flake today: these b-itches have no manners


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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So I had today date number 4 with a chick (the first date we almost fvcked but could not because of logistics, the other two dates were good, heavy kissing, grinding etc).
We said last Monday to meet next Sunday for a movie and have some drinks.

I found it weird that during the week she didnt text me (the previous week she texted me several days), so I texted her twice and she seemed receptive, talkative etc.

Today Sunday half and hour before the time we said, I text her to tell her that I am leaving my place in a few minutes, and her reply:

her: "hi, I forgot our date for today. I dont feel like going to the cinema, I wanna go somewhere open, I am going to have a drink with my female friend now, do you wanna meet at X place (salsa club) later?"

me: "nope, ciao"

what a stupid rude b-itch. If she had some manners she would have just cancelled the date this afternoon. Besides 'forgettin' our date, she thinks I am gonna still wanna see her later? what da fvck? lmao...
she just said that about the salsa club because she's probably going there anyway so I might bump into her.

She's been nexted for good, but I wonder: why not just cancel the date and show you have some good manners instead of acting rude?

Had she cancelled the date with enough notice, I would have just replied "ok" and I would not be thinking now that she's a ho without manners.
It seems she prefers to embarrass herself.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Flakes and bullsh1t comes everywhere and out of nowhere nowadays, my policy right now is either try to get a new girl the same night and close in few hours or simply call fvck buddies to taste the water, if I sense high interest we make plans, if my instinct warns me then I invite them to reach a place where Im already going wheter they come or not, making it obvious Im not going for them.

Anyway well played, brief neutral answer to her crap, no supplicating or butthurt shown. :up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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I really liked how she didn't even say "I am sorry"


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
holy ****. jesus christ dude. I guess you're the smartest PUA in the room becuase i really don't see what she did wrong. **** happens in real life. in real life sometimes people don't' want to do ****. i planned on taking my son to the park today, now that i'm up, i don't really feel like getting out the house. doesnt' mean i dont' want to spend time with my son.

and she immediately counter offered.

my goodness. it's like you're looking for reasons to use every pua tactic in the manual when they aren't there


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
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backbreaker said:
holy ****. jesus christ dude. I guess you're the smartest PUA in the room becuase i really don't see what she did wrong. **** happens in real life. in real life sometimes people don't' want to do ****. i planned on taking my son to the park today, now that i'm up, i don't really feel like getting out the house. doesnt' mean i dont' want to spend time with my son.

and she immediately counter offered.

my goodness. it's like you're looking for reasons to use every pua tactic in the manual when they aren't there
If she had a high enough HB# I bet it would have been a different story.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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Mistake number 1: Engaging in constant texting convos. She's not the girlfriend yet, and doesn't deserve this privilege.

Mistake number 2: Planning a date that far in advance. Yes, I've said plenty of times that a woman that's interested will remember dates as far off as a month in advance... BUT, it also depends on the set up, and how exciting the date is. The more "average" the date, the closer to the day of the date it should be planned. You and her going to an amusement park? Above average, plan a week or more in advance. You and her going to a movie? 3 days in advance max.

Mistake number 3: Texting her immediately before the date. If you were doing this to make sure she remembered... see mistake number 2. For this kind of date, details should have been reminded 2 to 3 days in advance, along with a comment like, "Great, I'm marking it on my calendar: Sunday at noon, seeing x-movie with hot chick. See ya then!"

Mistake number 4: Your response to her should have been more open-ended. Instead of just throwing it away, an answer like "nah, it's okay - we can plan something for another time" would have been better. That way, in her head she feels like you're open to going out with her again. Later on, after days of not asking her out, she'll remember that comment and - if she was truly interested - would reach out to YOU asking why you hadn't asked her out.

