Um. Yeah over a few million years sure:PeterNorthisawesome said:Are you sure? Do some research on how people's jaw are growing weaker because of our diet. You'll be amazed what evolution can do,
Weak jaws key to evolution
Tim Radford, science editor
Thursday March 25, 2004
The Guardian
A genetic "chinless wonder" mutation may have triggered the switch from ape man to thinking man 2.5m years ago, US scientists report today.
A tiny change in a single gene meant its hominid inheritors had weaker jaw muscles - and took the first step along the road to larger brains.
This is not a recent development. An adult has between 200 and 210 bones. Some people have an extra rib too. Been this way for a long time. Where's the evolution? People with more or less bones aren't living longer while the other people are dying off without reproducing. This is normal variation like me being 5'10 and my friend being 5'7.if you search again on people's toe you would find that some people have three bones while others only have two.
The problem with your ab muscles thing is that it's only recent that people don't use their muscles as much. As in the last couple hundred years. We don't reproduce anywhere near fast enough for us to have evolved differing sets of abs "due to unuse."