Do you want to quit because you can't drink in moderation? I don't drink all that often, but when I do, I usually plan on getting tore up. That probably sounds irresponsible, and maybe it is, but that's what I do. I have no interest in drinking by myself, or having just one or two drinks if somebody offers. No, I only like to drink on the weekends at the bar, or at a wedding, or some party. Basically, I only like to drink if the people around me are getting drunk, too.
I've gone months at a time without having a drink though, and it never bothered me. I've probably even gone a year or better once or twice. I like having fun getting drunk and doing crazy stuff, but when I don't drink I enjoy not being hung over and not having an unproductive day after.
Are there people you hang out with that you regularly drink with? If so, spending less time with them would be the first step to lessen the probability of binging. For me, it's my cousin's. I've got a few that are in their mid 20's. I like to joke that they're a bad influence on me. All my friends that I use to drink with back in the day have all gotten married and had kids. Then my cousins came of age, and now I drink more than I did when I was in my 20's. All but one are married, and I suspect it won't be long before they start having kids and leave the wild and crazy times behind them. Until that happens, I don't intend to quit. I'm 36 btw