Finally got my NUMBER CLOSE woohoo!@!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
Well make that two. I was on the college campus as usual. And there was two girls sitting on a table. One of em was cutie, and the other "eh, not so much.
Go in, BAM. False time constriant, Opinion opener, transistion, into rapport. Talked about classes, etc, etc. I asked her what she's gonna do after class. She said she likes to stay home.

Then I busted on her hardcore. "I bet you like to stay home and CSI." Then she was like no Law and order is better. Then I said "Nah, its all CSI:Miami." She busted out laughing. I ejected thats when the cutie ask me for my name.

I went back, asked them for their email. They said they don't use email. So I just asked them for their numbers, which I got. Hugged her friend and walked back to class with the biggest grin ever.

Overall- about 6-8 min for two number closes not bad for my first #'s.

Any ideas how to follow up?
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New Member
Jan 28, 2008
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They don't use email? Thats a ridiculous lie and you know it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Evo, call them in a day or two. Spin some attraction, but not too heavy C+F.
Make sure you draw out some relevant personal stuff.
Go attraction, rapport, and a little comfort.

Only IOI when she gives you something cool about her. If she doesn't add to the convo stay in Attraction. Do not go further 'asking' for Rapport.
If she is not 'gving' , do not try too hard to make Rapport.

Do not be afraid to 'lose' her.

Be confident enough to break rapport, and take away

Rapport: "That's awsome . When I was 16 I saw Motley Crue at the XYZ CLub! Where you there too? You probably were dressed with thick black eyeliner and poofy hair! I know how you are."

In comfort , share something where you were a little shy or something you felt was meaningful to you.

EX : "Yeah, when I was a kid, I loved it when my parents woudl take me to the local amusement park. What did you do with your parents?"

EX: (vulnerabiltity) "But since I was little I was scared of those clowns. Seriously. They weirded me out. You ever have something like that?"

If she gives you something awesome , like say she likes to study Psychology and loves to read about some obscure philosopher and painter or whatever and some rock band just something that blows your mind becasue it is what you like as well, SOI and give her a nice and genuine compliment.
Tell her something like: "Cool, you're sexy and your're into Descartes, Renoir, and Motley Crue, my favorite band. I like you more and more. That's it, I WANT to get to know you better. We should continue this again.
Listen, I gotta go, what are you doing on Thursday in the afternoon?"

Keep going and set up a Meet Up ("Meet me at the XYZ.") , No 'date".


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Good job on getting the numbers man, but thats only the start. The real game starts after you get the number lol


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
fuvk that. Don't supplicate that attention *****. Think about it, the ugly number is real. She wants you to call her friend asking for her. I would use the number when you were hitting up a party, invite both. But until then, I think you should count this as a flake. Good job on the approach, good **** man!