For all Mystery Method Doubters - Infield Video of Skinny Indian Running MM Game


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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Great episode of Keys to the VIP, a pickup show based in Toronto. A tall, white 19-year old pretty boy faces off against a skinny Indian kid. No contest, right?

The Indian guy number-closes an NBA cheerleader in the first challenge, another white HB in the second round, and makes out with a legit hottie by the end of it. All within the tight time constraints of the show. Wins the competition.

And all through tight Mystery Method-style game - opinion openers, negs, cold-reads, kino, takeaways, winning over the whole group before isolating etc.

It's clear the Indian guy's using classic PUA tactics. He even cites "The Red Queen" and "The Selfish Gene" in his opening monologue.

Average guy with tight game > pretty boy with rookie game.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
How could anybody doubt the Mystery Method? Seriously? I bet all the naysayers didn't even put in the time and effort to gain proficiency. It takes I figure, a minimum of six months to a year to gain any sort of competency in this. The problem is people are excepting instant results and aren't willing to endure the learning curve.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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Yes, he has all these handicaps against him (short, skinny, Indian) yet he scores with hot girls.

This is what had me sold on the Mystery Method.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
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Before I even viewed the videos and KTTVIP statement, I knew exactly who it was when you mentioned Red Queen and MM. I downloaded Red Queen simply because of this exact episode and he mentioned reading this book, I think he's some tailor or something? That guy had serious confidence for an Indian guy. Most Indian guys here, in London just about get by by having high-end cars and even then, it doesn't mean they're in. That guy went straight into sets with no hesitation and had a solid frame. I think he was one of the best in KTTVIP Show.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Come on just in watching the intro, this was a no contest. The Indian guy was just as good looking as the white guy, he was a self made business man, well spoken, confident and knowledgeable with woman. The white guy was a kid who knew NOTHING about ANYTHING.



Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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how is that indian dude skinny in anyway? hes cut up with muscles and has a good sense of style while the white guy is some douche bag


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
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The only people who doubt MM works are people who haven't tried it because they don't understand MM.

They think it's all about being fake, card tricks, and pink feather boa's. And I don't blame you, it catches a bad wrap.

But I've taken bootcamps (not in MM but a method very similar) and this **** 100% works. You don't have to wear LED belts or douche bag shirts, but you can still apply all the principles which have already been proven to work time and time again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Isn't the main knock on Mystery Method that a lot of the openers and routines have been exposed? A lot of girls became familiar with MM and would call guys out on it when they recognized it. This led to the movement toward more natural game.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
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it takes effort to learn how they do this stuff. i used the lines b4 and they definately work, but if you don't understand and internalize it then you will quickly find yourself at a loss in the end. PUA stuff, all seduction related material is what works magic, what will cause doors to open for you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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zekko said:
Isn't the main knock on Mystery Method that a lot of the openers and routines have been exposed? A lot of girls became familiar with MM and would call guys out on it when they recognized it. This led to the movement toward more natural game.
Good. I like the movement towards "natural game." Fewer guys using canned routines... and fewer girls calling me out on sh*t that works. :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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There is something to learn here for almost everyone I think...

Points for the "looks matter" crowd - that guy with terrible game would have gotten absolutely nowhere if he didn't look good. Could an ugly guy have said those things and had any success? Probably not...

The looks don't matter (so much?) crowd have some evidence for just how important game can be. That guy had clearly studied up and learnt a lot, and was being far more successful because of it. If he had approached the same way as the loser guy, it wouldn't have worked out for him most probably.

For the guys on this board who are just plain terrible, there is something to learn about just how easy this game is. Women are up for it too, the girl that made out with the guy and started talking about the tattoo on her ass is a good example. He did pretty much no work there, and many guys can pull that off. The outrageous confidence is what can work.

Go out, talk to lots of women, be sexual. It's really not rocket science, and after a couple of successes rejection really stops mattering. Man, I love this game so much!!

I think the difficulty though is that girls are learning this stuff, and for me he did come off as somewhat rehearsed. Some of the lines are still worth remembering, of course (I'm gonna remember that one about big lips, I can use that)

Thanks for the video. I'm gonna have to try and watch all episodes of that show, I enjoyed it!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Good. I like the movement towards "natural game." Fewer guys using canned routines... and fewer girls calling me out on sh*t that works.
I could see that.
I certainly wouldn't argue that it doesn't work, because the principles seem sound. In fact a lot of the natural game principles seem to be built on the foundation of Mystery Method.

So when you go out, do you tell DHV stories out of MM, even though they never really happened to you? Not judging, just curious.

I would feel kind of weird about asking a girl if she had seen a fight outside if it never really happened. I suppose it could be kind of funny in a self amusing sort of way though. A feeling of knowing something she doesn't, and creating this whole reality that doesn't really exist. It very much reminds me of a magic trick.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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The whole PUA movement towards "natural game" is a scam. A lot of these natural game gurus realize there's a big market to be tapped by telling guys what they WANT to hear, rather than what they NEED to hear to get results with women. It feels great to be told to be confident, be natural, be yourself and essentially be given a motivational pep talk seminar... never mind that most of the good gurus got where they are through routine-stacks and MM stuff. It's the success that begets the confidence, the internalization of core game principles that begets "natural game" - NOT the other way around.
What's being natural to a short, skinny guy who's never been good with women?
"Hi, I'm Simon."
"I have a boyfriend."
"Hi, I'm Peter."
"Fvck off."
After months of repeated approaches with no success, the guy gets discouraged and quits.  It's why you have now have PUA backlash sites like this -

Mystery Method takes work. It takes time and dedication to absorb the principles, memorize routines, understand the algorithm and hit the field to practice. Most guys are not willing to put forth the effort. BUT IT WORKS.
However, the fact that the architect of MM is a flamboyant guy draped in a feather boa and goggles and painted nails doesn't help its public perception. A lot of guys can't get beyond that. But it does not mean that the principles underlying the method are sound. It's what guys who are naturally good with women do - they tease and flirt and banter, show value, get her attracted, comfortable, and seduce. The genius of Mystery is he codified and algorithmized it.
In this video here we have a normal guy who leverages his understanding of female attraction, uses MM concepts and routines, and takes down a tall good-looking guy with all the natural advantages at his own game. There's no more sterling testament to the Mystery Method.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
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^Natural game is fine for most guys. You can get confidence by getting blown out 500 times and realizing that it doesn't matter, just like you can get confidence from stacked routines.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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OMG, it was on a reality-TV show so it must be true!! I am sure no one appearing is ever coached and/or "encouraged" to act a certain way. Nope. No siree bob.


Every guy's gotta do what works for him. If MM gives you good results, use it. However, here's some food for thought: what's gonna happen when you run into a situation that's not on the script?