For the people stressing about not having girls in their life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
This could help some people that are depressed over not having a gf.

For the past 4 weeks i have been recovering from surgeries. I have had 1 surgery and one procedure done and i will have to have at least one more procedure done soon. When i say procedure i mean doctors make small incisions but you are not asleep.They give you some medicine to make you feel good like nothing is happening and they numb the part where they will operate on.

My main goal in life was to become rich so that i dont have to work forever and i could have fun all the time. I would be able to pull any girls i want and buy any cars i want. Prior to this i have always been busy. I have been doing full time job + full time college for the past 2 years and on top of that i managed to occasionally go hang out and have some fun with friends. There are many times where i WISHED i could just take a week off from everything and stay home, sleep in, play video games, watch movies and not worry about school or work. In a way my wish has come true, for 4 weeks i have been able to watch as many movies i want, play as many video games as i want, even eat anything i want ( my parents have been very supportive and they get me anything i want to eat). They even went out and bought me copula new video games when they came out MGS4 and GRID.

Anyway i have learned that staying home and doing whatever you want is not much fun. Playing video games and watching movies is a big waste of time. If you do it once in a while its fine but if you play videogames/watch movies/spend numerous hours on computer daily, its a waste of time that you cant get back. I promised my self once i am done with all this i will get as many hobbies that i could possibly manage and i will only play video games/watch movies once a week at the most. I will play paintball, workout, go swimming, play basketball, and flag football and meet new people any chance i get. I am even thinking about learning karate and dance. I will never complain about having things to do 7 days a week. I work 5 days and attend classes other 2 days.

I have learned that most important thing in life is having good health. Being a billionaire doesnt mean anything if you cant go out and do things with the money. I could have all the finest girls with me now and i would not be happy, i dont even have any sexual drive right now. So for the people out there that are depressing over not having a gf you need to really think about it. Girls are not everything and if you currently dont have any dont stress to much about it. Go out and live your life, experience new things, see new places, go on vacations and eventually you will find the girl for you. If you want to have multiple girls dont cry about it by spending too much time on the internet, go out and make yourself better , be a fun person, work on your social skills and you will definitely start attracting girls. Life is short and you should live it the fullest.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
I agree, thanks man. Your words did help.


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
your right! get off the couch guys. find things you love to do and do them. meet new people,enjoy new hobbies,get out and hustle. the tv numbs you. it has a sedative effect on your brain. it's a way to control the masses.


New Member
Nov 3, 2011
Reaction score
yeah! i am so excited to meet new people. Therefore i investigate to new friends....


People who are stressing out about not having a girlfriend need to chill out and stop taking sh*t so seriously. The only men who behave like this are the men that "live for women", well I don't "live for women", I live for myself. A woman to me is like a fine wine, she is a great accompaniment with a meal, but she is not essential in order for you to enjoy the meal you are eating.

What you say is great advice, live life to the fullest, live life however you want to live life. There is no right or wrong way to live your life and it's all different strokes for different folks.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
I can live without a girlfriend (dating "the wrong person" or someone you don't fully click with is pointless and just a headache on top of it) but once in a while, I want to grab me a pair of T n A.


rhcp83 said:
I can live without a girlfriend (dating "the wrong person" or someone you don't fully click with is pointless and just a headache on top of it) but once in a while, I want to grab me a pair of T n A.
If you're that desperate, then go and visit Amsterdam and take your V-plates off, mon!