For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Danger said: "I'm just playing mate. All in good fun!"

I'm relieved to hear that! For a minute I thought we were going to have to do an intervention!


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Danger is the father of all Don Juan's, mate.

Don't you worry about Danger.


Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
I took a little look behind the scenes. She hasn't been on since her last post here.

She's just another cowardly little girl who threw some rocks and then ran away.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
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zekko said:
To be fair, I have read posts here from guys saying that they should be able to cheat because it is man's nature to have multiple sex partners. And that if you didn't agree, you were a brainwashed blue pilled Beta AFC.
The guys that say that

a) Don't care for the outdated medieval courtship system and institution known as marriage. They are Aware and awake and really just don't give a ****.

b) Have been (or are) married and see it for what it is. If they could go back in time and change it all around they would in a heartbeat.

c) Loves pvssy too much and happens to be indecisive from having an almost infinite supply of quality b!tches to choose from. In other words... ALPHA.

d) A combination of the 3.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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C-quenced said:
The guys that say that

a) Don't care for the outdated medieval courtship system and institution known as marriage. They are Aware and awake and really just don't give a ****.

b) Have been (or are) married and see it for what it is. If they could go back in time and change it all around they would in a heartbeat.

c) Loves pvssy too much and happens to be indecisive from having an almost infinite supply of quality b!tches to choose from. In other words... ALPHA.

d) A combination of the 3.
Just for the record, are you saying that you agree with them that men should be excused for cheating because it is in thier nature?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
I don't agree that men should be excused, but I do perceive that sleeping around is very different for men than it is for women.

Women's bodies, emotions and entire psyche are penetrated by the man, and a transference of dna occurs. I also believe that a spiritual transfer occurs.

A woman carries around with her every man she's ever slept with, both physically and spiritually. That's why for many women, a man's past experience can be a positive or neutral thing, while a woman's past experience disgusts us men.

I believe also that this is why when a wife cheats, it is virtually impossible for a husband to overcome that, while some women can overcome a man's unfaithfulness. The woman receives a part of the man and he becomes a part of her forever, a posively digusting thought to most men, at least those who are aware.


Oct 31, 2012
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I’m not trashy. I have never had intercourse with a man I haven’t dated. I would say probably the earliest I have slept with a guy is after like 5 dates (don’t actually count this is a guesstimate). I have never had one pressure me on the 1st few dates either. Usually I wait longer than 5 dates, but it just depends on the guy and the dates we have. I don’t use sex to manipulate people. I don’t have sex and then demand commitment or withhold sex if a guy does something slightly-jerky. You all will never convince me to do that- all it does is backfire on you later.
