"First date" what is your take on it?


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
Met up with this girl tonight. Spent time talking to her. She seemed to smile a lot. Said I had "pretty eyes" etc. Here's the catch. Out of all the girls I've spent time with in the past 6 weeks' I've escalated fast within 10-15 minutes. And for the three hours invested, she wasn't into making out. Should have set a more solid frame and escalated sooner. The girl is beautiful. I'm about to drop her just off that fact. Could possibly be that she likes me, thinking "relationship possibly". Should I dead a beautiful woman just because she resists making out etc on the first night? My assumption, she either has a FWB and she's playing the field, or we just don't click like that. Or maybe I didn't set the frame and she's thinking possible relationship and is holding out. Acting innocent and shy. One thing I remember, after the fact, never do a traditional date. As in **** a couple would do. Correct me if I'm wrong, i don't think I'm putting in any more time or effort with her. No matter how good she looks. (At least she paid twice what I did for the "date lol") The only variable, we'll see how much or when she text's me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Need paragraphs and DETAILS if you want analysis.

If you want to know if the date went well? Ask her on another one. If she accepts then it went well. If she doesn't, and doesnt counteroffer then Next her azz.

I dont see why you should "expect" any macking or too much escalation on a first date though. I mean you are only meeting for like the second time EVER here I guess?

It should be a time for feeling each other out and seeing if you get along.

Ive had dates that went well with barely any physical contact before, so dont read too much into it.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
I would say that her eyes tell a different story and she's acting hard to get. Right after I posted she texted me saying I'm aggressive...with the kissing. But when I get farther with girls I've talked to for 15 minutes...I'm quick to call it a wrap. Maybe I'm wrong.

For details:

We went for espresso and hot chocolate. Every bar we went to downtown was jam packed. Walked around. Talked. Went to the movies, went to kiss her and she turned away saying we just met, she doesn't want to. I'm completely chilled and relaxed. Went to a bar after. I have been out of my grove for the past couple of weeks. Kissed her kinda on the way out...tells me she was lonely an ex out of state, they've been talking. Decided to end it.

She told me she's not looking for marriage (anything serious) or just a casual fk. There's a very good chance she's leaving the state next year. Says she wants someone to hang out with. But tells me indirectly later that she's cool with FWB relationships. A girl from OKC. Who to her credit replies "very selectively". Been pressing and texting me all week to meet.

She's a very beautiful...nice girl. But I'm about to call it a wrap.

(My ex we didn't fk until the third "date", no big deal but we still had raw physical attraction all along and were making out like crazy).
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