but from what I looked up it seems relatively safe and if you have the money then why not.
So what exactly do u get out of it?


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
Strelok said:
So what exactly do u get out of it?
Used mostly during a steroid cycle or afterwards to prevent too much excess estrogen and manboob formation. Some people like to use AI with testosterone boosters and claim they see gains.


New Member
Jan 7, 2013
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Thanks for the great stuffs.A little bit of bibliography would make this writing more authentic.

All the best.