Senior Don Juan
Well guys........thanks to the forum, the DJ Bible, and some great feedback from some of you ( thnx Trickynick, Galactus, Cyclonus, T-Dog.....hope i didn't forget anybody )
I had my first official success tonight! I got the digits of a girl in one of my classes....after reading and testing stuff for about a month now, I finally have something to show for it
So here is the story.... let me know any improvements or whatever! Thanks to the forum for helping me.
ok.... sorry but this is kind of long, because it involves alot of DJ steps including building rap....so the story starts about 4 weekends ago.....i'm over at a bar in Canada with some friends having an awesome time (right after i had learned some DJ skills) and by total chance there is this pretty good looking chick (about a 7.5) from my class there ....so i chat her up for a few minutes and whatever...i keep having a good time. Didn't realy see her the rest of the night.....didn't dance w/ her or anything. So she comes up to me when she is leaving and specifically says bye to me... ok . This class only meets 1 time a week on monday nights, and we didn't have classs for like 4 weeks due to the teacher being out of town and some other crap. So i didn't see her again until tonight.
so tonight was a "movie" night in class....we had to watch a movie, so the prof tells us to all move back into better seats so we can see well.......i sit down right next to her and say "hey, its my flashlight girl!" with a nice smile, eye contact......she smiles , laughs a bit (this goes back to a few weeks ago.....I had borrowed her flashlight during a previous film...) so the prof goes out of the room, and she says to me so do you go to canada alot......blah blah blah, I chat her up...eye contact, confidence, smile....... classic DJ technique. <start_movie, lights out> .....movie was funny and i was relaxed, so we both laughed a bit.... i kept my posture good.....no big deal...it was a good vibe though.
After class, I watch her walk out of the room and walk next to her
me: "so what did you think of that movie?'
her: "blah blah blah the movie, blah blah blah that other movie, maybe its just because i'm tired, blah blah blah, I had to get up at 4:00 this morning
me: "oh yeah, what for?"
her: "work, i had to be there at 6:00."
<all this going on while we are walking to our cars>
me: " oh really, what do you do?"
her: "blah blah blah, my job, blah blah blah"
*at this point i got kind of stuck, so i went with the first thing i thought of from the dj bible
me: "so, you work for blah blah blah, and you have to do blah blah blah at your job?" (feeding it back to her technique)
her: yeah, blah blah blah..
<at soem point in her response she brought up school, so i proceeded to ask her a few more questions.>
me: so whats your major?
her: blah blah blah
me: what year are you?
her: second year
me: oh, yeah me too......
light discussion about school....... <arrive at car>
me: well i gotta get going, have to study for a test, *Let me give you a call, whats your # ?*
her: <digits>
I'm thinking i will call wednesday for possible weekend date? WEll if anybody is still reading at this point , thanks alot!
"You....You're so ******* money and you don't even know it.
-Trent from "Swingers
I had my first official success tonight! I got the digits of a girl in one of my classes....after reading and testing stuff for about a month now, I finally have something to show for it

So here is the story.... let me know any improvements or whatever! Thanks to the forum for helping me.
ok.... sorry but this is kind of long, because it involves alot of DJ steps including building rap....so the story starts about 4 weekends ago.....i'm over at a bar in Canada with some friends having an awesome time (right after i had learned some DJ skills) and by total chance there is this pretty good looking chick (about a 7.5) from my class there ....so i chat her up for a few minutes and whatever...i keep having a good time. Didn't realy see her the rest of the night.....didn't dance w/ her or anything. So she comes up to me when she is leaving and specifically says bye to me... ok . This class only meets 1 time a week on monday nights, and we didn't have classs for like 4 weeks due to the teacher being out of town and some other crap. So i didn't see her again until tonight.
so tonight was a "movie" night in class....we had to watch a movie, so the prof tells us to all move back into better seats so we can see well.......i sit down right next to her and say "hey, its my flashlight girl!" with a nice smile, eye contact......she smiles , laughs a bit (this goes back to a few weeks ago.....I had borrowed her flashlight during a previous film...) so the prof goes out of the room, and she says to me so do you go to canada alot......blah blah blah, I chat her up...eye contact, confidence, smile....... classic DJ technique. <start_movie, lights out> .....movie was funny and i was relaxed, so we both laughed a bit.... i kept my posture good.....no big deal...it was a good vibe though.
After class, I watch her walk out of the room and walk next to her
me: "so what did you think of that movie?'
her: "blah blah blah the movie, blah blah blah that other movie, maybe its just because i'm tired, blah blah blah, I had to get up at 4:00 this morning
me: "oh yeah, what for?"
her: "work, i had to be there at 6:00."
<all this going on while we are walking to our cars>
me: " oh really, what do you do?"
her: "blah blah blah, my job, blah blah blah"
*at this point i got kind of stuck, so i went with the first thing i thought of from the dj bible

me: "so, you work for blah blah blah, and you have to do blah blah blah at your job?" (feeding it back to her technique)
her: yeah, blah blah blah..
<at soem point in her response she brought up school, so i proceeded to ask her a few more questions.>
me: so whats your major?
her: blah blah blah
me: what year are you?
her: second year
me: oh, yeah me too......
light discussion about school....... <arrive at car>
me: well i gotta get going, have to study for a test, *Let me give you a call, whats your # ?*
her: <digits>
I'm thinking i will call wednesday for possible weekend date? WEll if anybody is still reading at this point , thanks alot!

"You....You're so ******* money and you don't even know it.
-Trent from "Swingers