Great post Comote...
I'm young (21) but very mature and that's the reason my current gf is 35 and one thing I've realized after time with her is what women really want. Women after the wild years just want a man that is going to make them feel sexy, give them excitement, make them feel safe and secure, and be his own man...
Yes a woman can fall in and out of love with you, but if you live your life being scared of a woman losing interest, she WILL lose interest. I concentrate on the present, just enjoying my time with her and being who I am without playing games and am 100% confident in myself and in our relationship, I don't entertain the ideas of her leaving or cheating... not even crosses my mind...
I know i'm young, but I've had alot of experiences and most of what the Seduction community talks about is complete BS for LTR or anything serious with a woman. It WILL get you laid, it'll get you hot dates ect... but in the end if you're after LOVE or something long-term, forget this stuff... A woman dosen't fall in love with you for your C&F, or your confidence or any of that stuff !! Yeah it may attract her for a while, but its being yourself that she will fall in love with...
If you're naturally nerdy and u turn into a DJ, yeah u'll get laid but when u try to be in a LTR, how long can you withhold ur nerdiness ?? 1 year ?? 2 years ?? How tiring and fake is that ?? I'll tell you VERY !! So instead of trying to change urself to get women, just be yourself and wait for a woman to enter into your life that will love you for you.. Don't look for her, build your life and live your life but juss keep your eyes peeled for the one that will love you for you....
My gf now loves everything about me. I'm moody, I'm kinky, wierd as hell, very emotional, talkative and I cry when I watched titanic

Being myself and confident allows her to let down her mask and be herself. Girls aren't as COOL and PERFECT as we think they are, they're wierd and have kinks about them as well. They may put on the perfect face, but when ur confident in who you are to be yourself, your WHOLE self, u'll see a change in them and they'll feel comfortable being there wierd self around you as well and they'll love you for allowing them to take the mask off...
I could go on for hours about things i've learned about love and LTR's and quality women, but i don't want to bore you all. Finding my quality girl wasn't hard because i wasn't looking, it just happened. All it takes is time, you don't need any advice or tips, just be yourself and live your life... love witll find u