Flirting LTR


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
2 question I thought I'd throw out there!

Should you still flirt with your girlfriend like you did in the begining if your in a LTR together?!

Should you be/can you be the man you were at the begining throughout the LTR?!

With my LTR girlfriend I keep things fun, tease, compliment SOMETIMES if I mean it, slap her ass, touch her still, good eye contact e.t.c. I still flirt.

I decided to wirte this post because I was just looking through the IM's/chat log messages from me and my girlfriend when we first started talking, and I was very flirty!

I am ****y and funny naturally but I definetly used more sex inuendos and hinted at layin her more than I do now.

Something I should maybe get back to?



Senior Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Out there
happyman2012 said:
2 question I thought I'd throw out there!

Should you still flirt with your girlfriend like you did in the begining if your in a LTR together?!

Should you be/can you be the man you were at the begining throughout the LTR?!
Yes and yes. Being pretty much the same person throughout an LTR worked for me. I'm naturally C&F myself, sometimes I push it too far so dropping a bit of AFC game when rapport is wearing thin then back to my stoic self is a pretty good modus operandi.
In a nutshell, you sparingly show her that you care but you're not whipped and have options.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
In the same boat. At the beginning all my funny one liners and badass wit were solid gold but they're stale now.
If she'd throw me a shyt test, I'd have myriad witty responses to rock her on her heels and drive her interest to fever pitch.
But the old lines and auto responses become lame and don't have the same effect. Hence, I feel she's losing respect for me because I can't keep coming up with new material all the time.
When I do, she laps it up and goes back to get old self.

A guy once warned me not to be funny with a woman all the time because that will be the default setting she will expect. In other words, once you run out of material and stop being funny, she loses attraction and pines for that ****y funny guy she fell for.
Lesson learned.