Originally posted by dietzcoi
We all know a 24 year old male teacher banging a 15 year old female student would be locked up forever..
Why do any of you think this female teacher should get less time?
I am sick of the double standards.. I hope she gets the 15 years, the crazy hoe!!
But the truth is that there are legal differences between men and women, at least in the states. The culture is so thick with female hyper-sentimentality, it is surprising how uneven the weights of Justice are now.
For you guys thinking she is 'hot', come on! Unless you've seen her in person, you really have no idea if she is hot or not. I remember an apartment roomate's skag of a 'girlfriend'. When she walked by, I would make cow noises because she was literally the bottom of the barrel type of looks, movement, everything. Think of a candle melted and frozen again and again, that was her appearance. Very nasty. On her online pictures, she looked pretty cute. It just shows that pictures are decieving. Even famous actresses, when met in person, are rarely 'hot'. Pictures don't translate to reality.
This teacher should be dealt with molestation/sexual abuse charges as severe as it is if a male teacher did it to a female student. (Her lawyer is actually arguing that she is 'too pretty' to go to prison, for that would be 'tossing in red meat for the wolves'.) She goes to jail. She does not pass Go. She does not collect $200 (or whatever she feels entitled). She ought to get her name put on those sexual offender lists that every other offender gets put on.
Deep Dish thinks she is stupid (or her lawyer) for pleading for insanity, only raising the prison time. I think she is just acting like a hyper spoiled girl who has used her 'beauty' and 'girlness' to get her way in life for so long. I believe she actually didn't believe she would have to go to prison, that she was 'above' it all. And if she goes to prison, she will believe she is 'above' the other inmates and probably ask for a unique cell, with luxuries, and that her 'prison time' will be quickly reduced due to her 'magnificence'. You guys might laugh, "No girl could think that," but such females do exist.
There is a news story in my local news about a man, who fell asleep, woke up and found his groin bleeding. His girlfriend (or wife?) apparently had cut off his *appendage* with a kitchen knife.
Could there not be a more grusome evil attack on a guy than cutting off his *appendage*? The act itself got me so furious that my immediate reaction for the woman was
I'd rather be murdered than have my pookness seperated from me. But lo and behold, the way how the news 'woman' told the story just had my jaw hanging in disbelief. The story focused more on that the doctors could reattach 80% of it and that the man was probably
cheating on her (which is why she got so angry she cut off his yahoo).
I was flabbergasted. There is
no excuse for this bloody mutilation. Yet, it sounded that the woman was 'justified' because she thought the guy was unfaithful. If a guy thinks a woman is unfaithful, that is no excuse for him to beat her up. But even that is nothing compared to outright castration.
This double standard defies even normal politics. Remember the First Lady making jokes about her husband for 'going to sleep at 9 pm', that she is a 'desperate housewife', how she and other girls on the Hill would go to stripper clubs, and that her husband was so confused that he milked a male horse. Of course it was all scripted. And of course there is a tactical element in all this (of the First Lady getting raunchy and funny to throw all her opponents off). But regardless, it felt to me downright rude. I thought to myself, "In this country, even if a man becomes President, he still won't get respect from his wife." Can you imagine any male politicians mocking their wives in any way? To make poor jokes of men is 'great comedy', but to make poor jokes of women is 'women-hating'?
But you've got to laugh at it all or you'll go crazy. So I found this
We need to make fun of these actions rather than getting angry at them. Ever know someone who takes themselves so seriously that if you laugh at them, they TOTALLY lose it?
Some of these behaviors and laws are so wacky, we could build an entertainment center around it. It will be fun watching these 'super strong' girls of our generation self destruct as they grow old and alone with their 3 cats.