It's been a while...
My Updated Stats
Body Weight: 152 lb. (yeah, mothaa****kaaaaaa! I started out with 115 two years ago).
Body Fat: Less than 10%
Height: 5' 11'~
I never felt BETTER in my life. I'm so pumped. I can do anything!!
I need to gain more mass though. I'm not strong enough, nor do I look it.
Should I continue this routine, or should I work two different muscle groups per day?
Note: I can only hit the gym 3 times a week, until the end of August when I'll go 5-6 days a week.
What are your favorite, lean, meals--that are high in protein, and low in fat?
March 11 2006
Tuesday's Workout (in progress)
4 sets/Squats: 1(weight lifted inserted here);2();3();4()
4 sets/Deadlifts:
4 sets/Bench Press:
3 sets/Incline Press:
4 sets/Bent-over row:
3 sets/Seated Shoulder Press:
3 sets/Biceps Curl:
3 sets/Seated Triceps Extention:
1 set/Reverse Crunch (until failure):
1 set/Twisting Crunch (until failure):