Notice I didn't say you made a mistake by blowing off her plans? I actually think that was a wise move. Based on her comment she's (a) showing low interest, (b) not flexible, (c) not able to go with the flow, (d) placing her friends before you, and (e) is trying to wear the pants in the relationship by changing plans and assuming you'll go along with it. And you didn't fall for it, so kudos on that part :up:


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
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She forgot. How can she cancel a date she forgot about?

Its not good form from her to forget but I don't think she was being rude. Since she offered to see you later you should have given her the benefit of doubt.

Its only a slight change of plan, (she didn't fancy going to the cinema) you should have been more flexible and either accepted her offer to see her later or rescheduled for another day.


Senior Don Juan
May 24, 2014
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I would also not accept her offer, i'd maybe ignored her. she would have texted probably a few days later suggesting another alternative...

Yeah its annoying when women flake but they do it because they have low interest or just leave the options open if they don't find anything "better" to do.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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She flaked, with a halfassed counter offer. You basically said "not interested". Good for you. Maybe she'll reach out in a few days or so then you go from there if you have any interest.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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it seems these girls have higher interest at first and the more they hang out with you, the less interested they become...you need to get your own place and bang them


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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1 she's not that hot.

2 something changed cause the previous week she texted me almost everyday, but this week she did not text even once.

3 I did not text her constantly as Harry said. I texted her twice in a week.

4 it seems she has low interest now so she can go fvck herself.

5 as I said, SHE DID NOT EVEN SAY 'SORRY', she just told me: "hey I forgot our damn date, and now Im gonna have a drink with a friend, besides I am going to X salsa club (and I think you may go there as well...so) wanna meet me there?" (as a lame half counter-offer).

6 last Monday we agreed to go watch X movie at 21:00 on Sunday (today) and that I would pick her up at 20:00; so if she 'forgot' she can go to hell really.

7 she already 'declined' two dates to go watch a movie at her place, this is why I said to go to the cinema.

8 I am not interested in her any more because of HER TOTAL LACK OF MANNERS, and low interest.


It seems women nowadays think they can do as they please anytime, and they never do anything wrong because hey, they are women.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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applegoo said:
it seems these girls have higher interest at first and the more they hang out with you, the less interested they become...you need to get your own place and bang them

the last two girls: one after two dates and almost banging her on the first date but could not because of logistics, she went back to her ex bf or fwb or whatever he is.

This other chick similar story, on the first date we almost fvcked at her place, but I could not find a free spot to park my car...next two dates went good, and now this...
She's nuts if she thinks that after 'forgetting' our date, after not even saying I am sorry etc, I am gonna see her again. Hah.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
She demonstrated low IL before and you chased her anyway.

I'm pretty sure she's not going to lose any sleep over this.

Based on other posts of yours I don't understand how you didn't see this coming.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2014
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pyros said:
So I had today date number 4 with a chick (the first date we almost fvcked but could not because of logistics, the other two dates were good, heavy kissing, grinding etc).
We said last Monday to meet next Sunday for a movie and have some drinks.

I found it weird that during the week she didnt text me (the previous week she texted me several days), so I texted her twice and she seemed receptive, talkative etc.

Today Sunday half and hour before the time we said, I text her to tell her that I am leaving my place in a few minutes, and her reply:

her: "hi, I forgot our date for today. I dont feel like going to the cinema, I wanna go somewhere open, I am going to have a drink with my female friend now, do you wanna meet at X place (salsa club) later?"

me: "nope, ciao"

what a stupid rude b-itch. If she had some manners she would have just cancelled the date this afternoon. Besides 'forgettin' our date, she thinks I am gonna still wanna see her later? what da fvck? lmao...
she just said that about the salsa club because she's probably going there anyway so I might bump into her.

She's been nexted for good, but I wonder: why not just cancel the date and show you have some good manners instead of acting rude?

Had she cancelled the date with enough notice, I would have just replied "ok" and I would not be thinking now that she's a ho without manners.
It seems she prefers to embarrass herself.
You definitely did the right thing. She probably thought you wanted her enough she could just throw something else out there and you would jump on it. She probably didn't want to get physical and she knew it was coming.
Maybe that's why she was trying to take a step back and be more casual.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Well I had this girl text me every single day. Why?

