I wasted a lot of time on my GF in highschool... spent hours on the phone every night for a good year... and prior to that I spent a lot of time over at her house before we started dating. I ignored a plethora of girls that were giving me signals just so I could get this one girl into bed. I regret having wasted all that energy (like 5 years) on one girl. The other ones eventually got into serious relationships or got married off, including that girl I persued (though I'm still glad I at least boinked her

) and I am the only one who ended up feeling like a fool. It took me a few years to regain my composure, but it did give me a chance to find out who I am... but I digress.
This one you are seeing, may be a great girl, and it could go the distance... who knows. But I'll say this with my limited skills, don't be that guy... at the very least let her be the one to call, and try not to talk for too long or too often... you will regret wasting the time if it goes south.