Hello. I'm a young fellow (over 18 though) who is generally is pegged as the nice, gentlemanly guy. I was raised old school by women, am a firm believer of the whole "friends before lovers" ideology I do my utmost to treat women with respect just on a regular, not when I'm interested in them. As such I have tons of female friends, have never really had a girlfriend, and had 1 fling that lasted 2 weeks (but of course we're still friends). My buds rip on me for this so like 3 weeks ago they prodded me to ask a girl I didn't gradually get to know through school or work or some other easy social situation for her number. We go out after seeing a movie and meet up at a diner and we start hassling our server. She's kinda cute and we start chatting so my mates and me leave. They force me to go back in to get her number, I do and feel like the most awsome guy in the world. We go out once alone together at a little place in town, nothing fancy. Than we drive around for like an hour just talking. I'm felling good. I invite her to the week after meet with a mixed (guys and gals) group of friends and she comes. She enjoys it. I call her the next day (mind you I'm NOT a phone guy) chat her up ask how she enjoyed the little group, says it was nice and she really enjoyed it. Invites me to a family get together at her house which I went to. Meet the parents and her fam. Their nice. I like them, they like me. Going great than she mentions she's going out to meet another guy. An old friend of hers from highschool. Now I'm thinking 'Okay oddness. What the heck is going on.' So I ask her who the fellow is and she explains that he's a friend from highschool who like her but she didn't reciprocate. Only recently after 3 years of having not spoken have they gotten back in touch. She talks about how she's got feelings for him now but he's moving away so she has GOT to see him. Oddly enough she kept mentioning how he and I were really similar which sorta bugged me. During the conversation I just listen. Outside I'm cool inside I'm :cuss: . So I go home and she goes out with him. I'm supposed to see her tommorow and I'm curious of how to procede. I mean I don't want to suddenly be like "ah well I've got things to do. I'll prolly never see you again toodle loo!" But than I'm obviously being a douche and I want to maintain a rep with people I meet cause you never know who you might see again or need in the future.
Now for a little back info on the girl. She's really inexperienced with guys herself. She's said she's never had a boyfriend or anything and she's a year older than I. She's cute and real sweet and rather likes me (I am assuming as a friend) but I suppose I've got the potential to be more. Obviously I don't want to push her since she feelings for the other dude. Yet I am finding myself in the friend rut again. I am seeing her tomorrow and I suppose I could ask her how things went with the other guy.
Now for a little back info on the girl. She's really inexperienced with guys herself. She's said she's never had a boyfriend or anything and she's a year older than I. She's cute and real sweet and rather likes me (I am assuming as a friend) but I suppose I've got the potential to be more. Obviously I don't want to push her since she feelings for the other dude. Yet I am finding myself in the friend rut again. I am seeing her tomorrow and I suppose I could ask her how things went with the other guy.