I agree with you about the chick network. The problem with this is chicks cant be happy for their friend or friends who have good dates and in jealously will attempt to destroy her friends vision of you-- even if you did everything perfect.Women who flake are not that interested in you and/or has better options. Get used to it because they all do this.... try not to let it bother you.
You hear a lot of times on this board where a first date/meet up went really well. Then she makes it hard going forward. Many times, when this happens she actually did have fun and liked you, BUT after she will check in with the chick network.... they will completely dissect everything that happened on the date and her friends will give you a bad score... so she pulls back.
If your date went well, one of two things happened. (1) You had a chick that really liked you, in the moment and had fun. (2) You had a polite woman that was trying to make the most of the time you were spending with her. If it's (2), and she flakes... just don't over react and move on... you will never hear from her again.
If it's (1) and the chick network gave you a bad score, she'll flake because of uncertainty. The conversation will go something like this:
Chick: "Blah blah blah... then he did this.... blah blah, I really liked this blah blah.... later me blah blah blah... he wore blah blah... I didn't like the pleats in his pants, but some how he made it work.... blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah etc etc ect."
Chick's friend; "Hmmm, sounds okay... blah blah blah. Sounds like you had fun blah blah blah. Did you say he said blah blah."
Chick: "Well yes, but it was more like blah blah"
Then they go back and forth again and again ending like this...
Chick's friend: "Well Hon... it sounds like he likes you... but he sounds like Dude #9, and remember how he turned into a creepy stalker."
Chick: "I was thinking the same thing." (When in reality she hadn't until her friend brought it up.)
This conversation is basically repeated with a number of friends, her sisters, her mother.... and if the consensus of the network is that you have the potential of being a carbon copy of Dude #9, she'll back off and flake. And what you do, is the same with (1) Don't over react and move on. What this will do is eventually convince her you are NOT Dude #9, and she'll circle around and you can make another run.
On rare occasions, this just happened to me recently, is that when she checks in with the chick network, one of her friends will know you... and if her friend doesn't have a good opinion of you, because maybe you dated her in the past.... or if her friend is interested in you the chick you are interested in will back off. If you date a lot, this will happen more frequently.
There is nothing you can do about the 'chick network' accept to understand that it exists... the only advice that I will give you is NEVER talk about anything you do or don't do with women... to other women, because it will get around and you'll have a reputation of a braggart and women will not trust you. It's okay if chicks share everything about you with each other... but it is never okay to talk about women yourself with other women.
I had a female friend once in a long conversation about a guy she just dumped... she was worried that things they did together would get around. She thought men did the same BS talking about women that chicks do with men. She couldn't believe that men did not do this. And on occasion, when this does happen, men really don't remember specifics about particular women. And men seldom, if ever talk about how things went poorly with particular women... it's usually ubiquitous anonymous bragging. There is no dude network... sure there is general dating advice on boards like this, but men generally keep things anonymous.
Biatches be jealous even of their friends