Forgot to get Number.....


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
This weekend I met this amazing girl (young, smart, very attractive, and very cool) obvious. I get a ton of girls but this one stands out!

We met at a restaurant with a whole bunch of friends just drinking and having good time. She talked my friends and I into going to a bar afterward. at the bar we talked and flitted. I cracked jokes on her and she would laugh a lot. she grabs my beer and shakes it which it was about empty and asks if id like another. of course i say yes. we stayed there for awhile and had a great time danced and what not she was holding my hand my the time we left. she wanted to take us to this party so we went

she was getting me my beer at the party and standing next to me rubbing my back and holding my hand. a lot of her friends showed up and the party was kinda lame so i told her i was going to bar with my friend cause it was his bday........ forgot to get her number

should i facebook her???( were in college btw so it the thing to do)


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Go for it. It seems she has a high IL so I'd say add her on facebook and just say you forgot to get her number. Then call her up sometime and ask her out. Simple enough

DJ Noble

Don Juan
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Sounds like she was into you. Not getting her number was a mistake, but recoverable only if you do it the right way.

When you facebook her send a message along with your friend request. Ask for her number in that message. If you don't, she'll assume you're putting her in the facebook friend zone. She also may think that you wimped out at asking for her number in person and wanted wait to go the facebook route to get it. But if she really had a good time with you, she'll reply with her number. When you call, convince yourself that she gave it to you that night if you need to prevent feeling weird about how you got it.

Good luck.