Flirt heavily with girls you don't care about

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Fatality
You can practice C+F but there is no need to downright lie about things like this when you have no interest, that is just wrong:

"You know very few girls would be able to carry off such appaling clothes, but you my dear can!"
"If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me"
"You are even prettier in the daylight (we met at a club)"
So you're saying that you can make a woman feel better about herself by telling a women things that are rude, cliché and crass. :rolleyes:

Yeah, right...

Out of curiosity, hasn't a woman lied to you to get you to do something for her and you went along with it just to find out she was using you?

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by Fatality
This is so wrong because you are lying and leading girls on. Girls that do this are one of the main reasons that men are here at this site. *******s that like to play mind games:rolleyes:
I only go for girls I'm interested in! You don't need to be a sick tease!

I'm on your side Fatality!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by So Many Ways
Geez it's just harmess filrting. I do it all the time. What's the big deal? It's completely normal and a great way to practice your skills.
I guess there's guys out there that wouldn't want it done to them. It may have something to do with being easily led on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
So you're saying that you can make a woman feel better about herself by telling a women things that are rude, cliché and crass. :rolleyes:

Yeah, right...

Out of curiosity, hasn't a woman lied to you to get you to do something for her and you went along with it just to find out she was using you?
I thought I made it pretty clear that I don't give compliments at all to women that i'm not interested in. I don't lead women on the way they lead alot of men on. I don't act rude either. I don't know where you got that from.

Women with yours and Matt's mentality are the reason exists because of your mind games.

No woman has ever used me to my knowledge. I think I'm pretty good at spotting a fake. But I've seen it happen and it makes me sick. I just think it takes a pretty crummy person to make another person think that you like them just for the fun of it or in Matt's case for practice on hotter girls.

There are plenty of hot girls out there, practice on them. If you screw up so what, hot girls are everywhere.


Don Juan
May 25, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
C+F is totally different. Lying and telling them they are beautiful is just wrong.

Haha sorry but I meant that this was not C+F, but that when you're starting out you can practice C+F on girls you're totally comfortable around.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
I thought I made it pretty clear that I don't give compliments at all to women that i'm not interested in. I don't lead women on the way they lead alot of men on. I don't act rude either. I don't know where you got that from.

Women with yours and Matt's mentality are the reason exists because of your mind games.

No woman has ever used me to my knowledge. I think I'm pretty good at spotting a fake. But I've seen it happen and it makes me sick. I just think it takes a pretty crummy person to make another person think that you like them just for the fun of it or in Matt's case for practice on hotter girls.

There are plenty of hot girls out there, practice on them. If you screw up so what, hot girls are everywhere.
Conversation with a woman does not always have to be tied to interest. Alot of times it is just fun to enjoy each other's company and make each other laugh. I guess maybe a more accurate way of stating Matt's intent is
Do not just use ****y and funny, be ****y and funny.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Fatality
I thought I made it pretty clear that I don't give compliments at all to women that i'm not interested in. I don't lead women on the way they lead alot of men on. I don't act rude either. I don't know where you got that from.

Hmmm, maybe just from your replies in this thread...

Women with yours and Matt's mentality are the reason exists because of your mind games.

Giving someone a complement and wanting nothing in return is a mind game? I guess in your world, makes it hard to trust anyone doesn't it?

No woman has ever used me to my knowledge. I think I'm pretty good at spotting a fake. But I've seen it happen and it makes me sick. I just think it takes a pretty crummy person to make another person think that you like them just for the fun of it or in Matt's case for practice on hotter girls.

Dude, why do the actions of other people that don't effect you directly effect you so much? You would think that women have taken advantage of you your entire life, that's the way that you are acting. But I'll still take your word that no woman has ever used you (at least to your knowledge).

There are plenty of hot girls out there, practice on them. If you screw up so what, hot girls are everywhere.
You can discriminate between women if you'd like. Me, I can find a nice quality in any woman (or at least I put forth the effort to try) and I will complement them just because it's a nice thing to do, whether I am interested in them or not.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
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Francisco d'Anconia

When you compliment a girl do you lie the way Matt Rogers does? I don't have a problem with anybody complimenting somebody as long as they are truthful about the compliment.

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
I don't lie. The girl I said was prettier in the daylight was pretty. I would never say that sort of thing to an unattractive girl as they would realise it is obviously a lie.

To clarify I do it with girls I am not interested in or are unavaliable but are pretty. I am well aware that unattractive girls have a habit of falling in love with the first guy to give them a moment's attention.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Point taken, but I don't think that Matt was talking about being completely deceitful. I mean occasionally some embellishments are necessary to be kind.

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
Right, compliments burgeoning on flattery but based on truth.

I think some people are reading too much into this tip. All it is designed to do is to get men used to getting positive reactions from girls via teasing, flirting and complimenting them. You make them feel good about themselves via giving them attention, and they in turn flirt back or smile which makes you feel good.
It is a win-win situation. If you get the impression they are falling for you, back off.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
That's exactly what I got from it. Flirting nowadays takes a bit of skill especially in the workplace since things can be misconstrued as harassment. I don't let that deter me since I keep it to basic niceties and respond based on how she reacts to my complement.

I've said it before that part of my success is that I will flirt with anyone and everyone, it's my persona so it's generally accepted when I do it. I never say anything that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. I just say things that would hopefully make them smile and feel good about herself. Therein lies the secret to charisma. ;)


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
Originally posted by comote
How so?
Because, once you get used to one thing, most likely you'll stick with it. Then, your standards will be lowered. It wouldv'e been so much better if the topic was "FLIRT HEAVENLY WITH GIRLd YOU DO WANT"
Why test drive a hyundai when you could afford a Mercedes????