My longest relationship was 13 months. I’ve had a few other ones, but they were all short (this was in college). I rushed into them though looking back and now I know better so I am not blaming them all the way. Been with my current one for 8 months. I have never been cheated on that I know of- I think that’s because I have never found out or been in one long enough to get cheated on however. This post is not out of bitterness. I’m sure you all were hoping long woeful tales of being physically abused or cheated on. I would say I have had the average experiences in dating compared to other women my age.
Yes, it is harder to be prettier as you are older so you have a point. I’m currently thinking about switching careers to a nutritionist so perhaps I am more hopeful. I eat healthy and work out a lot but Im not too obsessive and get told I am hot. I meet all sorts of older women I think are hot that have been doing the same things as me for 20 years so I think I can maintain my figure as long as I put extra work in in the future. Yes, my boobs and skin will sag- but these older women with nice figures still get asked out on dates a lot because they have nice figures. Yes, the options are worse as you get older…but I already said I do not want to get married. The older single women I know who never married say they care less and less about it as they get older…Wisdom shows them they do not need a man to make them happy and they say they’d rather be lonely and deal with that by focusing on career, friendships and hobbies than deal with the crap most married women deal with.
To the guy who said I’m too “smart alecky” and would not give me the time of day if he met me in person. I have NEVER told anyone in real life I think all of this. I have several guy friends who have sexist views and I’m friends with them- everyone has something to offer the world, they’re good to talk to and they’re not villains. Would I date them? No. Why does that make me such a terrible person? You all have standards as well. All the guys I date- if they ask me questions about my dating attitude and philosophy I tell them…I am a blatantly honest person when asked. Sometimes that is good, sometimes that is bad. Oh well this is me. I’m not changing myself for a guy and I don’t expect a guy to change for me. If a guy never asks me stuff- he never knows any of this information. I do say upfront I am not looking to get married because there are guys out there that do. I have found several of them and I led them on unintentionally when I was younger… so now I am upfront about that now so to avoid hard feelings.
So I’m caring and you all said that men are selfish and will take my caring-ness and treating you well and never turning down sex and will exploit it and to get over it and that’s just life…yeah- I don’t accept that. Really, most of the responses I’ve gotten from this topic have just encouraged me to be “me” even more. Having a man in my life is not an end all be all. If there is nobody out there with the same attitudes as me- well I will be single for the rest of my life and there is nothing wrong with that. (Don’t 80% of people on this site not want to get married? And a good portion probably aren’t into LTR’s either…What’s wrong with me not wanting to get married? Or craving a LTR really badly? I’m a bad person for not wanting to get exploited? Really? I wasn’t put on this earth to cater to your every need and get screwed.)
To the guys that say feminism de-stabilizes and isn’t true- not getting into that. You remind me of people who pick certain things out of the Bible- say homosexuality is a sin but conveniently ignore that the bible says a woman is to be a slave to a man, that slaves should exist, that people who commit adultery need to have their limbs chopped off…really there’s no point in debating with you.


