Finally i called she sounded mad!! listen to the convo inside


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
She's not going to call back, if her interested were high she would of kept her words.

I give her another call and NEXT HER.


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
nah if i call her then she will think "dam he all on me , desperate ass"

if i do it like as an "accident" that wont go thru her mind, but turst me the way ima do it its gonna be perfect believe me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously man, you need to step back and look at what you are doing.

You're taping conversations and analysing them.
You're waiting for her to call and looking for any excuse to call her.
You're planning what to say to her.
You're thinking of trying the old wrong number, accidental call game.

This is obsessive behaviour!

I don't mean this as a criticism against you. I've been there myself with an ex-girlfriend and that's why I recognise it, but you need to stop yourself now and let go before it gets out of control.

If she doesn't call, she is not interested and you have to get on with your life. If she is interested, you are going to scare her away with this desperate behaviour.

Assume she's not going to call, otherwise you're going to find your life comes to a halt! Trust me on this!


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jariel
Seriously man, you need to step back and look at what you are doing.

You're taping conversations and analysing them.
You're waiting for her to call and looking for any excuse to call her.
You're planning what to say to her.
You're thinking of trying the old wrong number, accidental call game.

This is obsessive behaviour!

I don't mean this as a criticism against you. I've been there myself with an ex-girlfriend and that's why I recognise it, but you need to stop yourself now and let go before it gets out of control.

If she doesn't call, she is not interested and you have to get on with your life. If she is interested, you are going to scare her away with this desperate behaviour.

Assume she's not going to call, otherwise you're going to find your life comes to a halt! Trust me on this!

Yeah cut the sh*t bro. She said she would call you so don't call her. If she doesn't call then she is full of cr*p, and you aren't interested in a girl thats full of cr*p right?


Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2002
Reaction score
yeh the thing she said she was gonna call but i never gave her my number, maybe she forgat about that u can tell she was in a hurry.

Man ima just give her one last call with no games and no bs, then after that call ill next her or not depending on how it goes.

edit : man now that i think of it man, its preety much clear that she is interested, if not she would had gave me a fake number but again bottom line she had to go, its preety simple why try to dig for dirt where there aint non.

like i said ima call tomorrow and see what she is all about, if she gives me some excuse again or some bs then the answer to next her will be clear.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
She may not have called, and may not called cause she is just as scared and nervous as you. You are a man twice her size and strength and you are scared to call her. She is a woman half your size and strenght and you are a stranger, Im pretty sure she has just as much crazy talk going on in her head as you do. When I heard you phone call, since I or no one else cant read your mind, all I thought is this dude is scared as hell, not the way she answered the phone i it threw you off and you felt you should be as polite as possible. All I know is what I heard, so does she. She cant read your mind, just as you cant read hers. All she cares about is what you say, the same way all you care about it what she says not what she is thinking. Im sure you not no woman likes a man who plays childish games cause a MAN doesnt play childish games. Call her back and send this message: I was real interested after we met, and I am looking forward to getting together with you. When will be good for you?
You dont have to use those exact words but send that message. There is no right or wrong way to say it cause she doesnt know you or have any expectation. The convo should be short and straight to the point. If she Bs around ask her very up front if she is making an excuse or is she really interested cause you are. Remember her mind is playing as many negative tricks on her as your is on you, and she is 100 times more scared of you then you are of her. Just be a man and a man simply says what he means.