Go to community college for the first two years. Student loans are a racket. With every other type of loan in the world, there is some sort of assessement of your chances of actually being able to pay the money back, but with student loans you can amass a mountain of debt. It's not dischargeable through bankruptcy like almost any other debt, and even if it falls into default for years, they won't settle for less than the face amount. I know law school graduates with over six figures in student loans that they are going to have to pay back with $40-50k/yr jobs. Also, a modern trend is to suspend professional licenses for people whose loans are in default. In my state, you can't be a lawyer, doctor, nurse, or even a school teacher if you have defaulted loans.
College is good. Debt is bad. A little debt is ok, but most students think of the loan check as free money descending from heaven. Paying it back years later is not fun.