First Day of School


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
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Well...I need to share my story, experiences, and a request for help and feedback from you guys. I have went from being an overweight, quiet kid that almost no one knew back in Middle School and began my transformation during High School. I lost almost all of my weight before my Freshman year, but joined the Marching Band and my social status and circle remained obscured due to the Honors classes I take. I've always wanted to be one of the popular guys, since they have MUCH more fun...I enjoy all the things they do...and I love sports. So I dropped the last ten pounds or so, and tried to become more social last year. I quit the Band and joined the Football team like I have always wanted to, and the guys have really liked me so far. Everyone likes me on the team, and always wave and say hi whenever we see each other, even the starters. The guys like me, and I've been trying my best to talk to everyone and be social and have fun, and I've been doing pretty well. Now, the guys get in their "groups" and I always want to join...but I really, actually, never have anything to say. With my old friends, this is never a problem...I'm one of the funniest and sociable guys around...but these guys are kinda different. I need to start talking in complete conversations more to fully get into the circle and get invited to the hang-outs and everything. I need some tips with this. Also, at lunch today, none of my old friends had my lunch period, but a couple of the football players do. We casually talk...but I want to sit with them...and I don't want to bore them to death and lose what progress I have made.

Second is the GIRLS in High School...

Most of my classes don't have any hotties..but my first block does have one of the popular ones that I tried and struck out painfully with my freshman year..that was then, this is now, however. I still have trouble thinking of some things to say...and that's one of my major roadblocks. I think I can get this girl now...but I want to approach things the right way.

The second girl is the sister of a good friend of mine. I met her when she was with her brother at a basketball game last year. We hit it off was wonderful...but at school, she used to come in one of my classes and sit with her best friend...and I hardly ever said anything to her...losing the attraction she had for me that night. She then found out that I liked her...and it wasn't mutual yet due to my lack of interaction with her. I haven't talked to her since before summer, and I will see her eating breakfast every morning with her brother and best friend. I think I have a chance to salvage things...but again I have to not mess things up and approach it right. I don't have any classes with her, but I can make things happen in the lunchroom and in the halls.

Help and feedback is much appreciated as I continue my journey!


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Nice to know there's a fellow musician here.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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Stop trying to fit in Stand out and be confident with yourself.This is what starts trends. Dont try to make friends Try to make a statement about yourself. Thats yoru choice tho im just trying to tell you what i think. I tried to make friends with the so called popular kids and i failed miserably im just not meant to fit in I was meant to create to initiate to start new movements. Thats me maybe your different. If u think the reason that you have nothing to say is because you and them have nutting in common and your to worried about how they see you than **** the football team you can still be friendswith your old friends and get girls if your confident with yourself and your friends follow you You and your freinds could be the new popular kids in the school

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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but again I have to not mess things up and approach it right.
Thats your problem you should be thinking like a man its the women thats supposed to be thinking i hope i dont mess things up . your supposed to go up to her and talk to her about what you want to talk about not what you think will make her happy and attracted to you. OO and for your info girls are entirely sexual creatures they would fuk anyone as long as she's sure she wont be called a slut and she's safe around you remember that its a fact.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
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Wow. I don't know where to begin with you, Sandy.

Well, the most alarming thing is that you said your old friends. That's not good. You have a social phobia that craves popularity.

Likely from insecurities and treatment in your less glorious years. It's good to get to know new people.

But you should never abandon your old friends (and by this I mean labeling them "old friends...") Stay in touch with everyone.

With that said, I'm remarkably like you in amazingly different ways.

The first similarity that we share is that we take honor classes (not a problem for me, I prefer an intelligent eight over a ditzy ten any day.)

For a time, this academic ambition stunted our growth with "average females."

Which leads me to the second, and most prevalent character trait we share. Ambition. The desire to improve, to perfect.

Yeah, I have hunch that you're a perfectionist (like me.)

This isn't healthy. But I'm not giving it up. You can't imagine the places it will take you.

This ambition has motivated you to become physically fit and you'll continue exponentially.

That ambition has led you here. Looking to improve. I'm here for the same reason.

Psychological manipulation appeals to me for some reason as I'm sure it does to you.

Ambition will keep you motivated to do well in high school, this is the beginning of a glorious future.

So why did I waste my valuable time to write this? So that you know to never be satisfied and continue to improve yourself.

As for your female I said, never be satisfied.

Girl Number One you lack both common ground and chemistry with. You screwed up once, let it go. There are so many more out there.

Girl Number Two is your friend's sister. I joke with one of my friends (who has a hot sister) and he promises me that if I ever fool around with her...

He'll castrate me. Not a good idea. It won't end well. You're smart, you should know this...

They're both bad picks. Wait for something better.
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Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Alkali hit it on the head.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
StoneColdFox said:
Bravo Alkali.

Btw you never told me how your pick ups went last night.
I was disappointed. As it turns out, she had even less time then I did.

I did get their numbers (their idea actually) but there's no point in keeping them.

I'll never see them again lol.

Besides, I realized that they were there to have fun and that the three of them kind of did a roundabout Ckoc-block for any potential moves.

Looking back on your post, you sure did use precise word usage to make the most important points effective.

You're advice did help (scare) me into a different, more assertive approach though. Thanks for that. I had fun, can't deny it.

Just kind of wierded out that I can't think of any girls that are as cool as her...maybe I've been away from California too long.

However, chickenfights in the pool are definitely among my favorite activities now. :woo:

But I think I'll stick to the long-term approach (a week or two lol) instead of a few days. I'm not a Stone Cold Fox just yet!
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