Oct 31, 2012
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And I have a sarcastic sense of humor so I can see why some of you think I’m an entitled biatch (the “brain cells” comment…y’all need to calm down. I know animals have brain cells. It was just a snide comment. You know- just like all the snide comments 95% of the people that answered me make.) I don’t care what you think- just had the mother of a guy friend I’ve known since I was 5 years old tell me she wished her son married me because I have a “sweet disposition and his current wife is a biatch.” I get called the “sweet niece” and the “fun sweet roommate.” People who have been around for me for 10+ years…their opinion of me matters more to me than what you all think (duh). I am a caring person- that’s actually probably the only quality of women listed on this site in the Tips section that I have! I definitely do not have the rest and perhaps that is why you all hate me. Perhaps I just think way too much like a man for you all to handle:
- I am not focused on marriage
-I DO NOT like emotional instability- changing things up/keeping things exciting good…meaning doing new things and changing things up sexually…emotional manipulation-definitely not into that. The guy I have ever had the strongest feelings for started doing that to me and I broke up with him- so I am not all talk
-I do not nag or complain a lot. Everyone does a little, but every single guy that I’ve dated for 4 months or longer (not exaggerating- every single guy literally) has said they appreciate I don’t nag. I only nag when something REALLY bothers me. If I nagged every time someone did something I didn’t like- I would never get close to a LTR
-Every single relationship I’ve been in (including my current one) it is me talking about how I want to have more sex….not the other way around. The same thing each time: have a lot of sex in the beginning, then they get bored and it slower tapers off. I get it should taper off some but it always does too much for me. My current one has been better than the past ones in trying to have sex more but I’m still not satisfied completely and I’ve learned to get over it because I do not want him to view it as a chore.
-I’m less emotional than your typical girl but it is not like I make the men I date feel less wanted. I just am not a romantic person- do things more by actions than verbalizing feelings inside me
-I’m not weak-minded. Men who like weak minded women tend to be manipulative and controlling. I am caring but I am not a doormat. Going for a weak minded woman- treat her like **** and she will never leave you and you can convince her treating her like **** is what is supposed to happen. Just to clarify, I consider “treating like ****” to be degrading, treating her basically like she is your inferior and she owes you. I do not see lack of gifts (though they are appreciated), not telling me you love me or praising me a lot, or not spending a lot of time with me as treating me like ****.
I don’t view men as “success objects.” I understand why men are so weird about getting married- our system is set up to screw you over and you could easily get stuck with someone who becomes fat, controlling and moody. The opposite happens too. 70% of women initiate divorces but that doesn’t mean ****. Some marry too young and get grass is greener syndrome ok. But men are less likely to divorce when they should due to fear of losing finances (and I don’t blame them). So instead they screw around on the side.
However there are cases where your wife automatically changing doesn’t happen (see below) and you’re STILL never satisfied. What is the point? This is the 21st century, I have a job where I make decent money. I don’t rely on men for financial needs. If I did I would have dumped my current boyfriend when he was unemployed for 3 months and I had men just as good looking but with jobs hitting on me. More and more women are becoming like this. What is the point of getting married then…women in the past were forced to marry because they had to financially depend on someone…they also were forced to stay with ******* men because they couldn’t do anywhere…uhhh that’s not true anymore?
Look at these threads:
Unfortunately, I can no longer find the thread that best demonstrates my point. I read it a few weeks ago and it goes into great detail but I can’t find it. There is a thread about a guy who screwed around a ton in his 20’s, met an amazing woman and always said to everyone “I would never cheat. I got it out of my system and have the perfect wife” This man then describes 25 years of marriage, how his wife was still the same person and became better and really did absolutely everything a guy could ask for…is super-hot for a woman in her 50’s, super mom (pretty much worked a full time job like him and then acted as his slave when she was home- but that’s a different story), great personality, would never screw him over… says he’s so goddamn lucky….then he says he wants to **** around and has been fighting the urge for awhile. And then says every possible freaking excuse under the sun to justify himself and convince himself he is not a bad person. The scary part? If I probably met him in real life- he is not a bad person, he is the TYPICAL GUY. That is why I will never get married or while I won’t have a LTR for more than 5 (picking random number) years! Marriage and most LTR’s are a joke. Eventually when women are truly equal in terms of finances and footing in life, marriage will cease to exist and women will use most of you what you are good for- a few of your best Michael Phelps to satisfy our baby making urges and nothing else.
I find it hilarious you all tell me men are selfish, only are interested in sex, will exploit me, will leave in 30 secs and not give a crap…you beat it into my head over and over that’s all this forum does essentially- then wonder why I have this stance. When you meet a woman who thinks the same exact stance as you except reversed you get so angry! I’ve met several women with this same attitude and its becoming more common. Perhaps we are smarter and catch on quicker than all the other weak willed and minded women out there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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you'll end up like Gillian Mckieth if you go as a nutritionist.


