Don Juan
This is my first pattern...tell me what you think and critique...
Fluff convo…topic stearing…pattern…capitalize ='s slight emphasis and inflection change…
…I feel like this…and I KNOW YOU FEEL LIKE THIS…before too…where there was something that YOU REALLY WANTED….YOU WANTED SO BAD…that at that one particular moment NOTHING ELSE MATTERED BUT GETTING IT…I am sure you can think of a time…NOW…where that item just…DOMINATED YOUR EMOTIONS AND THOUGHT OF ME…I feel it…and when…YOU FEEL IT…it is like an ocean wave just sweeps over you whole being…PUSHING YOUR TOWARDS towards that object ME…I feel it all the time…YOU know and the INSPITE OF ALL THE OBSTACLES…POTENTIAL PROBLEMS OR COST….reach out and MAKE IT YOURS…to SATISFY THAT FEELING…
Fluff convo…topic stearing…pattern…capitalize ='s slight emphasis and inflection change…
…I feel like this…and I KNOW YOU FEEL LIKE THIS…before too…where there was something that YOU REALLY WANTED….YOU WANTED SO BAD…that at that one particular moment NOTHING ELSE MATTERED BUT GETTING IT…I am sure you can think of a time…NOW…where that item just…DOMINATED YOUR EMOTIONS AND THOUGHT OF ME…I feel it…and when…YOU FEEL IT…it is like an ocean wave just sweeps over you whole being…PUSHING YOUR TOWARDS towards that object ME…I feel it all the time…YOU know and the INSPITE OF ALL THE OBSTACLES…POTENTIAL PROBLEMS OR COST….reach out and MAKE IT YOURS…to SATISFY THAT FEELING…