Geriatric Sarges
Damm Ricky,
You sounded like me earlier this summer. Us older guys need to take especial care of ourselves (is anyone going to slam me on word usage lol). Our metabolism slows down, strength decreases, gains in the gym come more slowly and require greater recuperation time.
I tried going out two nights in a row (Friday/Saturday) just a couple of weeks back, and this is during a time when I'm working part time mind you, and I was pretty much exhausted. I'm still not sure if I've recovered!
The bottom line is, you MUST recuperate properly. Anything that requires physical or emotional exertion, I try to schedule every other day (night sarges, the gym in particular).
Also, if you have a choice between going solo or winging with a newb, I say go it alone. If you must go with someone specifically for the sake of sarging, split up immediately once you get inside the venue. Do not cling to them, or let them enter your sets. You can pick up some very bad habits from newb wings. You have been warned! Good luck, post a FR.