Don Juan
I met this girl last month, we had been going out for about a month. We went to movies, out to Dinner and I even bought her gifts for Valentine's/her Birthday. It was my first girlfriend that I felt I had a connection with.This weekend she has been in a really depressing mood. She felt that we rushed into things(which I sort of felt the same way),and that she hasn't gotten over the break up from her last boyfriend which was the cause her own doing(she was cheating on him). She still lives with her ex as a roommate(which doesn't help matters, it really got to me!). The guy is much older(older than me in fact) and isn't much. The guy is not friendly, pretty lazy(doesn't have a job), plays video games all day. Then she brings up how she had a REALLY bad upbringing to me and that past boyfriend's she had were abusive to her. I guess if she grew up in an abusive environment, it's something that is commonplace to her. I guess I'm too decent for her, and maybe she's not used to that considering her upbringing. She seemed to have been sort of non-reciprocal too, she only said "I love you" when I said it and her mood changes like night and day(She's not a very happy person), she let's her mind wander too much and worries too much. Any advice would be appreciated!