and the guy in your 2nd post today Is marmel75 - Ive been telling him to stop cheating on his wife, but he enjoys it too much

That one guy is the basis of your whole rant though..... fail.
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Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
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Purefilth said:
the guy in your 2nd post Is marmel75 - Ive been telling him to stop cheating on his wife, but he enjoys it too much

That one guy is the basis of your whole rant though..... fail.
yeah this.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2011
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OP, If you never plan on getting married, then why are Men bothering you so much enough to rant about it? My first impression of you was that you have been burned or are currently feeling rejected by men.

anyways, my prescription for you is to hit the gym, increase your social circle, get some new hobbies, and spin more plates


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
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Atom Smasher said:
I don't agree that men should be excused, but I do perceive that sleeping around is very different for men than it is for women.
Fact: If women kept their legs closed to anyone other then their husbands then there would be no way for men to cheat.

Maybe society (someday) can get this through their thick freaking skulls and point the blame at women where it belongs. Say what you will but the truth remains that it's women who decide if they're going to let a particular man penetrate her or not. Those that come around here and preach about morals and "self control" (especially when there's an overabundance of knob polishing slvts out there) make themselves come off as arrogant d!ck heads and stating their OPINIONS as facts can be rather insulting to their fellow brethren.

I'm still trying to understand how a so called progressive and "enlightened" society can even attempt to hold two completely separate species (male and female) to some "equal" standard when the two are fundamentally different both in mind and body.


Oct 31, 2012
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Atom Smasher said:
I don't agree that men should be excused, but I do perceive that sleeping around is very different for men than it is for women.

Women's bodies, emotions and entire psyche are penetrated by the man, and a transference of dna occurs. I also believe that a spiritual transfer occurs.

A woman carries around with her every man she's ever slept with, both physically and spiritually. That's why for many women, a man's past experience can be a positive or neutral thing, while a woman's past experience disgusts us men.

I believe also that this is why when a wife cheats, it is virtually impossible for a husband to overcome that, while some women can overcome a man's unfaithfulness. The woman receives a part of the man and he becomes a part of her forever, a posively digusting thought to most men, at least those who are aware.
Haha this is not true for all women. For some yes- but for some guys it is too. Ive met some iron-pumping men at the gym that got emotional about sex (and theres nothing wrong with that or less manly about them).

I am sorry but I am def not like this. I do sometimes get attached after frequently having ex with a guy, but it is not from sex alone its from the changes of behavior that occur after it (these were guys that did not view sex as just "sweaty exercise" and that I was "another hole to fill" though) Ironically, the guy I mentioned that I fell hard for that after awhile started to be emotionally manipulative- I never actually had sex with him. He got out of a 5 year relationship and that was the only girl he slept with and wanted to take his time.

I will also get also sorts of nasty comments for saying this- but a few guys I had dated for a bit I KNEW they would never be LTR material for me...yet I went ahead and had sex with them and it didnt change my mind at all about them. The last one I can think of-I was about to tell him I wanted to stop seeing him and then he invited me to a concert so I decided to put it off for a few days. I didnt feel bad considering I paid 200 bucks for a ticket for myself. I had sex with him for the first time that night after the concert knowing Id say "I dont think we're compatible for a LTR" in a few days. I didnt change my mind after I slept with him but ya know I was going through a dry spell at that point and a girl gets horny

I know women that cheat on their boyfriends for the "thrill of someone new" all the time. They do tend to be more selective about who. During ovulation is the greatest time of cheating...actually women are wired biologically during ovulation to cheat on their partners if a more masculine male partner offers sex. They say thats why 30% of paternity uncertainty tests come back negative. They go to great lengths to hide it though...thats prob why it isnt as commonly believed- women are usually better at hiding things. Women and men actually cheat the same amount in marriages- actually women slightly more since theyre less likely to get caught. But men are def not satisfied with one woman for the rest of their life or at least like 90% of them arent.
Todays responses really havent been a rant...I just went through and commented on everything else people asked and said to me

I work out about an hour everyday, have tons of hobbies and friends...prob the reason I dont give a **** about men in the long run- so thank you to the poster that told me to do that


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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ah, you're back...

so you admit being a slvt yourself, by sleeping around with random men who are not going to be part of your life ...

yet , it's so hard for you to acknowledge the basic point that guys get bored and horny as well, especially after putting up with something like you for 20 years

of marriage.

Typical woman.

Drown in your own bullsh!t kimberly.


Oct 31, 2012
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Boilermaker said:
ah, you're back...

so you admit being a slvt yourself, by sleeping around with random men who are not going to be part of your life ...

yet , it's so hard for you to acknowledge the basic point that guys "get horny as well" ...

Typical woman.

Drown in your own bullsh!t kimberly.
Really...Im almost 27 and I have done that with 2. How old are you and how many women have you done that to? Id bet well over 15.

Also they were not random men. These were men I had been dating at least a month. I bet youve ****ed countless women you knew you wouldnt be interested in and did it well before a months worth of time.

Thanks for calling me a slut- proved my point exactly. If Im a slut, youre a raging man*****.