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
i agree it definitely is good practice to flirt and be yourself with a girl that you have no sexual interest in. It's all good and fun, you both get a laugh out of it. Matt Roger's examples were more along the lines of C&F. You dont necessarily have to go that route, as witty and funny and teases work well. it works well cause you dont have interest in her, and arent holding back, so you're urself. and you have no worries of rejection cause you dont like her.

But one thing that results from this usually is the girl ends up falling for you. I did this to a somewhat friend, and she ended up falling for me and i think still likes me? But i dont hang out with her anymore cause i dont wanna giver her high hopes.

Matt Rogers

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2003
Reaction score
Exactly screw it. I was never able to tease girls I liked because I went all shy and was scared I would offend them. But when I started practicing by teasing girls I wasn't interested in, I not only learnt to relax around girls and slowly work up to the stage where I was comfortable teasing girls I liked, but I also learnt what works and what doesn't work with women. Moreover when you see girls respond favourably to you, your confidence rises, girls you are interested in wonder what all the fuss is about, and
girls talk so you get a reputation as a charming man.

Sure the odd girl will develop a crush on you, and to a certain extent you have led them on, but most girls will realise that unless you ask for their phone number and actually date them, that you are only flirting with them and having fun, and most girls will take this as a compliment.

I admit there is a risk that a girl may end up getting hurt and I admire anyone who has the high morals to not practice this technique. But I view the game of love as a dirty game in which you have to do everything you can to get ahead, especially if you are not blessed with riches, celebrity or model good looks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
After a few days of doing this, they'll probably throw tests at you.
the girl i knew had done this and asked how much gf's i've had...once they ask this, you know you've got them hooked on you.

By the time you're all done with all those girls, im sure you'll be labeled as player. But im sure all girls love players :D

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by 91redrotary
Because, once you get used to one thing, most likely you'll stick with it. ..
I think that's the sign of a weak mind or of someone who settles for less. Although I can afford the Four Seasons, I can be found in a fast food drive thru now and then.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
I think that's the sign of a weak mind or of someone who settles for less. Although I can afford the Four Seasons, I can be found in a fast food drive thru now and then.
I completely disagree with you Francisco. How could that be settling for less when you only go for the best??? That's just having a level of standards. If I know what kind of woman I want why the hell will I even waste my breath on an hb4. Granted, the hb4 might have a better attitude and generally be a nicer person. But if I'm only looking for a hb10 I wouldn't even give myself a chance to figure out that hb4 nor even show interest. I still believe flirting with girls you completely don't care about is totally AFC!!!!!!!!!!!! Your giving yourself false hope. An hb10 get's approached much more than a hb4 or 3. So obviouslly her bs dectetors will be on. She'll catch on to it because she is actually the girl that you care about.. :rolleyes:
Come from behind the curtain, and show your real dj skills.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Something that goes little noticed by people is the context that a person is in when donning certain personas.

When you go to a club, versus going to say a candle lit high class bar, the clientele, the atmosphere, and the feeling are immensely different than going down the street to a local watering hole that features the utmost selection in prime-class sluts.

On off occasions, without intention, I've done hardcore flirting that is borderline evil, only to have a girl eating out of my hand. Why does it work?

Because in most cases the woman is sporting some ultra thick bytch shield and you've effectively broken it down. During the Red Sox World Series triumph, a girl whom I attended college with showed up. She was a flirt, perhaps a **** tease to most, a notorious slut. She enjoyed sex, but begrudged relationships. Many of my guy friends pandered to her need for afffection, but lack of follow through on good deeds.

Whilst I cared, the atmosphere (club, smoking, drinking) enabled such an attitude to gleam through. Initially, some of my friends scoffed and were taken aback by such direct sex statements, which could have been construed as arrogant, but towards the end, she always let out a sharp laugh and was in search of some affection.

Again...I was picking up Dry Cleaning Last night in the midst of snow and sleet, rushing to get there before closing.

Me: What time do you close?
Her: 8.
Me: Son of a bytch. I rushed to get here, nearly killing myself in the process.
Her2: Hey, watch your mouth?!
Me: Ah. Professional man that I am, in front of ladies, I'll take back that remark. But, I know that you both speak as ill while I'm not here.
Her: Yeah she does.
Me: It's evident, she knows another language. You ladies are sneaky with your double standards. Besides, you get away with it b/c you speak 2 languages. That's cheating.
Her: Yup, she cusses alot.

The two girls were giggling while I was waiting, and when I took a phone call, I had time to roam around. I took her speaking up as an IOI, as it gave her an intro to say something. Most times, 2 high school girls wouldn't remark over cussing, and though I was embarrassed to cuss in public, it gave it a nice play around.

Another factor is personalities. I have some really mellow friends I go sarging (though I don't like it to seem there's intention behind meeting women at that moment) with. They mix well with older, more laid back girls, where I usually get the flashy, energetic, high-maintenance ones.

For instance, we met up with 2 women who were nannies outside of Boston, in Boston. His conversational abilities, and laid-back approach to life garners very well. He's kind of a hippy at times with his appearance, but has a strong grasp of flirting, so he locks on well. We usually split up and meet ladies.

So you have:


Just know who you are, where you can succeed, and act.
