For the Victims

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Just thought Id post this to make guys like me relate to what we have to through in this ****ty little excuse for a planet we call Earth.
Well tonight Ive had people yet again teasing me and accusing me of being gay over my lack of success with women.
Then a girl Ive really liked for ages Ive found out is with a guy I work with, who despite making no effort to approach women always seems to attract women(so that proves its not all about approaching).
Obviously its my path in life, if things were truly meant to work out for me then they would by now, fair to say I havent been given the opportunites everyone else has, Id rather be dead than live, whats the point in going on living in a society thats **** on you time and time again.
I know people are going to say you havent done enough and so on, but ive done everything in my power, the past 8 years women have simply not been interested or with another bloke(or both!).
For what ive put in, its pathetic what ive had given back to me.
Always the first to suffer setbacks and one kick in the teeth after another but when it comes time for my return out of life im always left with nothing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Well .. hmmmm... you better make sure you have a high income... cause if you have given up on regular women then you will need to pay... You will be surprised at how many men go to hookers... single married rich poor.. ugly handsom, tall short, etc...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
you pretty much describe my frustration as well. what the hell am i here for if i just get up go to school, go to work, go home. get up, go to school, go to work, go home. why was i put on this earth? to live in misery over my situation with women?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
DrD77 said:
you pretty much describe my frustration as well. what the hell am i here for if i just get up go to school, go to work, go home. get up, go to school, go to work, go home. why was i put on this earth? to live in misery over my situation with women?
I feel you pain but having women does not make everything OK... cause most women you get wont give a damn about you... they either want sex or money or both but few want you the person.... Life is hard but it is a combination of thing that makes it better.. Not just women.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
DonGorgon said:
Well .. hmmmm... you better make sure you have a high income... cause if you have given up on regular women then you will need to pay... You will be surprised at how many men go to hookers... single married rich poor.. ugly handsom, tall short, etc...

Ill never pay.
As a man of principle Ill never pay for that, I wont defeat the object and avoid what I am entitled to.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
There is no such thing as a 'victim'.

Only a "Victim Mentality".

If you do not steer your thoughts AWAY from this negativity, you will Self Polute your mind with contiuos regenerating and powerful Toxic Beliefs.

The toxic beliefs get trapped in your mind and neurology.

It becomes a vicious repeating cycle.

When you reply back to argue with me, and say that your expereinces 'are the truth."
YOu will conttinue to raise your Flag of immutable fact, you will only ADD more momentum and fuel to those negative beliefs, self perpetuating, and you continue to add more 'data' to support your (negative)belief.

In this manner, you will never feel like you are 'wrong'.
You will fight to be RIGHT, even when you KNOW deep down you're not.

A belief is not always a FACT.

And whatever Science may prove as a FACT, may sometimes be totally reversible and mutable.

Liek I said, if you do NOT ACTIVELY STEER your mind towards POSITIVE thoughts and actions, and beliefs, you will go into a DEFAULT mode.

And this Default mode will have those super strong deep underlying negative beleifs , and these beleifs act as a FREQUENCY.

They are like radio waves.

And whatever 'radio receiver' is out there will 'vibe' with your frequency, it will RESONATE with you and be drawn to you.

The most powerful part of your mind is often NOT the conscous AWAKE /calculating/analytical part of your mind.


Like an ice berg beneath the water...
not seen, but extremely powerful.

These are where all those beliefs are stored.

And THIS is the area of your MIND that decides your ACTIONS and PERCEPTIONS on what to do, say, or think.

Imagine a sub conscious filled with self hatred and toxicity.

What kind of life and future woudl you have?

The truth of the matter, is many people do not want to steer their thuoghts and move away from negativity.

Part of the reason is becasue they are lazy and want everything to be spoon fed to them. Since they are so miserable, and feel entitled to relief, they EXPECT it, instead of thinking on how to get themSELVES out of their own self imposed and self created mess.

The other reason some people do not want to do this work and face their fears head on and change them is...because they are AFRAID of being RIGHT.

they are afraid of realizing they were WRONG about being a helpless victim all these years, and dont want to feel 'stupid' and ADMIT they were wrong all this time. It is EGO!

Purely EGO based , irrational fear based thinking at its worst.

WIth all the EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT put into Being Miserable and a VICTIM, how coud they ever face themselves and realzie they were wrong all along?


Yeah, see if in 15 or 20 years when you have a truly miserable life and you look back and say : "You know what? Maybe I SHOULD have listened to that advice...I wonder what my life would've been if I HAD changed my thoughts and INTENTIONS...what would my life be like now??"

..It's all a CHOICE


More than you know, right now at least...

I dont understand WHY some of you guys CHOOSE this...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Absolutely. I wrote about this in my journal last night, about how whatever experience I am having today, is a result of habitual thoughts. I'm really glad to see you mention it today.

It's like your brain is a tv series that is always showing repeats, and you menatally kick back and watch the show. And they are so powerful, and they are all you think, that you just assume "this is how life is, this is how I am". Nothing in the outside world has anything to do with anything. It's all your brain.

Getting over the victim mentality is probably the first major step to growth. It's very EASY to just be on autopilot. Changing years of habitual thought takes work and determination. But if you work at it, and can get through the period of cognitive dissonance, then you can really start to experience how much power over your thoughts you truly have.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Many peole find it much easier to go on Auto Pilot and SLEEPWALK through their life.

Then when something happens they dont have the tools or resources to handle them, theyll SLEEPWALK some more.

Avodiance of responsibility

Sure, many people were not taught how to build these tools and resources for themselves.

But once they know, what other choice do they really have?

"Uh..I cant deal with this! Ill go back to my SLEEPWALKING /VICTIM mode, thank you! Its easier that way!"

And then one wonders why those people dont have friends and no one wants to be around them...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
But once they know, what other choice do they really have?

"Uh..I cant deal with this! Ill go back to my SLEEPWALKING /VICTIM mode, thank you! Its easier that way!"
No, that's not an option. I think it's the survival instinct. You have to get to the point that how you used to be, is too painful, that you have to change. And you cannot change and still be a victim, they are mutually exclusive. So you get to the fork in the road, one path is how it's always been, and guranteed pain, and the other path is the wild west, an unexplored territory.

Self-responsibility is literally the only choice you can make.

And it's a skill. You don't know what you're doing at first but eventually you get the hang of it, two steps forward, one back, and you start becoming something much more than you were, even with the cognitive dissonance, lol.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
I'm very close to giving up on myself. People simply don't like me. I guess I'm socially inept.

I say I'm a victim. As a kid I was awkward looking and people would make fun of me. This was due to my bad appearance, but I didn't know any better because I was not aware of the world around me.

By the time I realized that my outer appearance turned people off it was too late. I was old, NEVER had a single friend to relate to, and had no idea about making friends. I was cheated out of my teens.

I tried the whole self improvement thing and still working on it. I'm sleeping healthy, getting exercise and eating right. Although the gym gives me a sense of joy for a little bit, a few hours later I am depressed as **** (like I am right now)

In fact I found this forum while searching for reasons not to commit suicide. I guess it has helped since I won't commit suicide thanks to pook.

I've been trying to make friends lately..but they just want to be my acquaintance. I guess I'm not good enough to hang out with. I understand since I am sure my lack of social skills may creep people out.

Damn it I just want somebody to talk to and chill with...