- she has a long term beta BF who is apparently not letting her go out and asking for a daily report of her activities (she is wayy out of his league in looks);

- she wanted to get high\get treats for free;

In reality this girl is a very damaged individual (regardless of her actions), but wants to come across as intelligent and caring. She failed.

Played along for a while then made an appointment where I shouldve went to get her high in exchange for some sweets or smth I was like "Cool" then went on a date with another girl lel

Everytime I see her and her fool she look like she **** her pants and I have this big smile on my face.

Point is, women do what they do for purely egoistical pourposes, and what you are or arent, or the way you look, or anything concerning you is irrelevant to her.

She may have wanted someone to talk to couse her BF left her or smth. A confidence boost. She may have liked you but then a better option showed up.

But for all I know, constant texting is a one way ticket to the friendzone, it has happened to me like, this girl was real nice to talk to intelligent and all so I got tangled up in the facebook game, until she asked me something which was really inappropriate so I kinda woke up suddenly, was like "Lol I'm not your girlfriends", ye in the end I got out of the zone, under the pretence that I only talked to her couse I was bored at work, so finally got the honey, but its never good to sink that low - you want to get inside her pants, she uses you as an emotional tampon, this game is no good and alot of pretty girls have such a low self esteem that they consider every guy being nice to them to get inside their pants a friend who truely sees them for the great girl they are (cough*aren't*cough).

This is why texting is generally very bad. The most important thing is of course, to not give a flying fuk what a girl says\does couse you will end up in a very sad place.


Master Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
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I don't think she forgot the date. Sounds like she doesn't like cinemas. Next time gave her four options: Cinema, Park, Beach, Playground.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
pyros said:
So I had today date number 4 with a chick (the first date we almost fvcked but could not because of logistics, the other two dates were good, heavy kissing, grinding etc).
We said last Monday to meet next Sunday for a movie and have some drinks.

I found it weird that during the week she didnt text me (the previous week she texted me several days), so I texted her twice and she seemed receptive, talkative etc.
Bro date 4 and you haven't slept with her yet? I already see the problems coming...

You made the date 6 days in advance? You better be flying her off to Vegas first class or something. That's way too far in advance for a girl you haven't slept with.

And what are you doing texting her during the week before the date? You already set the date and time of the date to try to sleep with her, how is texting going to raise her interest level any more? "I'm going to really pound you hard on Sunday!"

Today Sunday half and hour before the time we said, I text her to tell her that I am leaving my place in a few minutes, and her reply:

her: "hi, I forgot our date for today. I dont feel like going to the cinema, I wanna go somewhere open, I am going to have a drink with my female friend now, do you wanna meet at X place (salsa club) later?"

me: "nope, ciao"
"Nope, ciao" = "I'm angry you are not a slut sleeping with me an a sunny Sunday afternoon. Go to hell bvtch."

How sexy does that sound?

Like Harry said, should have left it open. Also wouldnt have texted her 30 min before the date.

what a stupid rude b-itch. If she had some manners she would have just cancelled the date this afternoon. Besides 'forgettin' our date, she thinks I am gonna still wanna see her later? what da fvck? lmao...
she just said that about the salsa club because she's probably going there anyway so I might bump into her.

She's been nexted for good, but I wonder: why not just cancel the date and show you have some good manners instead of acting rude?

Had she cancelled the date with enough notice, I would have just replied "ok" and I would not be thinking now that she's a ho without manners.
It seems she prefers to embarrass herself.
Come on bro, she is PROTECTING herself. If you don't text, she may just think you will go away, or if you don't text, she may think you are aloof and be happy not to be involved.

If she cancels that date and texts first, it means she is EMOTIONALLY INVESTED in the date and thinking if you, makes her look bad.

By you coming to her, she's got the power. :box: