How do you get to the level of a Masters...without touching upon Finance in Undergrad?
Finance is such a broad category, even basic books don't cover all that "could" be covered. I have the same book ref. by Dr.Metallica, albeit older. You could read basics in finance on stocks, buying real estate, loans, corporations, options, Warren Buffet, forex, etc. I know that the ref. book doesn't cover those topics. Is that what you expect from your degree? Or do you want Corporate Finance, because that's what a Master's degree will be?
You may be able to find that ref. booked used on Amazon for short money, but it is a
text book and will be quite boring, chock full of information not entirely pertinent to everyday usage. Obviously present and future value is useful, and some of the corporate info is helpful, such as Free Cash Flow, but that does not give you the understanding of trading and investing (unless you're actually buying the whole company).
My 2 cents.