I would have been more serious into hitting the gym and follow a diet from my late teens, I would have paid much less attention to those around me and most of all I would have questioned told things much more.
Probably learned some martial art properly and most of all I would have find an environment that fits me instead of trying myself to fit in an environment which is not mine.
I would have started dance lessons as young as possible. While I enjoy my classes very much and will continue indefinitely, I admit that it was very late to start at 36 (even though I know new students even older than me).
But I think this is true with any skill whether it's a musical instrument or dance or martial arts or a foreign language or anything really. You can learn at any age, but it's way better to start early.
Tried to improve my diet a little more to make it easier to gain weight when i was a teenager. I also would have taken a few other girls out on dates who were practically asking for my d!ck but I never did because of some BS reasons...they weren't up to my standards, or I liked some other girl...whatever. I should have focused on just taking them out, having fun, and if I got laid I enjoy it and leave it at that.
I would have played a sport, and started lifting earlier than 20.
Also I would have attended a college where I could get in-state tuition, and stopped trying to fit in where I didn't belong. I've never been a party boy or beer drinker (even though I did all that for years); I would have been better served with a different major like Outdoor Ed where I would have gotten cool experiences and met people with the same interests.
Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.
my biggest regret not plating a sport and not dropping out earlier public school suck and its true the ealier you get a grasp on music and sports the better
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